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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

The Metal Gear Solid series has never been good. It is a guilty pleasure at best. Poor and mostly unecessary stealth mechanics, awful action when it happens, and a story that makes even anime look good by comparision.

.... and I think it's sad that this is a controversial opinion.


Also, Mass Effect 2 and 3 both suck mostly because they turned a game that was 80% RPG and 20% shooter into 80% shooter with some mostly optional RPG elements. Mass Effect 3's ending was bad, but it was mostly this radical departure from the first game in terms of gameplay that ruined the series for me. It's Gears of War now ... with a slightly better story.

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Egann said:
Michael-5 said:

Yea, some of the decisions in Mass Effect 1 really are meaningless. Near the end of the game they become more important, especially the ones end game. One of the biggest critisizms of the Mass Effect series is how all the decisions we made in the game did not effect the ending of the trilogy.

Ocarina of Time does not have character development? That's a first.. What about Princess Zelda becoming Sheik? How can ALttP have more character development then OoT?

Also how can you say you don't like WRPG's, when Fallout 3 is your avatar?

(That's actually not Fallout. That's Spaceman Spiff from Calvin and Hobbes. Besides, there are a few exceptions to the rule.)

I don't really care about decisions and how they relate to the ending. In fact, there's a fair case with as distant and overwhelming enemy as the Reapers that most of them shouldn't matter: only a few probably would, but if you made a decision pop up twice in the game, it would be obvious which choices were relevant to the ending. My problem was that I couldn't role play in an RPG.

Generally, being aware of what's going on and knowing what you want to do next is a good idea. It's called good role-playing because I know what my character wants and how to get it. Mass Effect punishes me for it, though, because what I want to do or say is seldom one of the options. It's not my choice. It's the developer's. I know I'm more sensitive on this note than most, but I hardly call what Mass Effect did "choice." The illusion of it, perhaps, but if it were choice, I could just say no to all of them and do my own thing.

And Zelda becoming Shiek? In Wind Waker's beginning when Link's sister is kidnapped, Link draws his sword, sprints off a cliff. and Tetra grabs him. We always knew Link was like this, but Tetra? She's a pirate...who is willing to risk her life to save a stranger. I'd say that adds a lot more to Tetra's character than Zelda dressing up like a man when thousands of minions were looking for her. And remember, that's ten minutes into Wind Waker. The Zelda/ Shiek reveal isn't until the last dungeon in Ocarina.

I didn't question the character development in Wind Waker, no one did. We questioned the character development in A Link to the Past. Wind Waker was good, not as good as the N64 or Wii iterations (which puts it last for the 3D Zelda's for me), but good.

As for Mass Effect, I kinda understand what you mean. A lot of games which give you choice usually make it either black and white, or very specific. I remember the choices in Mass Effect 1 was particularly terrible because they essentially were either a good or bad way of saying the same thing, but in ME2 & 3 that largely improved.

Your opinion on Mass Effect 1 is the same as my opinion on Catherine (except I still love Catherine). You either cheat, or don't and the options are so black & white, so you kinda have to take it with a grain of salt.


Anyway this is the "controversal" gaming opinion thread, and yea it's controversial to dislike Ocarina of Time (often awarded the best game ever made by IGN and others) and Mass Effect.

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Cleary397 said:
Ssenkahdavic said:

9) Eternal Darkness is the best game Nintendo has ever been part of.

A big huge YES to this statement. one of my favourite games of all time

Alright, *gulp*, here I go

I think hardcore gamers are stuck up, and uptight prissies because they always dismiss new ideas, and they expect whatever they want. Whenever something drifts away from the "norm" cough*Motion*cough, they trash it like it's the worst thing out there. Why aren't gamers more open minded? How can we call ourselves "hardcore" gamers is we shoot down anything that we personally don't like?

When the Wii first launched, it got a lot of flak for "not appealing to the core gamer". How many core gamers (and by core, I mean people who tore it down in 06/07) actually bothered to try the Wii with something that uses the motion well (Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, and any FPS)? When the PlayStation Move launched, it fell off the map pretty quickly, and before you say it was a fad, I tell you, software sells hardwre, and how many noteworthy PS Move/Wii/Kinect games launched in 2012-2013? Developers haven't supported motion control because the hardcore hasn't suported it. Maybe if the "hardcore" wasn't do elitest, and welcomed new concepts with open arms gaming wouldn't be so stagnant right now. 

If we rejected new ideas than gaming would still be stuck in the stone age. Ganers should be more open about new  ideas, and not just shoot them down on the spot. I could talk about other things like mobile, drm, online etc., but I an tired, so this will have to do. 

Who needs a specific thread to express these controversial opinions?

I have already spewed them all over the Chartz. You are quite welcome!

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enditall727 said:



I always thought you were #TeamNintendo only

I enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII. Until I came to a part that was basically unbeatable. Then I kind of stopped enjoying it until I sold it to GameStop.

Let's see.

GTA Series is boring as fuck.
Borderlands series is also boring as fuck.
Zelda series is utter boredom for me.
Super Mario Galaxy series isn't as good as people make it out to be.
I love a lot of EA Games I really do not hate them at all. i.e. Not many enjoyed Dragon Age II and Mass Effect 3 but I loved them to bits.
I don't mind Annual Releases at all.
Uncharted 3 > Uncharted 2

miz1q2w3e said:
enditall727 said:
miz1q2w3e said:
I loooooooove Final Fantasy XIII


I always thought you were #TeamNintendo only

Then this'll blow your mind: I also loved Alan Wake!

EDIT: That would've made more sense if it were still an Xbox360 excluive XP

What I'm saying is, fanboys are losers. Enjoy ALL the games :D

So this means that you also have the Triple?

NintendoPie said:
enditall727 said:



I always thought you were #TeamNintendo only

I enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII. Until I came to a part that was basically unbeatable. Then I kind of stopped enjoying it until I sold it to GameStop.

Lol all you had to do was just get on youtube and search for the part you were at in a walkthrough to figure it out lol

I actually enjoyed FF XIII as well. Not the sort of thing I'd replay or recommend to a friend or anything and kinda disappointing by Final Fantasy standards, but games much worse have been deemed classics. I'm looking at you, oldschool Resident Evil.