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Interesting article from a blog posted on Kotaku and gives a lot of credence to the whole developer were caught unaware of the wii success and tried to push out shovelware for it to cash in.  In this case, they decided to cancel the project rather than push out complete shovelware.

 "The Wii version of “Civilization Revolution” had been lagging behind for a while. During last year’s Games Convention in Germany, Firaxis programmer Scott Lewis told me that the Wii version was far off for a number of reasons: the game required a complete reinvention of the interface and completely new art assets. Unlike a great many other multi-platform releases that now have an obligatory Wii version, there was no PlayStation 2 or PSP version of “Civilization Revolution.” Consequently, there were no art assets for the team at Fixaxis to mine from, unless they’re actually made from the ground up for the Wii version."

"What I learned last week from Lewis was that, like many Wii releases in the last year or so, the Wii SKU was tacked on after the machine became a surprise success. “CivRev was originally a 360/PS3 project and was in development for over a year before the Wii/DS platforms were added, largely because we saw the success of those platforms and a lot of people (including myself) were very excited about them,”" 

“The simple truth is that we had too many projects going on and not enough people,” Lewis said “When we were stretched for resources and time, of the platforms [we were working on], the Wii version had the most question marks, so it got put on hold. If the 360/PS3/DS versions do well, obviously a Wii version will be more likely.”"