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So the ps3 outsold the 360 by a little over 200k this month? Assuming it continues at this pace for the rest of the year, the ps3 will cut into the 360's lead by 2.4 mil. And that's if it ONLY outsells it by 200k each month. However, expect that number to increase when the big exclusives hit (especially MGS4). That number should also increase over the holidays. Each console's sales will rise considerably over the holidays, as will the differences between them, assuming there are no supply constraints (i.e. the Wii).

If things keep going like have been since late December, then the ps3 could outsell the 360 by a good bit more than 200k a month this year.

It seems my prediction that the ps3 will catch up to the 360 sometime in 2010 is still on target.