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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumer alert!: Kingdom hearts 3 the big secret rpg coming to wii.

I was still hoping for a FFVI remake even though I knew it wasn't going to happen.

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While i don't believe this guy, it's not because of the release date.
Winter 2008 is till March 09 people, not so impossible.

Someone that works at Nintendo Power has said it isn't true.

finalsquall said:
KH is coming to the Wii - in the form of a spin off. Get used to it Wii fans. You can't get every game on the Wii. Enjoy the spin off!

Looks like someone is still pissed off about Fatal Frame 4.

Don't worry, maybe the HD consoles will get a Fatal Frame or KH gaiden. Maybe.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

ClaudeLv250 said:
finalsquall said:
KH is coming to the Wii - in the form of a spin off. Get used to it Wii fans. You can't get every game on the Wii. Enjoy the spin off!

Looks like someone is still pissed off about Fatal Frame 4 and Monster Hunter 3.

Don't worry, maybe the HD consoles will get a Fatal Frame or KH gaiden or Monster Hunter Freedom. Maybe.



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I am starting to think the rumor was started by an employee at either or N4G... to get traffic.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Little less 'kiddie' art direction? What kind of Disney game is it?

I don't buy it, I thought FFvxXIII was developed by the same team as KH and they haven't finished that yet, and it took said team 5 years to bring KH2 out.

I'll just wait on the DS/PSP/mobile games first, I'm sure they ain't releasing KH3 until those are done and released.

Hmm, pie.

Hyperion said:

If you despise bad grammar so much, then perhaps I should suggest you fix the mistake in your sentence. It's nothing too major, and even widely accepted in conversational english, but you just can't give a singular noun a plural pronoun. For example, "Somebody left their waller," is not accepted in formal english.

Just wanted to let you know. =) You probably already knew this and overlooked it when you posted your comment. If that is the case, then I am a LOSER and I am sorry. XD
while this is true, "their" can be used as a singular pronoun as well as plural, for when the gender of the subject is unknown.


Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

Legend11 said:
Someone that works at Nintendo Power has said it isn't true.

 what an epic reply.

 i don't for a moment think the rumor has any basis whatsoever,  but this is just solid gold.

the Wii is an epidemic.

Legend11 said:
Someone that works at Nintendo Power has said it isn't true.

The guy who works at Nintendo Power is trolling too, lol.


Both are seemingly obvious lies. 


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.