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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

IamAwsome said:

Alright, *gulp*, here I go

I think hardcore gamers are stuck up, and uptight prissies because they always dismiss new ideas, and they expect whatever they want. Whenever something drifts away from the "norm" cough*Motion*cough, they trash it like it's the worst thing out there. Why aren't gamers more open minded? How can we call ourselves "hardcore" gamers is we shoot down anything that we personally don't like?

When the Wii first launched, it got a lot of flak for "not appealing to the core gamer". How many core gamers (and by core, I mean people who tore it down in 06/07) actually bothered to try the Wii with something that uses the motion well (Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, and any FPS)? When the PlayStation Move launched, it fell off the map pretty quickly, and before you say it was a fad, I tell you, software sells hardwre, and how many noteworthy PS Move/Wii/Kinect games launched in 2012-2013? Developers haven't supported motion control because the hardcore hasn't suported it. Maybe if the "hardcore" wasn't do elitest, and welcomed new concepts with open arms gaming wouldn't be so stagnant right now. 

If we rejected new ideas than gaming would still be stuck in the stone age. Ganers should be more open about new  ideas, and not just shoot them down on the spot. I could talk about other things like mobile, drm, online etc., but I an tired, so this will have to do. 

Best post from the entire thread in my opinion. I don't expect this to change and I don't blame anyone (can't force them to like something I do), but yes it does suck and wish people were more open minded about this. 

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I think video games should be more like toys and board games and less like interactive movies.

TheSting said:
I think the PS2 was on par with Xbox 360s failure rate. Everyone I know had that stupid Disc Read Error bullshit with no warranty your system was fucked.

My fat PS2 got that error just this morning after 9 years of it working perfectly. >__<

IamAwsome said:
TheSting said:
I think the PS2 was on par with Xbox 360s failure rate. Everyone I know had that stupid Disc Read Error bullshit with no warranty your system was fucked.

My fat PS2 got that error just this morning after 9 years of it working perfectly. >__<

Well least yours lasted that long. I'm not even exaggerating everyone had it. Always after the warranty lol. 

Salnax said:
Cartridges made the N64 a better console, not a worse one.

Technically speaking, CDs would have helped the console greatly, as they have considerably more space and are much cheaper to make. I have always believed that if N64 had been a CD based console, that it would have retained many of the big games/franchises that migrated over to PSX that generation.


However, on a personal level, I tend to agree with you. It was nice/neat in a way, that N64 was the last cartridge based home console. The space limitations were no fun, but the good developers did still manage to do some great things within that.

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DevilRising said:
Salnax said:
Cartridges made the N64 a better console, not a worse one.

Technically speaking, CDs would have helped the console greatly, as they have considerably more space and are much cheaper to make. I have always believed that if N64 had been a CD based console, that it would have retained many of the big games/franchises that migrated over to PSX that generation.


However, on a personal level, I tend to agree with you. It was nice/neat in a way, that N64 was the last cartridge based home console. The space limitations were no fun, but the good developers did still manage to do some great things within that.

I also think that gaming simply wasn't entirely ready for optical media by the mid 90's. Remember how long load times were for PS1 games? That didn't exist on the N64. Plus, cartridges are infinitely more resilient than the dainty little G5 CD-ROMs. Plus, I like the fact that cartridges can include extra hardware tailored for individual games, and how saves are on the cartridges.

The space limitations sucked, but are overstated IMO. N64 cartridges had a capacity of 64 MB, compared to the PlayStation's 800 MB CDs. The thing is, I don't think most games didn't really need 900 MB of space. Games like COnker's Bad Fur Day fit comfortably in 64 MB despite the full voice acting. Even Resident Evil 2, which was originally 800 MB, and it was squeezed onto the "tiny" N64 cartridges with bonus content! Much of the space was devoted to poorly compressed video and voice acting, not to mention data repeated to compensate for the PSOne's atrocious load times.

Love and tolerate.

Hard to know sometimes what is a minority-held opinion, but here goes...

Skyward Sword is the worst 3D game in the Legend of Zelda series.

"Video Games" is an archaic and limiting name for an industry that has outgrown it, and its work should not be considered toys.

Graphics do matter.

I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.