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Forums - Gaming Discussion - No more console fanboys on Vgchartz

Nope. As long as there are 10 mario releases yearly and until MS stops promoting evilness and communism, I will remain blindly loyal to Sony and PS brand.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

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On this site, never. I've tried to be unbiased lately. Trying.

And we'll be call The Legion of Raging Bananas


ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Wright said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
its better to be a fanboy than to be a fake unbiased guy or a hater.

Aren't fanboys sometimes haters?

ofcourse there are fanboys and haters


ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Wright said:


bad english lol, hater and fanboy at the same time

Oh, right xD

Around the Network

You just quit cold turkey. Sony fanboyism is an addiction and you will soon experience withdrawal and then remission :P

The trick is prevention and purge. Never let a PS console inside your house so it can't affect your mind while you sleep.

jking offcourse.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


axumblade said:
bananaking21 said:
no, i need to continue trolling the vita

To be fair, he said console fanboys, not handheld fanboys....?

zarx said:
think-man said:

damn im new to steam, need to check the games out.

Don't worry there is a steam sale soon, for $50USD you can get up to 100 games 90% of which you will never play

And here I thought I was going to legitimately be able to set some money aside this July. hah. 

havent you heard sony, vita is a PS4 in your pocket  


im playing with fire here joking like this with a mod, but hey

I was never a corporation fanboy to begin with.

axumblade said:


Who needs to be a fanboy when you got the money to spend

It's just that simple.