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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

KungKras said:
Hynad said:

You're wrong here. If anything, Steam and the inherent functionalities of the internet and its always increasing prevalence in current society is responsible for what the XBO's original vision was. 

But I know you still blame Sony for Sega's demise, so there's really no point in arguing this with you.

If you don't want do argue with me because I'm right, then I won't argue with you either.

Right about what? That Sony is responsible for Sega's inhability to market their consoles properly? Among other things?

Sure, buddy. Sure.

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- Storyline in a videogame is like action scenes in a film. It may give incentive to play the whole thing, but it doesn't make it a truly "good" experience.
- Resolution and framerate are preferable to graphical fidelity.
- Sony's controllers have sucked since PS1.

MGS4 has shit graphics.

Ex Graphics Whore.

Good graphics are overrated and a massive waste of money. Also, we care about the graphics of a game far too much. Story and gameplay are far more important.

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

the2real4mafol said:

Good graphics are overrated and a massive waste of money. Also, we care about the graphics of a game far too much. Story and gameplay are far more important.

How's that controversial? I think almost everyone agree with you.

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Wright said:
the2real4mafol said:

Good graphics are overrated and a massive waste of money. Also, we care about the graphics of a game far too much. Story and gameplay are far more important.

How's that controversial? I think almost everyone agree with you.

Well people always complain about this game and that game have shit graphics all the time but never say what they expect from graphics. But it's like no matter how good graphics are some one always think they look bad, which is why we shouldn't focus on them so much and yet developers somehow think it will sell their product. They need to change their mentality. And i'm sure Crytek fans and fans of the most "powerful" console would find this controversial. 

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

Wright said:
the2real4mafol said:

Good graphics are overrated and a massive waste of money. Also, we care about the graphics of a game far too much. Story and gameplay are far more important.

How's that controversial? I think almost everyone agree with you.

You'd be greatly surprised. Some of the conversations I've had on these here internets............*sigh*



Also, to whoever said that Sony contributed CDs to gaming...............just wrong. The PC Engine CD attachment came out in Japan in 1988. The Turbo CD (Western version, for Turbo Graphix 16) came out in NA in 1990. The Sega CD came out in '91/92. The 3DO came out in 1993. ALL long before the Sony Playstation came out. And quite honestly, while I have to say, in general (except for the original design of the PS3) Sony makes quality consoles. But it's not as if they themselves have really innovated or added much of anything to the gaming industry. They basically take what others have done, and do their own version of it. CD medium, SNES inspried control design, analog sticks, control rumble, etc, you name it. Yes, the PS2 "introduced" DVD games and the PS3 did the same for BluRay, because Sony makes discs (and makes more MONEY off of making discs than they do game consoles). But I wouldn't really call that huge innovations.

I'm not trying to knock Sony, but of any of the companies to name for gaming industry innovation, I wouldn't really include Sony among them. And answering the general question that statement was regarding, I also agree that the gaming industry would be better off with systems made only by dedicated VIDEO GAME companies. I would love to see it still be Nintendo/Sega/Atari. I absolutely think that the games industry would benefit from that. But the sad fact is, neiether Atari nor Sega could handle themselves well enough businesswise, to keep making consoles. For that matter, neither could NEC. It sucks, but it can't be changed now.

Cartridges made the N64 a better console, not a worse one.

Love and tolerate.

Here we go:

- Sonys first party is simply bad. It is hyped like crazy, but this is Inet only. Infamous and Killzone are the pinnacle of generic gameplay disguised by decent-good visuals.

- I think 99% of the Japanese games do suck. JRPGs are games for nerds in their basements.

- I am buying games, eventhough I can't play them, because I don't have the time for it.

- I really LOVE Zelda and like Mario Kart, but 2 games are not enough to make me buy a Nintendo system ever again.

- Indie developers are overrated. Their games are boring, but get away with everything, because they are indie.

- I prefer artstyle over graphics any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

- I am shocked by the stupidity and ignorance of the VGC users when it comes to business economics.

- VGC mods are doing a really bad job


-Mr Khan

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

I think the PS2 was on par with Xbox 360s failure rate. Everyone I know had that stupid Disc Read Error bullshit with no warranty your system was fucked.