zero129 said: I've played everygame there and i kinda like everyone of them lol xD. |
Great! Let's go game by game.
zero129 said: I've played everygame there and i kinda like everyone of them lol xD. 1. Cities skylines you will love if you love City Building games. Its everything a Nextgen Simcity should of been (Instead of that thing EA released). However the is the thing with the DLC, They might end up releasing a Complete Edition (Most likely will) with all the DLC but from what i have seen of the DLC they dont seem to add much to the base game other then Visual Effects such as Night time or Snow (Unless the is something im missing??). So thats why i didnt get the DLC yet and just the base game, as i believe the DLC is too expensive for what they add. And the is prop mods in Steamwork shop that can do the same (This game has lots of mods in the steamworkshop. |
That's my biggest worry with the game. Sure, the DLCs may be mostly cosmetic, but they also add some content to the game. As far as I know, After Dark bring night-time business like discotheques and Snowfall brings trams to the game.
And my problem will be that if I get the game now and the DLC doesn't go down in price in the future, I won't get them at all, but if I wait a Complete Edition could be launched that would solve everything.
I think I'll wait and hope for a Complete Edition game.
zero129 said: 2. Fallout New Vegas i enjoyed much more then Fallout3 and the is some really great mods for the game so you can spend hours just wondering around the wasteland finding new things to do then when you get board add more mods to find more things to do lol. Now the thing is its hard to say if you will like it since you didnt seem to enjoy Skyrim and Oblivion. Pretty much Switch Skyrim for a Wasteland setting and add guns etc and you kinda have Fallout 3-New Vegas. So like i said unless you enjoy the setting of fallout more its hard to say if you will enjoy it since you didnt enjoy Skyrim or Oblivion (I loved both of them games too btw lol xD). |
So it's similar to the Elder Scrolls game... :-/
My problem with those games is that I couldn't get into the story (specially with Oblivion), maybe the revenge plot of New Vegas will catch my attention.
I'm not scratching it yet.
zero129 said: 3. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is imo the best AC game. If AC3 was the last AC game you played you will really enjoy AC4 imo since it does add so much to the game and feels like a proper sequal instead of an add on to AC2. The Navel battles and sailing around the sea looking for new things alone makes it worth it imo |
Another vote for Black Flag. It seems to get a lot of love from everyone.
The game is definitely turning into a clear purchase.
zero129 said: 4. State of Decay seems like an enjoyable Survival/RPG and i did enjoy what i played of it but i never gave it enough time to see if it would stick or if id get bored with it so i cant really give too much comment on this game. |
From your post, this game looks to be the one you liked less.
Does the game really keep going on while you're not playing? If it does, are the changes big or only minor and not very important?
I'll be honest, this one is the game that has the lowest chances of turn into a purchase.
zero129 said: 5. Euro Truck Simulator 2 i really enjoyed from what i played of it. Its just a very enjoyable Open world driving sim. However this game might not be for everyone. Think of the delivery missions in a GTA game and add trucks, make the City based on europe and add a tycoon truck type management to the game where you start of with one truck and must build up your truck empire by delivering goods xD. I think if you havent you should maybe watch a few letsplay vids on each of them, it might help you more decide if you would enjoy them or not??. |
I've seen some videos of it, but most of them are either people playing with Truck, finding the perfect color and accessories, or people just driving around... which looks a bit boring to me.
Are you always on a truck or there is a point where you are simply managing the different trucks and hiring drivers to do the job? I have to find more info about it.
Thanks for your help.
Please excuse my bad English.
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