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Conina said:
JEMC said:


Going with the questions, I have to ask about this games:

>Fallout New Vegas_ I like RPGs and I would like to try the Fallout series. I could start with Fallout 3 but I'm on Win 7 and I don't want to go through the hassle of making it run. The thing is that I tried Oblivion (I didn't like it) and also Skyrim (found it 'meh'), so would you give it a try? After all, it comes from Obsidian rather than Bethesda. What do you think?

>Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag_ Like the first one, this is another weird question. After AC 3 I was happy to say goodbye to the AC series but I keep hearing that Black Flag is such a good game and that it's very different from the rest of the series. What do you think of the game? Would you get the game?


Why should it be a hassle to get Fallout 3 to run on Windows 7?

Just buy Fallout 3 GOTY edition and New Vegas Ultimate Edition in this sale! You don't get that much fun playtime for around $10 anywhere else.

You should also buy Black Flag, it's my favorite Ass Creed. Pirates! In the Carribbean! Such a great setting!

The hassle comes from Fallout 3 not suporting Windows 7 and having to tweak some files to make it run. Or did that change after launch?

And I know they are very good value for the money, but the thing is that I don't like The Elder Scrolls games and I heard that these new Fallout games are similar to them. That's why I specially mentioned New Vegas since at least it is not made by Bethesda.

About Black Flag, how similar is it compared to the other AC games? Is the Assassins vs Templas story important? How much does the games spend with sea battles? (I don't want to buy it for that and find out that it's just a small portion of the game)

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.