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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Would you be a prostitute if you had kids to support and had no money?

how many kids?
The thing i don't get is why poor people always have so many kids...

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well i would know my clientele would be old, fat, depressed man....

shit ill just keep looking for work....


I wouldn't want to be. I think that people shouldn't have kids if they can't support them.

DamnTastic said:
how many kids?
The thing i don't get is why poor people always have so many kids...


I wouldn't have a kid that I can't financially support. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

spurgeonryan said:
aikohualda said:
well i would know my clientele would be old, fat, depressed man....

shit ill just keep looking for work....

By the time you find a job. Little Shylo will be dead from malnutrition. Are you sure you would still not do it?


@ VGpolygot


But that is not how this world works sir.

little shylo can suck it up! lol

i dont think i will be in the situation.... where are my family???? LOL

if i dont have anybody..... and really really really needed the money and DONT HAVE ANy choice then you are just deliberately making us say YES....

bias scenario.... you prostitute or your kid die.....

then i think all of us would... unless there are some sick bastard here who would not do anything for their kid's lives.....


ok fat grandpa.... you can come in now.... oh wait lemme shut off all my five senses... cause you are an insult in all of them.... :p


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No, definitely not. I would be an ugly and horrible prostitute. I'd send the kids to the nearest sweatshop.

I would put the kids into prostitution and enjoy ma video games

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

A better question is, "Would you have kids if you had no prostitutes and no money?"

spurgeonryan said:
DamnTastic said:
how many kids?
The thing i don't get is why poor people always have so many kids...

AS many kids as poor people have.


I guess because rich people can afford abortions, high end contraceptives, and other means of not having children. Poor people cannot and condoms suck.

Then they are selfish people.

Having kids they financially can't support, just because condoms suck or the woman is too stupid to take a pill every day... I think condoms or contraceptives are less cheaper than to support your kids.

Then blame the kids.. 'look what I have to do for you lazy brats' yeah sure, because of them.

I think we can call this a vicious circle

I would, but I'll murder my clients and take their stuff, us prostitutes have had enough of serial killers' crap, it's time to strike back.