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Here we go:

- Sonys first party is simply bad. It is hyped like crazy, but this is Inet only. Infamous and Killzone are the pinnacle of generic gameplay disguised by decent-good visuals.

- I think 99% of the Japanese games do suck. JRPGs are games for nerds in their basements.

- I am buying games, eventhough I can't play them, because I don't have the time for it.

- I really LOVE Zelda and like Mario Kart, but 2 games are not enough to make me buy a Nintendo system ever again.

- Indie developers are overrated. Their games are boring, but get away with everything, because they are indie.

- I prefer artstyle over graphics any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

- I am shocked by the stupidity and ignorance of the VGC users when it comes to business economics.

- VGC mods are doing a really bad job


-Mr Khan

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...