numberwang said:
JEMC said:
The fact you're not taking into account regarding the 12100F is the frequency that CPU runs at: the optimal one. |
That's what I don't like about this chart. Any old CPU can win the efficiency crown if you down clock it enough (in the case of the i3-1200F with factory down clock). That is not a meaningful method for game efficiency analysis as we will dip way below 60fps with a 12100F. The 7800X3D/7950X3D using only 61W/65W is a second strange point. You will get better efficiency at these lower watts but why aren't they running at 120W as designed? There is a specific bug with Cyberpunk that prevents it from using AMD multi-threading. It could be that AMD CPUs are less utilized and thus run at lower wattage which increases efficiency. |
A couple of things:
1) You're not taking into account any IPC improvements that each new architecture brings to the table. That should be enough to put your "downclocka CPU enough to make it win the efficiency crown" statement. No it wont because it will use less power, but the other CPUs will still be able to do more at the same power thanks to the improvements they have.
2) This is not about downclocking or limiting CPUs until they look good. GamersNexus tested those processors out of the box, at its regular power and frequency settings, and AMD was more efficient out of the box. Then, they limited both CPUs to the same power to see how they would behave with both of them using the same amount of power, to see if Intel appears to be less efficient because they push those chips the most, and the result was still the same.
Simply put, AMD has a more efficient architecture than Intel.
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
Intel CEO laments Nvidia's 'extraordinarily lucky' AI dominance, claims it coulda-woulda-shoulda have been Intel Lol Pat is getting increasing pretentious. Nvidia's Ai dominance wasn't about luck but rather years of planning and development. It's not just about the hardware but the software and the vision to make it happen which Intel largely lacked. We see this with Intel and AMDs attempts where they have hardware that is fairly good but largely lacking in the software department. But Intel's Ai hardware is very much lacking behind AMD in both CPU and GPU front. |
Indeed, Nvidia betted on machine learning and compute power a long time ago and it's now taking advantage of that. Nvidia hasn't been lucky, and Intel has suffered from poor leadership.
Conina said:

Should I hide them? Nah... Hello World!  |
So, do I have to believe that you "only" have 46 porn games... or just 46 that fit the hentai tag?
Please don't answer, I may not be prepared to know the answer.
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
Insane |
That is, indeed, insane. I'd like to know the reasons for such veredict and the long imprision time. After all, the kid may have mental issues and it's kind of debatable, even if hard to agree with.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.