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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is so good about Turn-based battle system? (FF XV)

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I also believe that turn based system was a hardware limitation of its time, but it has its quirks compare to real time systems, they are more of a test of your strategic planning, every character and ability bring something unique to the table and you have to figure out the most optimal combinations, stronger enemies are generally harder in turned based games because you cannot dodge them forever and have to take all their hits, which only makes planning and the use of correct strategies more important.

another thing is the uniqueness between each turned based games, because most turn based games have their own unique mechanics (summoning, spell fusions, special attacks etc etc), you'll have to learn them each time afresh, while as games with real time systems share many fundamental similarities, such as blocking and dodging, many of the skills in real time games can be carried over to other games and make the experience less challenging.

I stopped playing Kingdom of Amalur after just a few hours because the game was piss easy even on the hardest difficulty, the first 3 bosses went down without landing a single hit on me because my dodging reflex was already finely honed by GoW 3 chaos mode and Dark Souls.

at end of the day no one is better than the other, there are pros and cons for both and it's all depends on what works for you, it's kinda like chess and paintball.


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I thought turn based was done great in Lost Odyssey.

I enjoy both styles though. In the same way I enjoy turn based strategy games like Civilization and Heroes of might and magic, while I also enjoy RTS games like Starcraft just as much.

Only thing I really hated was the combat in XIII which seemed to be neither direct control or turnbased and was so barebones it was like watching a movie.

I really do prefer turn based games

Proper RPGs are dependent on your stats and your strategy, not your skill at dodging and blocking.

I don't have a problem with action RPGs, but I want to at least be able to play some turn based jRPGs and that is what FF was

VXIII said:
007BondAgent said:
It separates itself from western rpg's

I don't think anyone would mistake XV as a western rpg, it still has its identity. I personally realy dislike most of the WRPGs, I find them .. soulless, if you know what I mean.

I'm the same, jrpg's tend to be more emotional.. and yeh

It's hard to explain XD

KylieDog said:
It is archaic gameplay, a relic from a time it was required on consoles due to hardware limitations.

Excuse me?

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i miss turn based gameplay in my JRPGs, which is one of the reasons i am more excited for FFX HD remaster than i am for FFXV.

VXIII said:
007BondAgent said:
It separates itself from western rpg's

I don't think anyone would mistake XV as a western rpg, it still has its identity. I personally realy dislike most of the WRPGs, I find them .. soulless, if you know what I mean.

Ditto. WRPGs tend to offer so many character creation options, and they affect gameplay only and never the story. It's like you have a giant sandbox, and it takes you two minutes to figure out that all that's in the sandbox is sand.

Still, not all WRPGs use active time. XCOM uses a turn-based strategy that's actually almost identical to Level 5's Jeanne D'ark.

I'm fine with action or turn-based, but I will admit that turn-based has its charms, regardless of whether it's the by-product of a long past age or some such. Personally, I like having the chance to take my time in battle and plan my moves. There's something really satisfying about winning an amazing boss fight in a turn-based encounter; the satisfaction isn't quite the same with an action game. Not that it's any less satisfying, just a different feeling I like to get from each.



In the turn based system you can strategise your actions in advance (you also have more of a grip on the damage each spell and attack does) and you can controls all characters.

On the action system you dont strategise and plan, you react. And usually you only control one character.

Its not like i dislike either one, both are enjoyable in their own way. If i had to choose one i would prefer the turn based though.


And easy way to compare it would be to compare chess to sports. One is the exercise of the mind and the other is an exercise of the muscles.

VXIII said:

There is no denying that I am a big fan of Final Fantasy XV/ Versus ( actually I am biggest ), It has been like that since the day I have re-found gaming as a hobby thanks to it back in 2009. There is also no denying the fan base of Final Fantasy is very conflicted, every FF since VII has got its share of passionate love and devastating hate. Only a few fans *ahm* tried to play each title without a pre-set  opinion based on how much they liked/hated the previous   ones. Most people hate change, fact.

Final Fantasy XV received  positive feed back upon reveal (crazy positive), it didn't take long before people started to complain about the main thing that the game is trying to achieve, being an action-RPG, where real-time battles take place in open environments that are full of intractable elements and destructible objects. People complain that the battle system is not turn based and therefor,  XV doesn't feel like a FF game.

For me, Turn-based has only existed because of the hardware limitations. Real time battle system with strategic elements does feel like a natural progress, after all, XV does have a commands list, and some commands like wrapping has limited usage.

So, what is so good about turn based battle system that you want it to stick around?

HUH?! No you're not! Thread fail!