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Forums - General Discussion - The Super Tuesday Thread

West Virginia GOP held a convention, which is how they were able to decide so quickly.

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CNN calls Georgia for Obama. No word on GOP side - Huck, McCain, Romney running close.

YAY OBAMA FTW!!!! Funny how they call it before any % of ballots are actually in. However, if you read through their exit polls. Its obvious Obama steamrolled it.

Yeah ... Obama won Georgia. Go, Barack!

I just got back from the primary place across town. My wife was mum, but my son checked the Obama box and I filled it in.

It's time for a regime change!

superchunk said:
YAY OBAMA FTW!!!! Funny how they call it before any % of ballots are actually in. However, if you read through their exit polls. Its obvious Obama steamrolled it.

They call it based on how close the exit polls match the early results. That's how they do it. If the exit polls don't match the early results, they won't call it.

Obama got 45 percent of the White vote, and 80 percent of the black vote.

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I think Obama will come close to beating Clinton and close the gap

Politico's front page is showing:

Close Republican race in Georgia.

Early, early results in Montana and Alabama for the Republicans, and the aformentioned called races.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

Oklahoma called for Clinton. No surprises yet.

From the AP:


Barack Obama has won the Democratic primary in Georgia.


Mike Huckabee has won the Republican caucuses in West Virginia.


John McCain has won the Republican primary in New Jersey.


John McCain has won the Republican primary in Illinois.


John McCain has won the Republican primary in Connecticut.

I damn sure helped Barack in Georgia!!


Ain't felt this good voting somebody in a looooooong damn time.

Ain't felt this good since my first vote in 1996 when I was 19 going on 20.

Barack IS The People's Champ. Barack IS The People's Choice. And Barack IS without a shadow of a doubt...THEEEE BEST Damn United States President there ever was....

If ya smell-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-OW what BaRACK.....Isss Cookin'.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot