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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 outselling the 360 by 10,000 with US and Others COMBINED!!!

Paul said:
Wii outselling PS3+360 by 13000 with US and Others COMBINED!!!

 okay. Enough of this. Its accepted where the Wii stands at this point, can we stop cluttering threads comparing the 360 and PS3, the Wii owns them both and then some, its understood, please steer clear if you dont want to discuss the topic at hand. Im only asking so i dont have to bothermods with reporting.

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ChichiriMuyo said:
madskillz said:
PS3 outsold the 360 WW for another week - cool. To say it's dominating? Not so much. I still see a 7M console lead for the 360 - and right now, the PS3 is only leading by 10K. Even with a huge boost, it's like 50K-75K lead. Big deal. It's still 7M behind the 360, and 11M behind the Wii.

Let spring settle in - if the PS3 is still beating the 360, then and only then will I believe that the PS3 has turned the corner.

I still love the fact it took the PS3 two price cuts, 4 skus to get to this point. It's a good start, but believe you me, it's a long, long, LONG road ahead.

Funny, I remember peopel saying "wait until the holidays are over" when Sony fans celebrated the PS3's good Christmas. Now that the holidays are long past, it's wait until spring? Huh, that's so funny, you sound just like a number of PS3 fans from last year.... "Just wait 'til ____ happens"

So, madskilz, 360 domination starts again at what time?


Put it in  your sig.

The PS3 is doing good - to be say it's dominating ... ok.

Just remember these two words - just two words and I'm out:

7 million. 

The PS3 is chipping away at the 360 lead, and not dominating. MS has one price cut - just one - and it's getting *beat* by the PS3. When it's beating the 360 by 100K a week, I'll believe it.

Until then ... make mine Marvel! 


Please don't tell on me.

@ ChichiriMuyo

Ha. this does sound lots like how PS3 fans were saying that it would start in 08. Now 360 fans are now saying when their consoles are going to start selling more than PS3 consoles.

So the ps3 outsold the 360 by a little over 200k this month? Assuming it continues at this pace for the rest of the year, the ps3 will cut into the 360's lead by 2.4 mil. And that's if it ONLY outsells it by 200k each month. However, expect that number to increase when the big exclusives hit (especially MGS4). That number should also increase over the holidays. Each console's sales will rise considerably over the holidays, as will the differences between them, assuming there are no supply constraints (i.e. the Wii).

If things keep going like have been since late December, then the ps3 could outsell the 360 by a good bit more than 200k a month this year.

It seems my prediction that the ps3 will catch up to the 360 sometime in 2010 is still on target.

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Didn't the 360 experience shortages in certain areas this month? (At least that seems to be the case based on threads in different message boards like GAF).

^ No. There are still many arcades to be had, and a few premium/elites rolling around.

I agree with Makingmusic. I think the PS3 will catch the 360 in late 2010 or early 2011. Given Sony's massive wins the last two generations, I also think that is tremendously disappointing for them, but fantastic for the games industry as a whole. The viability of the Nintendo and Microsoft consoles is spawning AWESOME competition which is generating AWESOME exclusives. So far these exclusives have only been on the 360 and Wii, but I have no doubt they will come for the PS3. When they do I will buy one, and then I will benefit completely from all the competition.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

OMG! Thats amazing.
1 year later, im not suprise. But the numbers suprise me, a lot.

It's good that the Ps3 is covering some ground.

But they have a ways to go. I don't know how it is in others being that I live in the US. But quite honestly the next gen system of choice seems to be the 360 here and of course the Wii.

If you go into a chain store like Best Buy or Walmart the space for 360 and Wii generally seems to take up more floor space than Ps3. Sure the 360 has the biggest library's. But to me that's very telling and it's the truth. At least in Philadelphia, USA.

At the Hollywood video store chain I rent from in my neighborhood as well as the Blockbusters. First when you walk into the game rental section theres'a bout 3 rows of 360 games (with their mutliplatform titles outweighing the Ps3's in sheer volume). the Wii has about 2.5 rows. and the ps3 has 1, single isle.

This is in TWO MAJOR CHAIN VIDEO STORES downtown, center city in one of AMERICAS LARGEST cities. I think that's very, very telling.

Most kids I've talked to in local stores (gamecrazy, ebgames, etc.) mainly talk about 360 and Wii with Ps3 being talked about by the diehards.

These are just my observations and I don't intend them to be indicative of what the rest of the world has going on. But just some things of noticed. - It is what it is!