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Forums - Sony Discussion - 1UP previews Resistance 2!

It's Already finished!?!?...HOW?...How do they do it?


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Devilstation said:
It's Already finished!?!?...HOW?...How do they do it?

I thought it was mainly the basic stuff is finished and they'd still have to put all the polish and all that other jazz into it.

Zucas said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
Zucas said:
Yea continuing the oversaturation of the market with stereotypical Sci Fi FPS. Woot for everyone.

Personally I detested the first Resistance, so maybe Insomniac will say hey how about we make a good game now knowing it'll sell no matter what. My opinion. Features though in that preview did sound cool.

Mmmmm a Troll with a Wiimote doesn't get much better than that :P PSST, you were supposed to make a left at Albuquerque ;) The Wii forums are that way /points

Anyway, I'm glad to know you didn't like Resistance: Fall of man, because apparently your opinion is a drop in a bucket full of positive reviews for the game, so until your opinion matters more I'll formulate my own thanks :)

But I agree with you, the features sounded great didn't they ;)


A troll?  Since when did stating the truth mean you became a troll haha.  And of course my opinion matters.  You saying it doesn't makes your self a Nazi.  True that Adolf.

But yes features were cool.  As I said I'm hoping that Insomniac tries this time and makes a good game, cause I felt the first one was a cheap cash in to the oversaturated FPS market, which pretty much if you make it sci fi and first person form with good online it'll sell.  Tell me I"m not right.

Woah, dude, don't confuse opinions with 'the truth'.  Your points were fine for you and state your opinion.  However general critical and FPS player response puts your opinion in a definate minority regarding this game.

RFOM (and no doubt its sequel) are intended to give a certain experience and that's that.  Sounds to me like its not your cup of tea, which is fine, but given it's going to sell at least 2M I believe to people whose cup of tea it most definately is I wouldn't expect a different experience nor changes to appeal to someone like you.  Games, just like films or books, must aim for a certain experience and mechanics, so of course all games appeal to a subset.  Sometimes, when a certain game and console are in strong alignment (Halo, SMG) you get massive attach rates - but even then for every owner buying the game plenty don't or aren't interested.  Sounds to me like you're wishing for this title to deliver something other than what the game actually is, which is unreasonable.  It'd be like me complaining that SMG didn't have enough grit and violence and hoping the next one makes good on these failures.

So no, I don' think you're right in stating the first was a cheap cash in.  It was a launch title and tasked with delivering a solid FPS with MP for PS3 against the high standards set by 360 FPS and it did a pretty fine job: selling well, getting very good reviews, etc.  There are plenty of generic FPS I agree with you, but even though it had some rought edges RFOM was already clear of that crowd and I suspect RFOM 2 is going to be a true AAA FPS.



Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

I'm really looking forward to this game, it is not really sci-fi, it is alternative reality, with some concept designs put in, although the V-22 osprey like thing was maybe a bit too advanced for the 50's. Anyway, gameplay is fun, the online was great, good story, great multiplayer options, good graphics it basically had everything. Now all I want is offline bots

You'll have to excuse Zucas. He wasn't a fan of the first Gears of War either, and made a point to come in and downtalk the 2nd one, too. Different strokes for different folks.

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you can count on me buying resistance 2