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Chicho said:
JEMC said:

I can get that the incident with the naked Chun Li mod pissed off Capcom, but what they're doing is dumb.

Good luck fighting that. The harder you try to stop it the more motivated they get. They just say Challenge accepted.

Well, with the games that relay in online play, like Street Fighter and Monster Hunter, they can easily enforce that by auto-updating the game everytime they connect online. But with single player games like Resident Evil, yeah, good luck with that... even more so with pirated games.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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JEMC said:

I can get that the incident with the naked Chun Li mod pissed off Capcom, but what they're doing is dumb.

Find a not-dumb director's board of a Japanese game company challenge! (Impossible)






haxxiy said:
JEMC said:

I can get that the incident with the naked Chun Li mod pissed off Capcom, but what they're doing is dumb.

Find a not-dumb director's board of a Japanese game company challenge! (Impossible)

I'd say the ones at Koei Tecmo, but mostly because we don't hear about them.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

I can get that the incident with the naked Chun Li mod pissed off Capcom, but what they're doing is dumb.

Tbf Japan has always had this weird take of "you play our game/entertainment the way we designed it", and they don't seem to take kindly to anyone tinkering with their stuff (Sony is a prime example, as well as Nintendo with any form of emulation/modifications).

This is a battle Capcom will lose though. It's like the time Blizz tried demanding artists stop drawing porn of OW characters, and well, that only made R34 lust even harder as a result. It's almost like these publishers don't know what the Streisand effect is.

Also, I paid for those old games yrs ago, nowhere in those contracts did it ever state "oh we're gonna add DRM down the line to cripple your older games that were working fine before, K thnx". Like I never agreed to any of that, can someone pls fucking call out the publishers for willingly going back on their contracts (I don't give a shit about "subject to change", that's the murkiest excuse in history).

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

haxxiy said:
JEMC said:

I can get that the incident with the naked Chun Li mod pissed off Capcom, but what they're doing is dumb.

Find a not-dumb director's board of a Japanese game company challenge! (Impossible)

literally fucking impossible.

Like even with the generation after those old fucks, there are still some out there younger than them, that think exactly the same, and they never learn or adapt either. 

This age old "b-but muh lost sales" mantra has gotta end, it's not even remotely concrete and non provable, so why are these publishers wasting decades of our lives and their own to prove something that cannot be proven within anyone's lifetime? (it's like watching an mental patient trying to solve Schro's theory,). 

You know what is evident though?, ppl deciding to not buy their games after this showing up. Like why should I continue buying from Capcom if all they are gonna do is prevent modding, cram DRM up the arse, ask for more money and also sliding in more "skip"/MT bs into each new game.

People have been giving Capcom kudos, when all this time they've just been wanting to emulate what the West is doing, and like another Japanese company (Sony), they are abusing the goodwill earned to just do nasty shit over time. This is why I don't get hyped for shit anymore, because I naturally expect a banger game or two, then that goodwill is getting cashed in for some nasty shit by the next slew of games. 

Really does feel like me expecting a publisher to not do scummy shit or say something stupidly insane, is akin to finding the cure for cancer, which is still impossible at this point. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 13 January 2024

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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29 hours into Final Fantasy VI (mobile remake/old version) on Steam.

I'm almost done with all the side stuff, just need to do one or two more things and then I'll do the final dungeon and after that, it will be the extra bonus dungeon (which is exclusive to this version and the GBA version of the game).

Once I'm done with FF6, I'll play the rest of my Borderlands GOTY Enhanced playthrough.

I use steam achivment manager on way too many games!


I tried a M1 macbook air today. The worst keyboard ever created, it is like putting your finger through mash potato. Quite astounded how a lot of Apple's fans suggest it is the greatest around.

hellobion2 said:

I use steam achivment manager on way too many games!

Is there a manager for achievemnts on Steam? I don't pay too much attention on them, except in some games, but still check the list of achievements when I finish a game to see what kind of things I was supposed to do to get them (and then forget about it), or when I get a notification of progress on one achievement, to see what it's about.

Random_Matt said:

I tried a M1 macbook air today. The worst keyboard ever created, it is like putting your finger through mash potato. Quite astounded how a lot of Apple's fans suggest it is the greatest around.

Remember that some Apple fans were delighted with that $999 monitor stand they unveiled years ago to match the monitor they were presenting that didn't come with a stand. So yeah, don't take at face value what Apple fans cheer about.

I remember years ago when Apple came up with that laptop keyboard with all the keys being isolated (the ones like this one) and every other vendor went and copied that. I dislike laptops keyboards in general, but I hate that format. So well, I'm not surprised that they've managed to make it even worse.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Hi, I was surpised to see the PC handhelds with an untethered TDP of 25 Watts (~30 Watts for the whole device) going different routes to get the needed power.

  • the ROG Ally has a higher voltage but lower current (30 Watts / 15.48 volts would need a current of 1.94 Amps)
  • the Legion Go has a lower voltage but higher current (30 Watts / 7.76 volts would need a current of 3.86 Amps)
  • the MSI Claw has a medium voltage and medium current (30 Watts / 11.61 volts would need a current of 2.58 Amps)

Are there advantages or disadvantages to the different solutions (for a mobile device) or doesn't it matter, if the needed/delivered power is the same?

Last edited by Conina - on 14 January 2024