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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Civilization Wii was canceled: Developers didn't expect wii success

Interesting article from a blog posted on Kotaku and gives a lot of credence to the whole developer were caught unaware of the wii success and tried to push out shovelware for it to cash in.  In this case, they decided to cancel the project rather than push out complete shovelware.

 "The Wii version of “Civilization Revolution” had been lagging behind for a while. During last year’s Games Convention in Germany, Firaxis programmer Scott Lewis told me that the Wii version was far off for a number of reasons: the game required a complete reinvention of the interface and completely new art assets. Unlike a great many other multi-platform releases that now have an obligatory Wii version, there was no PlayStation 2 or PSP version of “Civilization Revolution.” Consequently, there were no art assets for the team at Fixaxis to mine from, unless they’re actually made from the ground up for the Wii version."

"What I learned last week from Lewis was that, like many Wii releases in the last year or so, the Wii SKU was tacked on after the machine became a surprise success. “CivRev was originally a 360/PS3 project and was in development for over a year before the Wii/DS platforms were added, largely because we saw the success of those platforms and a lot of people (including myself) were very excited about them,”" 

“The simple truth is that we had too many projects going on and not enough people,” Lewis said “When we were stretched for resources and time, of the platforms [we were working on], the Wii version had the most question marks, so it got put on hold. If the 360/PS3/DS versions do well, obviously a Wii version will be more likely.”"

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I didn't think PS3 and DS versions were being made.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Not the first time a developer has been caught out by the Wii's success.

"It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever." - Spinal Tap

I was shocked to learn the Wii version had been canceled, but this actually makes sense... and the last thing Wii needs is more shovelware.



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civilization games on console seem like a stupid idea anyway. how could anyone possibly not play civ games on the PC?

handhelds though are interesting because they're portable. that being said i haven't tried sim city on the DS, but if the DS version of civilization is anywhere close to being as good as civ 2 i'll definitely get it.

the Wii is an epidemic.

Even if they didn't see its success coming, do you really want to limit your audience even more with a game like this? Seems like they would need all the sales they can get.

The wii is the only version I could imagine playing and enjoying on a console. Too bad they dropped the version that had the most potential.

On the plus side, it saves me $50....

Interesting all you have to do is to multiply this one story by 150 and you'll get an almost accurate amount of shoveware dumped on the Wii.

Yeah, console versions of strategy games just aren't that great, what with the lack of a pointer device. Oh wait.

Seriously, why did it not occur to them that the Wii was better suited to a Civ game than 360 and PS3? Developers confuse me sometimes...

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