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Conina said:

Chazore said:

As far as I know, there is no absolute way to create a private session for you and your friends, but I did hear that Rare cheekily made an option for Twitch streamers to have that ability, which I feel isn't fair to regular players like myself. 

I see a shitstorm on the horizon when thousands of Monkey Island fans get this shitty behavior when they just want to enjoy the Monkey Island content of the announced expansion in their own pace. Maybe this will lead to an PvE mode.

Eh, if this was actually an issue, there would’ve been outcry during the Pirates of the Caribbean crossover in 2021. I mean, it’s a pirate game. Pirates by nature are all about plundering and pillaging without your consent. 

So I wouldn’t expect a PvE mode, but considering it’s a live service game, anything can eventually happen. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t. The game continues to be a huge hit after almost 5 years of great updates, so clearly the formula is working. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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Chazore said:
zero129 said:

I never really played it but i always thought PVP was something upi had to opt into?. i remember them making a big deal about it in one of their videos.

Gods no. You are plonked into the open seas with up to 16 players per server (this means a total of 4 crews), and though you do not show up on the map entirely, those that opt for carrying emissary flags will (which was my first mistake), or those flying the Reaper flag (think of them as bounty hunters that go against other players hoisting other trading alliance flags, or simply stealing player goods to sell to the Reaper's Bones alliance).

Let me start off how my usual login with my friend goes:

Me: Can I get an inv?

San: ere ya go

Me: cool, we stockin up on supplies?

San: Could do, you wanna go grab some Q's? (quests/maps)

Me: You wanna check the map real quick?

San: 2 reapers on the map

Me: where at?

San: one is docked at Reaper's hideout, other is a few clicks away

Me: Great, let's grab and dash then.

And in this game, if you can see a ship in the horizon, they can also see you (unless their render mesh distance/model quality are set to the lowest, god knows why you would turn those down in a game like this). If there is a reaper nearby, and we aren't flying an Em Alliance flag, we'll be semi fine, just as long as they don't se us leaving port, because if they see us leaving port, chances are they will actually chase us down to end us, even if they don't know that all we just supplied on was fruit and ammo and planks.

btw you have to pay that Em Alliance 20k to fly their flag, but in doing so you will earn tons more rep with them, and earning rep means you rank up with them, which means they pay you more money, but in doing so you will show up to a reaper on the map via a shadowy outline:

"A Ship sailing with the Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flag will be marked on the Map Table for all Crews to see as if they were sailing with a Flag Of The Reaper’s Mark. A Grade V Reaper's Bones Emissary Ship can see shadows of all other Company Emissary Ships on the Map instead."

Also, once a reaper or other player ship spots you, they can sink your ship and take your Em flag to sell for money/rep gains at the Reaper's hideout (log book included).

As far as I know, there is no absolute way to create a private session for you and your friends, but I did hear that Rare cheekily made an option for Twitch streamers to have that ability, which I feel isn't fair to regular players like myself. 

Yeah defo didnt play it enough was still at the starting area, so i didnt know all that and i can see how it sucks. I honestly dont get the whole point in that PVP trailer as honestly to me it made it look like PVP was an opt in thing.

JEMC said:

Peter Molyneux returns promising not to hype his next game, before hyping the game
(...) "So in days gone by, I would just start telling you about the whole game and the whole game design and why it was going to be the most brilliant game in the world," Molyneux told GameReactor in a new interview. "And people looking at this would then get very annoyed and angry. So I'm not going to do that."
It seems to me Molyneux has rather missed the point, and things don't get much better. "I do think, though, we have stumbled, and it feels like stumbling on a mechanic that has never been seen in a game before," said Molyneux. "I feel like we are exploiting that mechanic in a world and an environment which may be familiar to people. And because it is in a familiar environment, it'll be a lot fresher. And a lot of this is very mystical because I'm trying to avoid to tell you what it's like. But it's going to be a lot more like a kind of Fable / Black and White / Dungeon Keeper kind of experience."

Yep.. Thats one way not to tell people about your game . But honest if he goes back to them designs and can make it work like he did with them games im hyped.

Conina said:

I see a shitstorm on the horizon when thousands of Monkey Island fans get this shitty behavior when they just want to enjoy the Monkey Island content of the announced expansion in their own pace. Maybe this will lead to an PvE mode.

The friend of mine that got me to play with him, ltierally got it because he heard of the Monkey Island content coming soon...

Also today we had an amazing haul, making up to 200k and sporting a gold hoarder's emmy flag. We just finished dropping off the last load, and then a reaper galleon swooped in and went for our brig, because of the flag lmao (you can earn up to 10.5k for any alliance emissary flag you take from another player's destroyed ship, but we pay 20k to hoist the flag up), but in the end, they had to resort to cheating to kill the 3 of us (2 players zipped around us at the speed of light, that looked insanely janky, and none of us could land a hit on any of the two that boarded us).

Rare doesn't even have a report feature for those blatantly using cheats/hacks. They only offer reporting for inappropriate gamer-tag, pet name and ship name...

And because MS is in charge of the whole part where Rare makes money, they can't outright ban the hardware, because banning the HW and the account means one less gamepass user, hence why Rare hasn't been able to do much about this ongoing issue of sweatlords cheating.

I've no idea why they don't allow for PVE. I know full well the PVP only folks keep parroting "it's in the name SEA OF THIEVES", except that doesn't really hold weight, when in PVE mode, you are literally digging up buried treasure from other NPC alliances, and killing enemy NPC's for their loot/spoils, so the PVP isn't the core feature of the game, it's the world and it's story/lore (which I found out today is heavily established via comics, trailers, in-game cinematics, journals, NPC's, etc). 

This feels like ppl who moaned about PVP dying in WoW, that they kept saying "it's world of WARCRAFT", completely ignoring that Warcraft 1-3 established story lore, and WoW greatly expanded upon that. PVP in WoW, like SoT, is tacked on, and the game doesn't even feature weapon/cannon/health upgrades, meaning it is very little PVP driven, because there's nothing you can do to improve, besides weapon skills (which the PVP'ers seem to lack, because they need to cheat in this game). 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

zero129 said:
JEMC said:

Peter Molyneux returns promising not to hype his next game, before hyping the game
(...) "So in days gone by, I would just start telling you about the whole game and the whole game design and why it was going to be the most brilliant game in the world," Molyneux told GameReactor in a new interview. "And people looking at this would then get very annoyed and angry. So I'm not going to do that."
It seems to me Molyneux has rather missed the point, and things don't get much better. "I do think, though, we have stumbled, and it feels like stumbling on a mechanic that has never been seen in a game before," said Molyneux. "I feel like we are exploiting that mechanic in a world and an environment which may be familiar to people. And because it is in a familiar environment, it'll be a lot fresher. And a lot of this is very mystical because I'm trying to avoid to tell you what it's like. But it's going to be a lot more like a kind of Fable / Black and White / Dungeon Keeper kind of experience."

Yep.. Thats one way not to tell people about your game . But honest if he goes back to them designs and can make it work like he did with them games im hyped.

Some people never learn.

As for his next game, I don't know. I think that he, as a developer, peaked some years (and projects) ago. I don't think he'll be able to deliver on his promises.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network
gtotheunit91 said:
Conina said:

I see a shitstorm on the horizon when thousands of Monkey Island fans get this shitty behavior when they just want to enjoy the Monkey Island content of the announced expansion in their own pace. Maybe this will lead to an PvE mode.

Eh, if this was actually an issue, there would’ve been outcry during the Pirates of the Caribbean crossover in 2021. I mean, it’s a pirate game. Pirates by nature are all about plundering and pillaging without your consent. 

So I wouldn’t expect a PvE mode, but considering it’s a live service game, anything can eventually happen. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t. The game continues to be a huge hit after almost 5 years of great updates, so clearly the formula is working. 

There was.

People wanted PVP sorted, so they got Arena mode, but then Rare ended up scrapping that and they instead implemented the Hour glass on your ship table, to match-make PVP, and apparently the hour glass PVP is rife with cheaters.

People on the PVE side also complained, because Pirates swooped in and took some of SoT's main story chapter plots, and also outright show "pirates life" on the front page (to this day, it takes center stage at the start menu and in-game quest menu). So if you want to play the SoT story mode (tall tales) in proper order, you have to ignore Pirates life and do the quests after it, then go back to pirates life, and do all of this in real time, while trying to avoid PVP players killing you during your tall tale events (which they can and will do, and you have to restart half of the tale all over again).

Ppl have def been complaining, but it's not as big as say, Halo Reach outcry, or 2077.

This is one of SoT's most kindest streamers, and she talks about the decline of the game and the cheating:

This was also uploaded 1 day ago:

I feel like MS really need to get their colossal shit together and start handing out perma HW/account bands, and not be afraid of losing some GP users, because I keep hearing that Halo Inf still has a cheating issue, and same for SoT, and neither Rare nor 343 seem to do anything about it, or can.

Last edited by Chazore - on 06 July 2023

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

JEMC said:
zero129 said:

Yep.. Thats one way not to tell people about your game . But honest if he goes back to them designs and can make it work like he did with them games im hyped.

Some people never learn.

As for his next game, I don't know. I think that he, as a developer, peaked some years (and projects) ago. I don't think he'll be able to deliver on his promises.

As long as it doesn't become another Godus (which I backed on Kickstarter btw, to my regret), it should be fine. People now know what to expect with him, so they alreadz temper their expectation somewhat.

FFVII Ever Crisis looks more addictive than the remake...

Last edited by -Adonis- - on 07 July 2023

[Rumor] Nvidia seemingly wanting to block AiB partners from making Intel Battlemage graphics cards

"The report goes into saying that NVIDIA would go as far as ban such partners if they decide to launch GPUs based on Intel series. It is said that GPU supply limitations may apply if they decided to go with their plans. This is reportedly happening in China where such companies are now preparing for the launch of the new Intel series.

Unfortunately, the report has no evidence whatsoever, and it is extremely hard to confirm such information. However, PRO Hi-Tech is a well known channel which has strong connections with many companies, so there is no doubt something at play here. Furthermore, this would not be the first time NVIDIA is accused of something like this. Sadly, the person who has confirmed this to PRO Hi-Tech is unlikely to go on record"

Videocardz / PRO Hi-Tech

Just a rumor but wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Whats up with GPU manufacters being complete asshats this generation?

Last edited by hinch - on 07 July 2023

hinch said:

[Rumor] Nvidia seemingly wanting to block AiB partners from making Intel Battlemage graphics cards

"The report goes into saying that NVIDIA would go as far as ban such partners if they decide to launch GPUs based on Intel series. It is said that GPU supply limitations may apply if they decided to go with their plans. This is reportedly happening in China where such companies are now preparing for the launch of the new Intel series.

Unfortunately, the report has no evidence whatsoever, and it is extremely hard to confirm such information. However, PRO Hi-Tech is a well known channel which has strong connections with many companies, so there is no doubt something at play here. Furthermore, this would not be the first time NVIDIA is accused of something like this. Sadly, the person who has confirmed this to PRO Hi-Tech is unlikely to go on record"

Videocardz / PRO Hi-Tech

Just a rumor but wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Whats up with GPU manufacters being complete asshats this generation?

It is Nvidia and they have always be shady and has done plenty of anti-competitive things in the past so it wouldn't surprise me if it was legit. The only reason anyone puts up with it is cause buying Radeon doesn't feel like enough of an upgrade compared to a similarly priced Nvidia card. Intel if they get rolling is a bigger treat to Nvidia than Radeon will ever be. Outside of Raster, Radeon has been pathetic to say the least but Intel has not only shown they can keep up with Nvidia is a lot of areas, they are willing to undercut them significantly while doing so.

Intels QuickSync has always been an overlooked feature but even on their potato iGPUs, it would allow them to keep up with Nvidia's dGPUs in video encoding/decoding. Intels XeSS is generally seen as being better than FSR but still not quite up to par with DLSS but the fact that it is Ai accelerated for a first gen product shows promise. And their Ray Tracing is also great. Their drivers are the biggest kneecap but they have improved massively since launch. So if Intel can get their shit together, they can provide a full CPU+GPU solution than Nvidia simply can't and potentially without needing to skimp out on features that people would want.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850