Conina said: I see a shitstorm on the horizon when thousands of Monkey Island fans get this shitty behavior when they just want to enjoy the Monkey Island content of the announced expansion in their own pace. Maybe this will lead to an PvE mode. |
The friend of mine that got me to play with him, ltierally got it because he heard of the Monkey Island content coming soon...
Also today we had an amazing haul, making up to 200k and sporting a gold hoarder's emmy flag. We just finished dropping off the last load, and then a reaper galleon swooped in and went for our brig, because of the flag lmao (you can earn up to 10.5k for any alliance emissary flag you take from another player's destroyed ship, but we pay 20k to hoist the flag up), but in the end, they had to resort to cheating to kill the 3 of us (2 players zipped around us at the speed of light, that looked insanely janky, and none of us could land a hit on any of the two that boarded us).
Rare doesn't even have a report feature for those blatantly using cheats/hacks. They only offer reporting for inappropriate gamer-tag, pet name and ship name...
And because MS is in charge of the whole part where Rare makes money, they can't outright ban the hardware, because banning the HW and the account means one less gamepass user, hence why Rare hasn't been able to do much about this ongoing issue of sweatlords cheating.
I've no idea why they don't allow for PVE. I know full well the PVP only folks keep parroting "it's in the name SEA OF THIEVES", except that doesn't really hold weight, when in PVE mode, you are literally digging up buried treasure from other NPC alliances, and killing enemy NPC's for their loot/spoils, so the PVP isn't the core feature of the game, it's the world and it's story/lore (which I found out today is heavily established via comics, trailers, in-game cinematics, journals, NPC's, etc).
This feels like ppl who moaned about PVP dying in WoW, that they kept saying "it's world of WARCRAFT", completely ignoring that Warcraft 1-3 established story lore, and WoW greatly expanded upon that. PVP in WoW, like SoT, is tacked on, and the game doesn't even feature weapon/cannon/health upgrades, meaning it is very little PVP driven, because there's nothing you can do to improve, besides weapon skills (which the PVP'ers seem to lack, because they need to cheat in this game).
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"