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Forums - Sony Discussion - Insomniac reveal Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus. PS3 exclusive.


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I hope is a real Ratchet/Jak game and not some move bullshit or 4 player party game.

They haven't anything good in a while, but they can still come up with good games as the Resistance and earlier Ratchet games show

NobleTeam360 said:
Angelus said:
Judging by the things Sony fans have said about Insomniac recently on these forums, I imagine none of them much care.

Don't worry they'll do a 180 and praise how great Insomniac is now, lol.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm seeing here.  Oh and thanks for providing evidence of hypocrasy instead of just generally acusing a group of fans in general with no desire or means to prove your statement.



Chevinator123 said:
rnt they doing a AAA game exclusive for X1!?!?

Sunset overdrive is still a while off. I assume they've expanded, so maybe 2 teams working on 2 different projects.

Although I specifically said they are "involved" because their tweet doesn't confirm they're developing it. They could just be supporting Sony and the Ratchet and Clank Franchise. 

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I'd love to see Jak return, but after the last two R&C games, my faith in insomniac is not very strong.


NobleTeam360 said:
Angelus said:
Judging by the things Sony fans have said about Insomniac recently on these forums, I imagine none of them much care.

Don't worry they'll do a 180 and praise how great Insomniac is now, lol.

The Resistance games were great. So what if Fuse is a model of mediocrity?  Sometimes even good devs produce a stinker.

Yet as I recall, most people here were saying that after Fuse, any new game they made couldn't possibly be good, and "Microsoft can have them." That's not to say some people might not have legitimate concerns, or justified skepticism, but most people here just seem like hypocrites to me who'd be willing to do more 180s in a week than MS does in a year, if it suited them.

Rathet & Clank x Jak & Daxter?
Naughty Dog/Insomniac Games collab!?

I just hope its a AAA title not some lame spinoff or cashgrab.

Angelus said:
Judging by the things Sony fans have said about Insomniac recently on these forums, I imagine none of them much care.

^this. Insomniac needs to get their shit together. Their past several games have been mediocre at best imo.