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Alright, *gulp*, here I go

I think hardcore gamers are stuck up, and uptight prissies because they always dismiss new ideas, and they expect whatever they want. Whenever something drifts away from the "norm" cough*Motion*cough, they trash it like it's the worst thing out there. Why aren't gamers more open minded? How can we call ourselves "hardcore" gamers is we shoot down anything that we personally don't like?

When the Wii first launched, it got a lot of flak for "not appealing to the core gamer". How many core gamers (and by core, I mean people who tore it down in 06/07) actually bothered to try the Wii with something that uses the motion well (Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, and any FPS)? When the PlayStation Move launched, it fell off the map pretty quickly, and before you say it was a fad, I tell you, software sells hardwre, and how many noteworthy PS Move/Wii/Kinect games launched in 2012-2013? Developers haven't supported motion control because the hardcore hasn't suported it. Maybe if the "hardcore" wasn't do elitest, and welcomed new concepts with open arms gaming wouldn't be so stagnant right now. 

If we rejected new ideas than gaming would still be stuck in the stone age. Ganers should be more open about new  ideas, and not just shoot them down on the spot. I could talk about other things like mobile, drm, online etc., but I an tired, so this will have to do.