Random_Matt said: I used to spend thousands on rigs; not anymore. I just found an Intel B580 at 300 euros, I may grab it; it is not like I play AAA games anymore (mostly anyway). |
If you don't play new games or game at 1080p (or you're fine playing at 1440p with some settings st to high or mid), a B580 is a perfectly valid option and 300€ is about right, $249 + VAT in your country.
Given how scarce they are, I get one... if you can't wait to see how much the 5060s and 9060s cost, as they can shake a bit the market in that segment.
Random_Matt said: Nvidia can abandon gaming if they wish; they are certainly acting like they do not give a shit. |
Don't fool yourself. Despite Jensen claiming that Nvidia is now an AI company, he still cares a lot about winning and being on top of everyone else.
If anything, this f*ck up generation will only make Nvidia come back stronger or, at least, more focused. Not that it's hard to do better than what they've done this gen, but they'll still go hard to try to make everyone forget about it.
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said: Another week, another round of Blackwell shitting the bed. Radeon just might gain 30-50% market share just by showing up since Nvidia sure as shit can't lmao. I'd be curious as to what is causing the supply bottleneck but MSI probably shouldn't have let go of Radeon so quickly. GeForce RTX 5070 launch in Sweden faces setback: large retailer confirms no incoming stock |
That Hardware Unboxed tweet in the article really sums it all perfectly. AMD did well waiting, and Nvidia really messed up the launch of the 5000 cards. More so if they can't even make enough 5070 cards for a trully global launch.
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said: MSI unlaunches its “MSRP†cards, RTX 50 series get a price hike in official store |
I find it funny how MSI does that and the cards are still out of stock... and they can't really gain anything from the launch of the 9070s because they decided (not without reason, mind you) that it wasn't worth it to keep doing Radeon GPUs and focused only on Nvidia cards. Oopsy!
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said: AMD’s RX 9060 Series GPUs Will Be Released In Q2 2025; Ready To Compete With NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 5060 GPU Lineup https://wccftech.com/amds-rx-9060-series-gpus-will-be-released-in-q2-2025/ Radeon effectively killed 5070 before it even launched. Now they need to do it again with the 60 series. They cannot pull another 7600 -$30 vs 4060. |
Nvidia killed the 5070 by not making enough cards. And that's despite the delay the 5070 has had.
I hope AMD goes as hard with the 9060s as they're going with the 9070s, because they need to realize that they also have to compete with Intel in that segment.
In any case, pricing at this segment is harder than in the others because the margins are also smaller, so 30 to 50 dollars are harder to stomach and also have a bigger impact than we sometimes think. Those $30 can make a card 10% cheaper than another, which is a big difference in that range of GPUs.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.