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JEMC said:


Going with the questions, I have to ask about this games:

>Fallout New Vegas_ I like RPGs and I would like to try the Fallout series. I could start with Fallout 3 but I'm on Win 7 and I don't want to go through the hassle of making it run. The thing is that I tried Oblivion (I didn't like it) and also Skyrim (found it 'meh'), so would you give it a try? After all, it comes from Obsidian rather than Bethesda. What do you think?

>Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag_ Like the first one, this is another weird question. After AC 3 I was happy to say goodbye to the AC series but I keep hearing that Black Flag is such a good game and that it's very different from the rest of the series. What do you think of the game? Would you get the game?


Why should it be a hassle to get Fallout 3 to run on Windows 7?

Just buy Fallout 3 GOTY edition and New Vegas Ultimate Edition in this sale! You don't get that much fun playtime for around $10 anywhere else.

You should also buy Black Flag, it's my favorite Ass Creed. Pirates! In the Carribbean! Such a great setting!

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Conina said:
JEMC said:


Going with the questions, I have to ask about this games:

>Fallout New Vegas_ I like RPGs and I would like to try the Fallout series. I could start with Fallout 3 but I'm on Win 7 and I don't want to go through the hassle of making it run. The thing is that I tried Oblivion (I didn't like it) and also Skyrim (found it 'meh'), so would you give it a try? After all, it comes from Obsidian rather than Bethesda. What do you think?

>Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag_ Like the first one, this is another weird question. After AC 3 I was happy to say goodbye to the AC series but I keep hearing that Black Flag is such a good game and that it's very different from the rest of the series. What do you think of the game? Would you get the game?


Why should it be a hassle to get Fallout 3 to run on Windows 7?

Just buy Fallout 3 GOTY edition and New Vegas Ultimate Edition in this sale! You don't get that much fun playtime for around $10 anywhere else.

You should also buy Black Flag, it's my favorite Ass Creed. Pirates! In the Carribbean! Such a great setting!

The hassle comes from Fallout 3 not suporting Windows 7 and having to tweak some files to make it run. Or did that change after launch?

And I know they are very good value for the money, but the thing is that I don't like The Elder Scrolls games and I heard that these new Fallout games are similar to them. That's why I specially mentioned New Vegas since at least it is not made by Bethesda.

About Black Flag, how similar is it compared to the other AC games? Is the Assassins vs Templas story important? How much does the games spend with sea battles? (I don't want to buy it for that and find out that it's just a small portion of the game)

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

The hassle comes from Fallout 3 not suporting Windows 7 and having to tweak some files to make it run. Or did that change after launch?

And I know they are very good value for the money, but the thing is that I don't like The Elder Scrolls games and I heard that these new Fallout games are similar to them. That's why I specially mentioned New Vegas since at least it is not made by Bethesda.

About Black Flag, how similar is it compared to the other AC games? Is the Assassins vs Templas story important? How much does the games spend with sea battles? (I don't want to buy it for that and find out that it's just a small portion of the game)

Okay, I haven't played Fallout 3 for a while. This little patch should fix the compatibility problems:

If it doesn't, you can return the game on Steam.  But if you don't even like the Bethesda games like The Elder Scrolls (I love them), maybe it's not for you.

The sea battles of Black Flag are a big part of the game. Sid Meier's "Pirates!" is my favorite game of the '80s and my favorite C64-game, I also loved the SVGA-remake "Pirates! Gold" in the '90s and the PSP version in 2007. The sea battles and chasing other ship and attacking forts from the water and the following sword fights with the remaining enemies totally reminded me of these games.

Conina said:
JEMC said:

The hassle comes from Fallout 3 not suporting Windows 7 and having to tweak some files to make it run. Or did that change after launch?

And I know they are very good value for the money, but the thing is that I don't like The Elder Scrolls games and I heard that these new Fallout games are similar to them. That's why I specially mentioned New Vegas since at least it is not made by Bethesda.

About Black Flag, how similar is it compared to the other AC games? Is the Assassins vs Templas story important? How much does the games spend with sea battles? (I don't want to buy it for that and find out that it's just a small portion of the game)

Okay, I haven't played Fallout 3 for a while. This little patch should fix the compatibility problems:

If it doesn't, you can return the game on Steam.  But if you don't even like the Bethesda games like The Elder Scrolls (I love them), maybe it's not for you.

The sea battles of Black Flag are a big part of the game. Sid Meier's "Pirates!" is my favorite game of the '80s and my favorite C64-game, I also loved the SVGA-remake "Pirates! Gold" in the '90s and the PSP version in 2007. The sea battles and chasing other ship and attacking forts from the water and the following sword fights with the remaining enemies totally reminded me of these games.

It's not that I don't like The Elder Scrolls games, it is more than I don't enjoy them or find the appeal. In Oblivion the opening killed all my interest in the game (I'm in a prision cell, so I must be either a bad person or wrongly accused, the king comes and tells me about a dream. Then I espace and I'm supposed to be the savior of those who put me in jail? Bah!) but in Skyrim I got further into the game. It was ok, not bad but not great or mind blowing as everybody says.

But thanks for the patch and for selling me Black Flag.

In summary: Black Flag gains points, New Vegas stays mostly the same.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

BasilZero said:
Finished Disc 1 for Final Fantasy VII

Took me 5 months (thanks to my trip to India ~__~).

Only two more left

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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The news:



Pirate Scene Group 3DM Suspends Cracks In Order To Measure PC Sales, Denuvo Too Powerful To Be Cracked?

Pirate scene group 3DM, best known for cracking earlier versions of Denuvo, has announced that it will stop releasing cracks for single-player games this year. According to 3DM’s leader, Bird Sister, this is done in order to measure the impact of cracks on PC sales, however we are certain that Denuvo played a huge part in this decision as well.




3-Gaming News


The Talos Principle will support Vulkan? According to Croteam it does...sorta. See the screenshot below for proof.

>>Going by that pic,  I'm not sure if it's serious or not.



NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 has just been released on the PC and, as you may have guessed from the title, it is locked at 30fps. Not that it really surprises as this is another game from Bandai Namco that is locked at 30fps, however after what has happened with the previous part of the series (and Dark Souls) you’d exepect that Bandai Namco would have learned its lesson.



We’ve already said that The Division – based on its closed beta build – has been slightly downgraded from its E3 tech demos. And according to an Ubisoft developer, the PC version – while looking better than the console versions – does not push the graphical envelope so that it can stay close to the console version.

>>That's what they said, because now it's...


A video by Team Epiphany has been circulating featuring an interview with an unnamed Division developer saying with regards to the PC version, "we do have to kind of keep it in check with the consoles; it would kind of be unfair just to push it so far away from them." This has been interpreted as Ubisoft hamstringing the PC edition in the misguided interest of fairness, a claim the publisher has vigorously denied in a statement sent to PCGamesN.

>>Someone got the memo too late



It appears that Nixxes is currently working on a DX12 update for the PC version of Rise of the Tomb Raider. As you may have heard, a DX12 .dll file was included in the PC version of the game. And while the game does not currently support Microsoft’s latest API, the first PC patch that was recently released added a hidden new DX12 option to the game’s launcher.



Square Enix has released the beta launch trailer for HITMAN. The HITMAN Beta is set at a top secret recruitment and training facility and revolves around how Agent 47 joined the ICA. The beta phase of HITMAN begins on February 19th on the PC.

>>Here's the trailer:



Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Dark Souls III, showcasing the game’s opening cinematic. Dark Souls III is coming to the PC on April 12th, and aims to provide players with “an all-new world filled with heinous enemies, hidden secrets, and captivating environments.”

>>Basil has made a thread about it. Go there to discuss it:



The latest PC UK retail, Steam Digital and Green Man Gaming charts have been revealed and as we can see, XCOM 2 is this week’s best selling game in UK, on Steam and on GMG. You can view the full charts after the jump!

>>The Sims 4 has been dethroned! Yay!

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.


Big changes are on the way to Early Access zombie sandbox H1Z1. Later this month H1Z1 will be split into two separate games—the open-world survival mode being one, and the competitive Battle Royale mode being the other—and each will be sold separately. Daybreak Game Company also told us that it no longer plans to make H1Z1 free-to-play in the future, as was the originally stated intent.



Rides With Strangers is a horror game that gets its bang from bone-chilling realism: Instead of confronting demons, the undead, or chainsaw-wielding psychos, your adversaries are the people offering to give you a lift after your car breaks down in the middle of the night along a long, lonely stretch of middle-American highway. Not many of us will ever come to face-to-face with the shrieking terror of Zhothaqquah, after all, but thumbing a ride to the Esso up the road because your stupid gas gauge is broken? That can happen to any of us.



2016 is an election year in the US, a time when Americans of all political persuasions come together to partake in a rational discourse, exchanging ideas as they work to decide who among them is most qualified to lead their great nation into the future. Just kidding! Not about it being an election year—it is—but about all the other stuff. In reality, it's a time of super-heated rhetoric, unrestrained nastiness, and grotesque behavior—and also time for a new version of Stardock's election simulator The Political Machine.



Battalion 1944 sounds like a very ambitious project. It's a Second World War multiplayer FPS, built in Unreal Engine 4, with motion-captured animation, assets precisely based on photos of real items and locations, and a general promise of high-budget sheen—all for a very low (relatively speaking) Kickstarter goal of £100,000/$145,000. A goal which has now been met, just three days after the campaign began.



XCOM 2, the character creation game with a small strategy component, is finally out (and it's amazing). This time around, XCOM 2 has a significantly more robust character creation kit that allows you to export your soldiers to a file, which you can then share and throw at unwary internet passersby. The problem is, the game doesn’t exactly tell you how to go about it.



That free Shadowrun: Hong Kong expansion we mentioned the other day? It's out now, free if you already own the game. The slightly confusingly named Shadows of Hong Kong campaign takes place after the main game, offering "6+ hours" of cyberpunk roleplaying.



Dead by Daylight is a horror game, if you hadn't guessed. It's a horror game that pits a bunch of paranormal and, well, not normal exactly movie monsters against a gaggle of regular humans. It's an asymmetrical multiplayer game, basically, where one player takes the role of the murderer, and four others play as the (possible) survivors. If it sounds a lot like that Kickstarted Friday the 13th game, that's because it seems a lot like that Kickstarted Friday the 13th game, but there are a few wrinkles that should set it apart.



On paper, Unsung Story sounds like one of my dream Kickstarters. It is, or perhaps was, a new tactical RPG "envisioned by" Yasumi Matsuno, director of Final Fantasy Tactics. His name, and a few others including talented translator/localiser Alexander O. Smith, is likely the reason backers forked out over $660,000 for the Kickstarter back in 2014. Playdek is the company developing it, however, and their Kickstarter updates have become increasingly infrequent over the last couple of years.



Titanfall, the wall-running, jetpacking, mech-having shooter that captured imaginations for around seventeen minutes back in 2014, is getting a sequel. A sequel that will release sometime between April 2016 and March 2017, and that will hit PS4 as well as PC and Xbox One. All this we already knew—but now we know a bit more, courtesy of a Forbes interview with the game's lead writer, Jesse Stern.



One of the best platformers of 2015 (and if you ask me, ever) is coming to Steam. Previously a PS4 exclusive, N++ is currently being ported for PC, though it might be a while before it releases. The news comes via Metanet Software co-founder Raigan Burns, who made the announcement on NeoGAF.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Hugely disappointed at the latest Naruto port being locked at 30fps, can't say I;m going to buy it now tbh.

Ubisoft actually get a slight bit of kudos from me for admitting that there is a level of hindrance in why they can't push the game for PC but as usual I'm disappointed that they are willing to sacrifice the PC users for the low end side. I imagine the PC version will look exactly the same along with performance issues as par the course with Ubisoft. Though some say Syndicate was "good", it wasn't the best port possible, they could have done a lot better.

The news on H1Z1 has me a bit intrigued as I've always wanted that open world zombie game about survival, just without the random players trying to constantly hunt me down for my can opener or a tin of beans while also tying me up and feeding me bleach, I always found that aspect of that survival type to be very mundane and pointless. As Zero pointed out Ark have done this for free so I can imagine Ark will benefit from their end the most for doing what should have been done from the start and Daybreak missed out on that and will continue to do so.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

zero129 said:

I've played everygame there and i kinda like everyone of them lol xD.

Great! Let's go game by game.

zero129 said:

I've played everygame there and i kinda like everyone of them lol xD.

1. Cities skylines you will love if you love City Building games. Its everything a Nextgen Simcity should of been (Instead of that thing EA released). However the is the thing with the DLC, They might end up releasing a Complete Edition (Most likely will) with all the DLC but from what i have seen of the DLC they dont seem to add much to the base game other then Visual Effects such as Night time or Snow (Unless the is something im missing??). So thats why i didnt get the DLC yet and just the base game, as i believe the DLC is too expensive for what they add. And the is prop mods in Steamwork shop that can do the same (This game has lots of mods in the steamworkshop.

That's my biggest worry with the game. Sure, the DLCs may be mostly cosmetic, but they also add some content to the game. As far as I know, After Dark bring night-time business like discotheques and Snowfall brings trams to the game.

And my problem will be that if I get the game now and the DLC doesn't go down in price in the future, I won't get them at all, but if I wait a Complete Edition could be launched that would solve everything.

I think I'll wait and hope for a Complete Edition game.

zero129 said:

2. Fallout New Vegas i enjoyed much more then Fallout3 and the is some really great mods for the game so you can spend hours just wondering around the wasteland finding new things to do then when you get board add more mods to find more things to do lol. Now the thing is its hard to say if you will like it since you didnt seem to enjoy Skyrim and Oblivion. Pretty much Switch Skyrim for a Wasteland setting and add guns etc and you kinda have Fallout 3-New Vegas. So like i said unless you enjoy the setting of fallout more its hard to say if you will enjoy it since you didnt enjoy Skyrim or Oblivion (I loved both of them games too btw lol xD).

So it's similar to the Elder Scrolls game... :-/

My problem with those games is that I couldn't get into the story (specially with Oblivion), maybe the revenge plot of New Vegas will catch my attention.

I'm not scratching it yet.

zero129 said:

3. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is imo the best AC game. If AC3 was the last AC game you played you will really enjoy AC4 imo since it does add so much to the game and feels like a proper sequal instead of an add on to AC2. The Navel battles and sailing around the sea looking for new things alone makes it worth it imo .

Another vote for Black Flag. It seems to get a lot of love from everyone.

The game is definitely turning into a clear purchase.

zero129 said:

4. State of Decay seems like an enjoyable Survival/RPG and i did enjoy what i played of it but i never gave it enough time to see if it would stick or if id get bored with it so i cant really give too much comment on this game.

From your post, this game looks to be the one you liked less.

Does the game really keep going on while you're not playing? If it does, are the changes big or only minor and not very important?

I'll be honest, this one is the game that has the lowest chances of turn into a purchase.

zero129 said:

5. Euro Truck Simulator 2 i really enjoyed from what i played of it. Its just a very enjoyable Open world driving sim. However this game might not be for everyone. Think of the delivery missions in a GTA game and add trucks, make the City based on europe and add a tycoon truck type management to the game where you start of with one truck and must build up your truck empire by delivering goods xD.

I think if you havent you should maybe watch a few letsplay vids on each of them, it might help you more decide if you would enjoy them or not??.

I've seen some videos of it, but most of them are either people playing with Truck, finding the perfect color and accessories, or people just driving around... which looks a bit boring to me.

Are you always on a truck or there is a point where you are simply managing the different trucks and hiring drivers to do the job? I have to find more info about it.


Thanks for your help.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

I just noticed, if VGX has it's Firewatch review up, then where the hell is the XCOM 2 review?.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.