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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Ninja Gaiden 2 May 20th?

there isnt to much info on the game so i doubt it will come out that early

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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it has not even come out in japan yet so i dont think we will be getting it anytime soon

""Or it could be that MS knows that GTAIV will bring in a new audience, and wants other AAA titles right after GTAIV.
Look at the post-Madden/Price cut releases - they mostly did fairly well. Same with post-Halo 3 games, sans PGR4.""

+1 for u mrstickball

Time to Work !

Personally, i trust for release dates as much as i would trust Michael Jackson to babysit my 10 year old son (if i had a 10 year old son that is). They've been known to just put release dates for things just so they have something.

Hell, ive seen them have release dates being 2 months later, even though the damn game is out already (recently i saw this with GH3 before christmas, they said it was coming out in January for some reason. Not backordered till jan, but released date is jan.)

brute said:
there isnt to much info on the game so i doubt it will come out that early

 ........? We know almost everything about it at this point, it has had more blow outs then any other game I can recall :/    

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.

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This will put DMC4 to bed. Still gona get DMC4 to tide me over though.
Ninja Gaiden is mint. It had better have a severe difficulty again. Not especially big titles though. Thought they would be popular in japan and its not really.


Is there one shred of evidence for this outside of Gamestop? They are notorius for just making up a release date for the sole reason of getting pre-orders. Any date they put up without any supporting evidence should be seen as an arbitrary number they made up because it sounds good. Gamestop is the least reliable source I can possibly imagine. I would trust a random hobo fresh off a train more than I trust Gamestop.

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