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While I agree with the sentiment behind this thread. Making comparisons at this time is premature as is being overly optimistic. Given the track record of game delivery on the PS3. You really need to take a more cautious approach. Further more given what happened last year with the PS3 duds you would think a few posters might have learned a valuable lesson. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Finally we are still in the dark about where Microsoft is going this year. You can't make a strong case with half the evidence missing from the docket. Sony might have some surprises as well.

Everyone is getting ahead of themselves. Lets content ourselves with the outlook for the next couple months until we get a real picture of what will be on our plates throughout the end of the year. Everyone was getting ahead of themselves a few weeks ago. I would at least like to see some of these games not only announced, but I would like to at the very least see their tentative release dates, and perhaps some preliminary reviews.