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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge magazine goes CRAZY- "ps4 is your next console", "One; titanic failures"

tuscaniman99 said:
And you think all of these casual gamers are going to hop aboard the Sony train with their friends? Sony is going need to do a lot of convincing to get them to buy into PS4's online service and COD. Xbox is marketed as the place to play COD. Killzone and Infamous aren't going to sway anyone into buying a PS4. Right now Sony has the price advantage but both consoles will sell pretty badly until they both hit that $299 price point. If both consoles hit that price point at the same time (which I believe they will) then things won't change much in the US. Xbox One will outsell PS4 in the US.

Dude...the illusion of Xbox Live Gold is over. Stop it. You're living in the past. All the communication features will be on both consoles including cross chat, streaming and multiplayer. COD will be on both consoles. New gens give gamers a clean slate to make a decision about the console, especially when they compare specs, games and price.

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Carl2291 said:
RolStoppable said:

It certainly looks like the game is made with that reasoning in mind. Quite the lazy approach, if you ask me. No ambition to make it great.

I think you hit the nail on the head with your earlier post. It looks like more of a tech demo showcasing some of the stuff PS4 can do, mainly with particles. They just decided to turn it into a videogame.

It could be fun in parts, but in the grand scheme of things Ive gone from thinking it looked quite interesting to thinking it looks kinda boring. The levels are too empty, or at least the city level in the demo is. It needs boxes for Knack to jump on, or more enemies. Something. I cant quite hit the nail on the head.

Edit - I think I just want Crash 4.

About the box/empty level thing


You are correct.


check out what is said at around 1:45


Hynad said:
tuscaniman99 said:
And you think all of these casual gamers are going to hop aboard the Sony train with their friends? Sony is going need to do a lot of convincing to get them to buy into PS4's online service and COD. Xbox is marketed as the place to play COD. Killzone and Infamous aren't going to sway anyone into buying a PS4. Right now Sony has the price advantage but both consoles will sell pretty badly until they both hit that $299 price point. If both consoles hit that price point at the same time (which I believe they will) then things won't change much in the US. Xbox One will outsell PS4 in the US.

Why do you think that Sony won't be able to always price their console lower than Microsoft's? 

If The XBO gets a price cut, the PS4 can get a price cut just the same. 

Perhaps because one company makes billions in profit every quarter where as the other is selling assets and cost cutting to try and scrape profitability.  Microsoft will always have the ability to loss lead on hardware by a huge margin if they ever wanted to. 

tuscaniman99 said:
Because MS actually showed tons of exclusives at E3 and new IPs where Sony showed the 4 exclusives we already knew about and 1 new IP and the rest of the show was dedicated to talking about used games and multiplats. Both are going to show more exclusives at Gamescom as well.

Saying "At e3" really doesn't do your point any justice, because AS OF e3, we've pretty much seen the same number of exclusives. Just because one showed it's new ips at e3, and the other did a couple months before, it doesn't mean the two are in different boats. They both have games to show. That is MY point, not yours. Your point is 'if sony has 20 exclusives, they should show them'. I'm saying you can't simply disbelieve them because you haven't seen the games. Basing your entire counterpoint around e3 unveils undermines your entire argument.

tuscaniman99 said:
And you think all of these casual gamers are going to hop aboard the Sony train with their friends? Sony is going need to do a lot of convincing to get them to buy into PS4's online service and COD. Xbox is marketed as the place to play COD. Killzone and Infamous aren't going to sway anyone into buying a PS4. Right now Sony has the price advantage but both consoles will sell pretty badly until they both hit that $299 price point. If both consoles hit that price point at the same time (which I believe they will) then things won't change much in the US. Xbox One will outsell PS4 in the US.

If, to the average gamer, PS4 offers the same as XB Live just $100 cheaper, what do you think the average gamer and his mates cares about?

If Xbox is the place to play COD then where did the 8 million copies of Blops 2 for PS3 come from? COD is the same game on any console, MS money hatting the 'extra' content or not.

Hmm, pie.

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kljesta64 said:
someone got paid nicely

Thos doesnt roll. Sony doesnt have money to buyout anyone. Especially not more than microsoft does.

Edge is an european magazine and they are mirroring the general consensus in europe.

The Fury said:
tuscaniman99 said:
And you think all of these casual gamers are going to hop aboard the Sony train with their friends? Sony is going need to do a lot of convincing to get them to buy into PS4's online service and COD. Xbox is marketed as the place to play COD. Killzone and Infamous aren't going to sway anyone into buying a PS4. Right now Sony has the price advantage but both consoles will sell pretty badly until they both hit that $299 price point. If both consoles hit that price point at the same time (which I believe they will) then things won't change much in the US. Xbox One will outsell PS4 in the US.

If, to the average gamer, PS4 offers the same as XB Live just $100 cheaper, what do you think the average gamer and his mates cares about?

If Xbox is the place to play COD then where did the 8 million copies of Blops 2 for PS3 come from? COD is the same game on any console, MS money hatting the 'extra' content or not.

Yes.. but you know... It takes 2 seconds less to get into a game on Live.

slowmo said:
Hynad said:

Why do you think that Sony won't be able to always price their console lower than Microsoft's? 

If The XBO gets a price cut, the PS4 can get a price cut just the same. 

Perhaps because one company makes billions in profit every quarter where as the other is selling assets and cost cutting to try and scrape profitability.  Microsoft will always have the ability to loss lead on hardware by a huge margin if they ever wanted to. 

MS will always have the ability to losslead, but compared to Sony losses to make their platforms succeed there is a clear distinction. The PS4 will make small profit in the beginning and it will grow over time. They will be able to cut price fairly soon. I could understand if this was the PS3 and you were saying this and they were bleeding as badly as they were but they've slowed that bleeding and returned the PS3 to profitability. At least give them that. Pachter has already stated that the PS4 will start off at a small profit, so they are already well ahead of the PS3 in that respect.

Hynad said:
The Fury said:

If, to the average gamer, PS4 offers the same as XB Live just $100 cheaper, what do you think the average gamer and his mates cares about?

If Xbox is the place to play COD then where did the 8 million copies of Blops 2 for PS3 come from? COD is the same game on any console, MS money hatting the 'extra' content or not.

Yes.. but you know... It takes 2 seconds less to get into a game on Live.

It does? What the hell have I been doing with my cheap ass PS3 and free online gaming, I'm off to buy me a 360 roite naw and download all the DLC as well, even all the camos.

Hmm, pie.

It's old, and the graphs have long since been removed, but here is proof of the obvious disparity/bias (take your pic) Edge has had in reviewing PS3 games vs Xbox 360 in both exclusives and multiplats.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."