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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is the PS3 REALLY getting more AAA games than the 360 this year?

makingmusic476 said:

I love how you say the 360 has "the clear advantage" in new IPs when 1. -they're new IPs, so they could flop like Lair, and 2. -you leave off a bunch of the ps3's new IPs, like White Knight Story and inFamous.

Edit: And unannounced games like Gears of War 2 and Forza 3 are as likely to come out in '08 as God of War 3. This list is extremely biased.

 I also left off a bunch of MS new IP.  You must admit, that even without announcing a tonne of their games yet, MS's new IP line-up looks VERY STRONG against Sony's.

I wonder how this list is biased, given it is based entirely off a PS3 fanboy's thread and an independent statistics-gathering site.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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dabaus513 said:
Since when was ninja gaiden and splinter cell consdered triple AAA?! We all know haze and lost odyssey have 8.5 written all over them.

 Since they each average well over 90% based on gamerankings.  Ironically, the last NG installement on Xbox averaged 5% higher than the last GT installment on PS2.  Would you say GT is not AAA?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

finalsquall said:
ultraslick said:
Also, I do expect Gerars 2 to be out this year to counter Resistance 2 (AAA), Haze (not AAA), and Killzone 2 (AAA). Microsoft can't sit by and see the FPS market (America) shift towards Sony's favor... can they?

You all have too little faith in Killzone 2. (AAA) IMO
Here is a news flash for you- it is not the first one. It has a dev budget of 50 million. I do expect this to be AAA, but barely. But there is no reason to expect a bad game, especially from what we have to go off of so far.

I understand the first game was not great- but it wasn't terrible. I look forward to Killzone 2 the most, flop or not.

Right on! Anyways - like Ultra said it's not Kill Zone 1. KZ1 was still a great game. The Multi player side wasn't the best - but given that most ps2 games online sucked - it still was good. I really think some people put down games without playing them and regurgitate what others say.

I have played halo 1 and 2 and a bit of 3 and I don't like it. I hate that it's ultra real with Humans etc - then you have these little crappy comedic aliens who are annoying little shits. Plus halo 3 gfx are not that great. I get more fun and enjoy with Resistance in both game play and gfx.

In the end, KZ2 is going to be awesome. The ps3 will be the FPS console in the future. They already have the other genres- now it's time to take from MS it's most valued genre. :D


Would you please explain to me how the PS3 currently has the RPG or racer games over the 360? Or the platformers over the Wii?

Most recent speculation indicates that whilst the graphics of Killzone 2 will be excellent, the gameplay will be mediocre, just like the first one.  In any case, the track record justisn't there for this game. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Dno said:
hitoriki said:
what about this:

system sellers:

ps3: 3

xbox 360: 1

hahahah thats so true no ones talking about none of those games mab ninja gaiden...... MGS4 GT5 and ff13 are better games then microsofts WHOLE list this year hands down..... i dont wonna metion killzone and resistance because they are gonna be awesome. (8 player co-op on random stages? unmatched)

 If you had taken one moment to properly read the OP, you would have realised I fully acknowledge that MGS and FF have better marketing value, and are therefore better system sellers than most 360 games.  But based on the fact that I merely regurgitated the DOCUMENTED history of each console's major franchises, I don't know why people are calling me biased.  Im merely defending the QUALITY of the Xbox 360's linup against all the PS Fanboys that are going ZOMG DA PS3 HAS DA FF AND DA MGS AND ITS GONNA WIPE DA FLAW WITH DA XBOTS!!!!

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

boycop said:
starcraft said:

There is no question that the PS3 will be getting the better share of the ESTABLISHED games this year, however even in this area Sony's advantage over the 360 is not as vast as many claim.

However, many people are rountinely claiming that the PS3 will have more AAA games than the 360 this year, and I thought I'd do an examination of the likelihood this will actually happen. I define a AAA title as one that has an average score OVER 90%

To help make this comparison, I will be using and the thread at the bottom of the page (I trust ssj12 is a big enough Sony fan to put every game I need to consider for the PS3 in that thread), as well as my own knowledge.

What follows is a list of the past few titles and their scores (or only one if available) in each PS3 series releasing THIS year. I will not include multiplatform titles or timed exclusives unless there is a reasonable chance that the other console's version WONT launch thisyear.



Killzone 2: Killzone 1 scored 73.5 NOT AAA

Singstar: Majority of titles under 80%, PS3 version released in Europe and at 82.5%. NOT AAA

Metal Gear Solid 4: Majority of main PSX and PS2 titles over 90%, LIKELY AAA

Gran Turismo 5: Last title wasn't AAA, however most have been. Probably WONT be out this year. Likely AAA

Final Fantasy XIII: Probably WONT be out this year, the majority of titles are around 90%. Likely AAA

Tekken 6: Inconsistent history, last two titles have MISSED AAA status. POSSIBLE AAA

Resistance 2: Last title NOT AAA, however great developers and expense spared on sequel. POSSIBLE AAA

Motorstorm 2: Last title scored 82.3. NOT AAA

SOCOM: Confrontation: No home console has EVER made AAA status. NOT AAA


Total likely AAA titles: 3

Total possible AAA titles: 2

Sony has LBP and Haze that are unproven titles that may go AAA with big budgets, hype and talent.

Two of Sony's likely AAA titles may not make 2008.


XBOX 360:

Halo Wars: Every title easily AAA, however this game is produced by different studio. Possible AAA

Fable 2: Last title received 85.2 on gamerankings. NOT AAA

Gears of War 2: Last title received 93.8. Likely AAA

Forza Motorsport 3: Last titles at 92.9% and 89.8%. Maybe not in 2008. Likely AAA

Splinter Cell: Conviction: Many titles, the majority on Xbox over 90%. Most recent just under. Likely AAA

Ninja Gaiden 2: Both Xbox titles were easily AAA. Likely AAA

Banjo-Kazooie 3: Both previous console titles were AAA. Likely AAA

Viva Pinata 2: Former title was 84.9 on gamerankings. NOT AAA


Total likely AAA titles: 5

Total possible AAA titles: 1

Microsoft has a clear advantage in new IP this year with Too Human, Alan Wake and Lost Odyssey, with general consensus being they have more unannounced games than Sony. However despite recent rumours to the contrary, I remain doubtful that FM3 will make 2008


From this list, drawn from an unbiased statistics gathering website, we can see that whilst Sony may have many high-profilegames that are easy to market, the Xbox 360 has a far greater chance of a large number of AAA games than the PS3.

Edit: It is also worth noting that most multi-platform games that were already released that I encountered has a better score on the Xbox 360 than on the PS3.


As I have written previously, starcraft is such a x360 fanboy, and his comments show it, it's no use taking him seriously. If he only could start by writing even slightly unbiased, I would answer, but with these writings, no chance. Leave him alone!


Ok this is getting old.  Does anyone want to just explain to me what in my OP is wrong?  makingmusic's console comparison expanded on mine, but also largely agreed with everything I originally said.  My OP said NOTHING about sales, it only compares PAST quality.  Im sick of everything based in fact that suggests the PS3's lineup is anything less than godly or that the other consoles linups are anything more than shit being shotdown by asses like this guy.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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As I have written previously, starcraft is such a x360 fanboy, and his comments show it, it's no use taking him seriously. If he only could start by writing even slightly unbiased, I would answer, but with these writings, no chance. Leave him alone!

Ok this is getting old. Does anyone want to just explain to me what in my OP is wrong? makingmusic's console comparison expanded on mine, but also largely agreed with everything I originally said. My OP said NOTHING about sales, it only compares PAST quality. Im sick of everything based in fact that suggests the PS3's lineup is anything less than godly or that the other consoles linups are anything more than shit being shotdown by asses like this guy.

You have to admit, there was some bias. You listed 360 games that haven't even been announced yet as if they were guaranteed for 2008, then put "probably won't be out until 2009" next to ps3 games that we already know a good bit about, one of which even has a demo.

And my comparison didn't quite agree with yours, as removing Gears 2 and Forza 3 really weakens the 360's lineup, as far as guaranteed successes go.

As for new IPs, both consoles have a plethora of titles hitting this year, so you can't exactly say one side has a better line up than the other. Especially with so many release dates up in the air (will Valkyrie of the Battlefield or Alan Wake make it out this year?), and the possibilities of more Lairs (Free Radical have a great track record, but Haze looks meh).

In the end, let's just say you were a tad overly optomistic for the 360. ^^

While I agree with the sentiment behind this thread. Making comparisons at this time is premature as is being overly optimistic. Given the track record of game delivery on the PS3. You really need to take a more cautious approach. Further more given what happened last year with the PS3 duds you would think a few posters might have learned a valuable lesson. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Finally we are still in the dark about where Microsoft is going this year. You can't make a strong case with half the evidence missing from the docket. Sony might have some surprises as well.

Everyone is getting ahead of themselves. Lets content ourselves with the outlook for the next couple months until we get a real picture of what will be on our plates throughout the end of the year. Everyone was getting ahead of themselves a few weeks ago. I would at least like to see some of these games not only announced, but I would like to at the very least see their tentative release dates, and perhaps some preliminary reviews.

There is a huge difference between AAA games and system sellers.
AAA games are very nice indeed if you own that platform but don't have much effect on the overall scheme of things.
System sellers are what win the console war.

Now the best system sellers are the established brands, it is rare for a new IP to be a system seller (yes I know, Halo).
The PS3 appears at this stage to have a huge advantage over the 360 this year with proven system sellers.
1) The jury is out on how good a lot of these games actually are.
2) Microsoft have something up their sleeve.
3) GTA IV exclusive content gives 360 a big advantage. This will be the biggest gaming event of the year.
4) It depends a lot on how good the marketing is. Sony marketing seems to be less than it once was. Microsoft marketing gets better and better.
5) Every year there are the suprise titles that come from nowhere and wow the market. 2008 will be no different.
6) We are still getting a lot of product delays in this generation. Most studios are still saying that PS3 is a bitch to develop for.

Incisive and erudite blog by game industry professional.


Can we please stop calling every game AAA if it has a remote chance of being good.

There are maybe 10 AAA series.

Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Halo, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, Pokemon

And maybe Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil

So Nintendo 3, Sony 4, Microsoft 3
Sony still has most AAA titles, but has to share 2 with Microsoft now.

makingmusic476 said:
starcraft said:
boycop said:

starcraft said:



As I have written previously, starcraft is such a x360 fanboy, and his comments show it, it's no use taking him seriously. If he only could start by writing even slightly unbiased, I would answer, but with these writings, no chance. Leave him alone!

Ok this is getting old. Does anyone want to just explain to me what in my OP is wrong? makingmusic's console comparison expanded on mine, but also largely agreed with everything I originally said. My OP said NOTHING about sales, it only compares PAST quality. Im sick of everything based in fact that suggests the PS3's lineup is anything less than godly or that the other consoles linups are anything more than shit being shotdown by asses like this guy.

You have to admit, there was some bias. You listed 360 games that haven't even been announced yet as if they were guaranteed for 2008, then put "probably won't be out until 2009" next to ps3 games that we already know a good bit about, one of which even has a demo.

And my comparison didn't quite agree with yours, as removing Gears 2 and Forza 3 really weakens the 360's lineup, as far as guaranteed successes go.

As for new IPs, both consoles have a plethora of titles hitting this year, so you can't exactly say one side has a better line up than the other. Especially with so many release dates up in the air (will Valkyrie of the Battlefield or Alan Wake make it out this year?), and the possibilities of more Lairs (Free Radical have a great track record, but Haze looks meh).

In the end, let's just say you were a tad overly optomistic for the 360. ^^

 Every indication we have is that GeoW 2 WILL be out this year and that FF and GT wont be.  And though I need to check, i'm pretty sure i put F3 as probably not making 2008.  If i havent i will change it.

I mean there are people in this thread telling me that there is no doubt Killzone will be AAA as it has a high budget (despite the pathetic (compared to AAA titles) original) and im being accussed of bias?

And honestly.  Do you really think that Sony's new IP lineup looks as promising as MS's.  Though at the same time, I do concede that that was the subjective part of my post.  Ill add in an IMO! 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS