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Forums - Sales Discussion - GTAIV: PS3 vs. 360

The current poll's results are interesting. Not whether or not Brawl will be the best-selling game of 2008, but which version of Grand Theft Auto IV will do best. Currently, 118 people think GTAIV PS3 will be the best-selling game of 2008, while 89 people think it wil be the 360 version.  Some stats to consider:

San Andreas sold over 15 million on the PS2, with a 110 million plus user base, and a little less than 2 million on the Xbox, with a 24 million user base.

However, only 410,000 copies of the PS2 version were sold in Japan, and the database doesn't list any Japanese sales for the Xbox version (it may not even have been released). Obviously it's not a hugely popular franchise there.

The PS3 has a little less than 8 million consoles sold in the Americas and Others, compared to over 16 milion Xbox 360s in the same regions. Though these numbers won't be the same when the games are released, I don't see any reason why the gap would change significantly. The 360 version will have roughly 8 million, or more, users to work with.

Keeping in mind that the game is a legitimate system-seller, which version do you expect to sell more?

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It will definitely sell better on 360, but I think it will sell more ps3s, particularly in Europe.

Unless MS drops the price of all SKUs $50 or so right before it hits.

But then again, if MGS4 hits around the same time, it would be a nice double whammy for the ps3, persuading some fence sitters to go with a ps3 over a 360.

360, it will win heavily in the US, lose slightly in Europe and get crushed in Japan but the typical 2:1 US split should help in stay on top, at least for the first couple months.

With a nice price drop by microsoft it will be a great system mover and seller.

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

Playstation Network: Jessman_Aus - Playing: MGS4, Resistance 2

Wii Freind Code: 3513-9191-8534-3866 - Playing: SSBB

Brawl Code: 1590-6125-1250

Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina



Sell better in 360, with it content exclusively

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We should also consider any variations between the two versions. I know that the game has proprietary development teams for each system... And we have very little information to go off of so far. So correct me if I am wrong, but as of right now all we know is..

360 will have DLC in the future. which may sway some people who own both consoles to buy the 360 version. (+360)

360 will have achievements/ vibration in controller. So will PS3 - possibly by then.

I feel sort of cheap bringing this up, but hardware reliability could be a concern for buyers, since this game will be played for endless amounts of time by some people and the RROD is still running rampant in the 360 world.

Other things to consider once information is released is the small differences in graphics/ uncompressed audio/ online aspects/functionality.

with all of that being said, I think the 360 will sell way more in America, but the PS3 will sell more everywhere else. In the end the 360 will have the slight edge.

I expect either Sony or Microsoft or both to lower prices/ bundle the game to try and swing it in their favor though.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

Sell better in 360, with it content exclusively

Aside from nerds like us that hang out on gaming forums, who will know about this exclusive downloadable content? It should be a non-issue to the average gamer.

Hell, the content won't even be released until months after the game comes out.

makingmusic476 said:
Sell better in 360, with it content exclusively

Aside from nerds like us that hang out on gaming forums, who will know about this exclusive downloadable content? It should be a non-issue to the average gamer.

Hell, the content won't even be released until months after the game comes out.

 Good point

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

I think it will sell better on PS3 in japan and possibly Europe. In america I expect the 360 version to sell better.



Look at Europe with AC and COD 4 they pretty much selling the same as 360 with less userbase, PS3 should be closer by may so should have a slight edge in europe 15 - 20% more

America obviously will go to 360 with 50 - 75% more sales.

Japan will be under 300k so not much of an issue

End Of 08
PS3 Vs 360
Jap 250k 25k
NA 2.5m 4.5m
Oth 1.8m 1.5m
Tot 4.5m Vs 6.0m

Combined 10.5m

originally had 360 vs at 7m and PS3 at 5.5m but think it may have been a bit high although it it out for 8 months. combined will easily sell more than SA about 18m i will say