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kirby007 said:

hell ye
personally, doing the same dungeon for the 300th time beats starting a new game.
and then im not even talking about alts to change the gameplay

I hear that they've just cut levelling down by half, and that the next expac is gonna be alt friendly, so ehre's hoping I'll actually get the chance to play my Shaman, Mage, Hunter, Priest, Druid and Dk more often. I only got to play my Hunter/Warlock during WoD as a joint effort, but since WoD, the following expacs became too taxing and not very alt friendly, so I just stuck with my Warlock for like 3 expacs and it wasn't all that fun (besides legion, which was the height of Warlock class fantasy for me). 

I haven't touched Shadowlands since early this yr, and tbh, I don't think I'm gonna finish the rest of it, even with the changes they've made, it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth worse than BFA did. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Around the Network
Captain_Yuri said:

"Again. Long term costs.

Buying AM5+DDR5 may not be more expensive than buying AM4+X5800X3D+The next platform.

That is the point I am making here."

But there is a very good chance it won't because of the early adopter tax on a new platform. If he waits a few years, he can get AM5 and DDR5 for cheap instead of having to pay the early adopter premium while enjoying the 30-50% extra performance he can get by going with 5800X3D + X570 + 4080 instead of 7700X + X670 + DDR5 + 4070.

And if you really want to talk about long term costs, we have seen how drastically the CPU/Mobo/Ram prices can drop but we have also seen how drastically the GPU prices can increase. If there's one lesson we learnt in the past two Crypto booms killing GPU prices... Is that it's better to get the best GPU you can over other components as long as the other components are reasonably good.

CPU/Mobo/Ram prices will only get cheaper the longer you wait after their initial release but there is no guarantee GPU prices will.

Then perhaps waiting for AM5 to drop is the obvious answer to see how the chips fall.

Captain_Yuri said:

"Not a single one of those games is under 120fps. That makes the 3950X is fine."

You do realize that those are very old games right? You should watch DF's RT video and realize how much of a bottleneck the 3000 series really is when you enable Ray Tracing which is very CPU intensive. We have seen through multiple games that 3000 series can't hold 60fps when you max out RT even with a 3080 let alone 4080.

Even digital foundry has the Ryzen 3600+Geforce RTX 2600 at over 60fps.

Ryzen 3600+Geforce RTX 3050 also getting over 60fps in cyberpunk.

Ryzen 3600 averaging 80fps in Call of Duty Cold War, 60fps in Control, 120fps in Wolfenstein, 60fps in Watchdogs, 70fps in Metro, 70fps in Tomb Raider, 70fps in Battlefield 5... When paired up with a mid range RTX 3060 Ti. - A faster GPU would obviously provide higher framerates.

And here... Digital Foundry has Doom Eternal with Ray Tracing on a Ryzen 3600 obtaining 120fps.

Ray Tracing is primarily GPU bound, especially at higher resolutions.
And considering you can obtain that performance from a crappy Ryzen 3600... Which is only a 6-Core/12-Thread CPU @ 3.8Ghz-4.4Ghz+32MB of cache verses the 3950X which is 16 Cores/32 Theads @ 3.5-4.7Ghz+64MB of cache.
You get the idea. - And yes, I know what a Ryzen 3600 is capable of, I owned one last year for overclocking tests. I also own Ray Tracing GPU's, got experience first hand.

And like you alluded too earlier... Cache isn't to be underestimated.

The 3950X or even 3900XT (Has higher clocks) is a great chip for EOL platforms which can't go any higher.

Captain_Yuri said:

As a 5950X and a 3080 owner, I am aware of the benefits of higher core count but as a general recommendation, it really doesn't benefit most people compared to ST performance. Especially if the higher core count CPU will introduce a significant bottleneck for the GPU. And as a person who had 3900X + 3080 that played at 3440 x 1440p who eventually got a 5950x instead. The CPU bottleneck was there because I certainly got a frame rate increase by going to 5000 series.

You know... People have been singing that tune for decades.

Back when Dual Core CPU's first released, it didn't benefit games to any great extent... They were all single threaded.
Eventually games started to use more than 1-CPU core... And those early (Athlon 64 X2) CPU's got an extra long relevant lifetime because of it.

When the Core 2 series burst onto the scene, people always recommended the higher clocked Core 2 Duo over something like the Core 2 Quad, however as games started to leverage 4 threads, the Core 2 Quad was simply capable of gaming for longer.

History eventually repeated itself with Nahelem and the 980X with it's 6 cores/12 threads. - And now that's regarded as bare minimum these days for gaming.

And obviously you will get a frame-rate increase going from the 3000 series to the 5000 series, that was the point of the entire new CPU generation and architecture, but it doesn't make the previous generation obsolete, far from it.
Regardless of GPU you have, if you install a faster CPU, you get more performance.

But then you step into the shoes of a power user like myself who might only run old single/dual threaded games, but still has a 16 core 5000 series processor. Why? Because I run more than one thing at once.

JEMC said:

Delaying the launch of your CPUs because you have problems with the BIOS is never a good sign. And, as Yuri said, we know how AMD struggled with it when they launched their Zen processors.

The only positives to take from this (you know, trying to look at the bright side) is that 1) AMD must have found a big problem and will have it fixed before launch; and 2) We know that they'll keep working on fixing all the kinks that appear as they've done it with Zen 1 to 3.

The only negative is that the motherboards are already shipping to retail, and that means that most if not all boards available at launch and shortly after will need to get updated.

Correct me if I am wrong... But I think this BIOS/Chipset is an AMD in-house design rather than contracted from another manufacturer?

Would explain a lot.

AMD has always had buggy BIOS's though... To the point where they would unlock hidden/disabled CPU cores on the Phenom 2.

Still better than the old VIA or SiS chipsets though... Still have PTSD over them.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
Captain_Yuri said:

"Not a single one of those games is under 120fps. That makes the 3950X is fine."

You do realize that those are very old games right? You should watch DF's RT video and realize how much of a bottleneck the 3000 series really is when you enable Ray Tracing which is very CPU intensive. We have seen through multiple games that 3000 series can't hold 60fps when you max out RT even with a 3080 let alone 4080.

Even digital foundry has the Ryzen 3600+Geforce RTX 2600 at over 60fps.

Ryzen 3600+Geforce RTX 3050 also getting over 60fps in cyberpunk.

Ryzen 3600 averaging 80fps in Call of Duty Cold War, 60fps in Control, 120fps in Wolfenstein, 60fps in Watchdogs, 70fps in Metro, 70fps in Tomb Raider, 70fps in Battlefield 5... When paired up with a mid range RTX 3060 Ti. - A faster GPU would obviously provide higher framerates.

And here... Digital Foundry has Doom Eternal with Ray Tracing on a Ryzen 3600 obtaining 120fps.

Ray Tracing is primarily GPU bound, especially at higher resolutions.
And considering you can obtain that performance from a crappy Ryzen 3600... Which is only a 6-Core/12-Thread CPU @ 3.8Ghz-4.4Ghz+32MB of cache verses the 3950X which is 16 Cores/32 Theads @ 3.5-4.7Ghz+64MB of cache.
You get the idea. - And yes, I know what a Ryzen 3600 is capable of, I owned one last year for overclocking tests. I also own Ray Tracing GPU's, got experience first hand.

And like you alluded too earlier... Cache isn't to be underestimated.

The 3950X or even 3900XT (Has higher clocks) is a great chip for EOL platforms which can't go any higher.

Captain_Yuri said:

As a 5950X and a 3080 owner, I am aware of the benefits of higher core count but as a general recommendation, it really doesn't benefit most people compared to ST performance. Especially if the higher core count CPU will introduce a significant bottleneck for the GPU. And as a person who had 3900X + 3080 that played at 3440 x 1440p who eventually got a 5950x instead. The CPU bottleneck was there because I certainly got a frame rate increase by going to 5000 series.

You know... People have been singing that tune for decades.

Back when Dual Core CPU's first released, it didn't benefit games to any great extent... They were all single threaded.
Eventually games started to use more than 1-CPU core... And those early (Athlon 64 X2) CPU's got an extra long relevant lifetime because of it.

When the Core 2 series burst onto the scene, people always recommended the higher clocked Core 2 Duo over something like the Core 2 Quad, however as games started to leverage 4 threads, the Core 2 Quad was simply capable of gaming for longer.

History eventually repeated itself with Nahelem and the 980X with it's 6 cores/12 threads. - And now that's regarded as bare minimum these days for gaming.

And obviously you will get a frame-rate increase going from the 3000 series to the 5000 series, that was the point of the entire new CPU generation and architecture, but it doesn't make the previous generation obsolete, far from it.
Regardless of GPU you have, if you install a faster CPU, you get more performance.

But then you step into the shoes of a power user like myself who might only run old single/dual threaded games, but still has a 16 core 5000 series processor. Why? Because I run more than one thing at once.

The videos you have listed aren't very good examples of the issue at hand. I'll admit, partially would be my fault since I should have actually listed the videos. Yes Ray Tracing is primarily GPU bound but DF has noticed that many aspects are in fact CPU bound to the point where a 3600 can't hold 60fps.

Of course, the fix is just to turn down a couple RT settings and a 3000 series can go well above 60FPS but with a 5800X3D, that shouldn't be needed. There is no doubt that 3600 can get over 60fps in many modern titles, especially without RT. But the point I am trying to make is when we really start pushing the CPU with next generation settings, that is where it starts to struggle. Now I am not saying it's a bad CPU, this problem is also happening with old Intel CPUs like 10th gen and such. Because the problem with the modern PC industry is the GPUs generational jumps are far exceeding CPUs to the point where a lot of the CPUs are becoming the bottleneck even at higher resolutions and a lot of it has to do with ST and the games don't seem to scale up much more than 8 cores.

Also you are acting like a 5800X3D can't do multitasking when infact, a 8 core 16 threaded CPU can do very well at multitasking. There are certainly tasks that having more cores than that would help in. I bought my 5950x because I need to use virtual machines for work and I like to test configs before deploying them. That is something that having more cores over ST will help with. But even then, you can deploy 5-6 virtual machines before a 5800X3D would start to struggle. For me, it's not so much that 3000 series are obsolete but more so that 5000 series is simply a better pairing and will also be cheap when Ryzen 7000/RTX 4000 comes out.

Anyway I think it's time to move on since my road trip is coming up so I'll agree to disagree.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

The Thursday news:


Elden Ring's sold just under 17 million copies in six months
Elden Ring was released on February 25 this year and, just under six months later, publisher Bandai Namco has announced it's sold a staggering 16.6 million copies of the game. This makes it by far the biggest individual success in developer FromSoft's history: the Dark Souls series has sold a combined total of around 27 million, while the most recent figure for Sekiro was 5 million copies sold as of summer 2020.
Clearly the mass market loves some demigod runes and a bit of body grafting. The news came as part of Bandai Namco's financial results (thanks, for the first financial quarter of 2023 (meaning April through June 2022), which show that the Japanese giant is in rude health: it reported videogame sales totalling ¥40.5 billion yen, a roughly 55% year-on-year increase, with 11,444,000 units sold over these three months.
Despite such sales, the publisher forecasts an overall drop in profit over this financial year. This is explained by both ongoing development investments and the lack of 'big' game launches it has over this time.

The Epic Store gives away two items:

And next week, the free game will be Ring of Pain.

Steam has two new sales:

Humble Bundle brings the new Paradox Turn-based Bundle, with up to 6 games and DLCs to get during 13 days:

And Fanatical has, once again, two flash deals and a new bundle:




World's biggest mod site bans mods replacing Pride flags: 'We don't want to and won't argue this with you'
Spider-Man Remastered (opens in new tab) recently launched on PC, and Insomniac's excellent web-em-up instantly attracted the attention of modders. This unfortunately included an individual who took offense at the game's rendition of New York City including some Pride flags among the absolute plethora of American ones. They created a mod that removed the Pride flags, replacing them with the stars and stripes, then uploaded it to Nexusmods using a sockpuppet account called "Mike Hawk."
Nexusmods is arguably the most popular centralised mod database online, with a nice clean look, a good community, and all the functionality a PC gamer could wish for. Nexus swiftly removed the mod, and banned the modder's sockpuppet and main account. The sanction led to some community drama about whether someone innocent had been punished. The people who run Nexusmods subsequently decided enough is enough when it comes to this stuff, and have addressed what went on in a new blog that sets out clear guidelines for the future.
Update: Another major mod site, ModDB, has also removed the mod and banned the users involved. A statement from ModDB has been added to this article.

Here are some cool upcoming Sonic, Mega Man, Kirby & Mario free games
SAGExpo has released two trailers for SEGA 2022, showcasing some upcoming Sonic, Mega Man, Kirby and Mario free games. Created by fans for fans, these free fan games will put a smile on most 16-bit fans out there.
Going into more details, these trailers showcase games such as Sonic X-Treme, Sonic Colors Demastered, Mega Man The Sequel Wars, Mega Man Shattered Diamon, Kirby Gamble Galaxy Stories. Oh, and there is also a new Pulseman game, called Pulseman Amabilis. And let’s not forget the fan sequel to the SEGA Game Gear exclusive, Tails Adventures.
>> There are far, far more games than those listed in the article, and some of them look very good! They're split into two videos that last over 20 minutes in total.

This Fallout 4 Mod adds new creatures, world bosses and crafting recipes
Delicon20 has released the third part of the DLC-sized expansion mod for Fallout 4, Mutant Menagerie. This is a must-have mod for all Fallout 4 fans as introduces new content to the game.
Mutant Menagerie – Nuclear Safari adds new creatures to the game. Additionally, players can track down new recipes, craft new and powerful items, or hunt down and slay the new quantum enemy variants and world-bosses.

Grand Theft Auto 5 NaturalVision Evolved Mod available for download
In May 2020, we published an article about the NaturalVision: Evolved Mod for Grand Theft Auto 5. And today, we are happy to report that its single-player beta version is available for download.
NaturalVision Evolved (NVE) is a work-in-progress visual overhaul mod that is currently in the early access stage. This mod brings numerous changes to the environmental weathers, lighting system, ambient colors, tonemapping, world textures, building models, props, vegetation and more.

At long last you can get sexy with Joker in Mass Effect 3
There's no shortage of characters to romance in the Mass Effect trilogy. Depending on which version of Commander Shepard you're playing, you can enjoy deep relationships and clunky cutscene coitus with Ashley Williams, Liara T'Soni, Kaidan Whatsisname, Miranda, Jack, Garrus, Tali, Javik, that weird fish guy everyone stans, that non-fish guy everyone hates, and a handful of others.
But when you're horny in space, is that really enough? How about one more?
Thanks to The Hatboy Project mod, you can now add Jeff "Joker" Moreau to your seemingly endless list of intimate conquests in Mass Effect 3. The mod "creates an all-new romantic narrative for the player to explore" with the quick-witted and endearing pilot of the SSV Normandy. There are new branches of dialogue, custom-written romantic versions of conversations, new ambient voice lines, the option to go from flirting to a committed relationship, and yes, even a "romance scene that is in keeping with the other vanilla options." A traditionally awkward Mass Effect sex-cutscene, in other words.


Brand new screenshots surface for Dead Island 2
It appears that Amazon has just leaked some new screenshots for Dead Island 2. Moreover, and according to the Amazon listing, the game will release in February 2023.

The Division 2 Title Update 16 releases tomorrow and here are its full patch notes
Ubisoft has announced that Title Update 16 for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 will release tomorrow, August 19th. Moreover, the French company revealed its full patch notes which you can find below.

A Plague Tale: Requiem gets an official gameplay overview trailer
Focus Home Interactive has released a brand new trailer for A Plague Tale: Requiem, showcasing its gameplay mechanics. In the sequel, Amicia will have some new resources, including the use of alchemy to manipulate fire and the long-distance power of a crossbow.

First Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered Patch improves DLSS, Ray Tracing, Stability & HBAO+
Nixxes has just released the first PC patch for Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered. According to the release notes, this update improves overall stability, NVIDIA’s DLSS, Ray Tracing and HBAO+.
Nixxes has also stated that it is already working on its next patch, that will be more substantial and will consist of bugfixes, improvements and additional features, based on the feedback it has received.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Thursday news, part two:

Humankind's cities can now be turned into gargantuan cakes
Humankind is celebrating its first anniversary by giving out hats and turning cities into giant cakes. This sounds like something Lex Luthor would do on his birthday, but who am I to judge? I just drink too much and cry about the inevitability of death.

Dying Light 2 teases first major DLC and looks like it's set in an arena
Dying Light 2: Stay Human has been a big success for developer Techland, shifting well over 5 million copies, and the studio's model as with the original is to support it with DLC for years to come. The first major story DLC was delayed until September, but today saw a new tease for 'Bloody Ties' and the promise of a full reveal at Gamescom.

Vampire Survivors has epic teaser trailers now
While I wasn't paying attention, Vampire Survivors recently got a surprisingly epic narrator for trailers and also a real story. With, like... animated character art? The teaser for the v0.11.0 All-In-One Patch, due to drop on August 18th, has just been released on YouTube and seems to detail Queen Sigma, who is complete with an absolutely rad animatic and is "the most powerful being in the worlds of..."

Destiny 2's Arc 3.0 rework is inspired by a bonkers Jason Statham movie
Following major reworks to the Void and Solar subclasses, Bungie has announced that Destiny 2's electrifying Arc subclass will soon be getting the 3.0 treatment with a "go fast and hit stuff" overhaul that the developers hope will turn players into cranked-up Jason Stathams.

'90s strategy king MicroProse is back with a Cold War blend of wargaming and RTS
Set in 1989 Germany during an imagined Warsaw Pact invasion, Regiments puts you in command of extended real-time fights between Cold War forces. It's a hybrid of RTS and tactical wargame that breaks from the traditions of both genres by being singleplayer only. Regiments puts a particular emphasis on dynamic, multi-day battles that let you reactively call for reinforcements.

Farthest Frontier devs didn't include churches to avoid 'drama around real world religions'
Religious buildings are a common feature of medieval-themed city builders. (...)
But you won't find religious buildings in Farthest Frontier, the new medieval-themed early access survival city builder from Crate Software, maker of Grim Dawn. In fact, there's no religion in the game at all. While it includes public amenities like theaters, markets, pubs, and hospitals, there are no churches or chapels to build and citizens have no faith requirements that need to be met. (There is a shrine, but more on that in a bit.)

Another crypto game crashes and burns, won't issue refunds to backers because there's no money left
Untamed Isles, a "monster-taming turn-based MMORPG" that found major success on Kickstarter, has been put "on hiatus" because of the crypto crash—Kickstarter backers are being told that there's no money left for refunds.

Embracer goes on spending spree: buys Lord of the Rings IP rights, Tripwire Interactive, and more
Embracer Group, the parent company for a vast and expanding roster of studios and publishers including THQ Nordic, Gearbox, Plaion (formerly Koch Media) and Saber Interactive, has announced it will acquire Middle-earth Enterprises, which basically means it owns IP rights for The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and a bunch of other Middle-earth related stuff the company doesn't even know about, yet. The purchase price is undisclosed "due to commercial reasons".
In addition to buying one of the biggest entertainment names of all time, Embracer also announced a bunch of other acquisitions today. It will acquire Killing Floor studio Tripwire Interactive, as well as Limited Run Games, which specialises in lush physical editions of otherwise digital indie games. Oh, and Tuxedo Labs, the studio responsible for Teardown, is also now an Embracer Group studio under the Saber Interactive subsidiary. All purchases prices remain undisclosed for the same vague "commercial reasons". Finally, LA-based studio Singtrix will also join the Embracer Group fold—they specialise in karaoke systems.
>> Where the f*ck do they get the money from? By the way, there are three different threads about the Embracer acquisitions, in case you want to discuss it in one of them.

Just Cause devs spent two years on an Iron Man game before it got cancelled over 'company politics'
Bad news came for Marvel fans yesterday when we learnt that Avalanche Studios—the maker of Just Cause—was working on an Iron Man game ten years ago, but it ended up being canned due to "company politics".
>> The reason actually makes sense.

Here's a 16-bit cybersamurai epic from the devs of Blazing Chrome
With a name like a long-lost Japanese tokusatsu series and a slavish dedication to a 16-bit aesthetic, Blazing Chrome developers JoyMasher are at it again. They've just announced their fourth game, Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider, an action platformer the the kind of 16-bit style that would have been right at home on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, or even the glowing backlit screen of a Game Gear.

Capes is a superhero tactical RPG where the good guys already lost
What would superhero universes look like if the superheroes... well, lost? It's an avenue not often explored, but it's what the team behind deckbuilder Hand of Fate is looking to do with its newest game Capes.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network

Intel Arc A580 Graphics Card Blazes Past The RTX 3050 In Ashes of The Singularity Benchmark

You really can tell it's Rajas work when the GPU is only good in AOTS

AMD RDNA 3 “Navi 3x” GPU Renders Show What The Radeon RX 7000 Powerhouses Could Look Like

Based on rumours that is

Intel Core i9-13900K Raptor Lake CPU Comes With “Extreme Performance” Mode, Up To 350W Power On High-End Z790 Motherboards

The funny thing is our Strata are going to upgrade our electrical systems for the neighbourhood. They say it's because of the increased demand for electrical cars but I think we all know it's for those that will pair a 13900k with a 4090...

Corsair teases MP700 PCIe Gen5 x4 NVMe SSDs with up to 10 GB/s sequential read speed

Kinda slow for a Gen 5 SSD.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Pemalite said:
JEMC said:

Delaying the launch of your CPUs because you have problems with the BIOS is never a good sign. And, as Yuri said, we know how AMD struggled with it when they launched their Zen processors.

The only positives to take from this (you know, trying to look at the bright side) is that 1) AMD must have found a big problem and will have it fixed before launch; and 2) We know that they'll keep working on fixing all the kinks that appear as they've done it with Zen 1 to 3.

The only negative is that the motherboards are already shipping to retail, and that means that most if not all boards available at launch and shortly after will need to get updated.

Correct me if I am wrong... But I think this BIOS/Chipset is an AMD in-house design rather than contracted from another manufacturer?

Would explain a lot.

AMD has always had buggy BIOS's though... To the point where they would unlock hidden/disabled CPU cores on the Phenom 2.

Still better than the old VIA or SiS chipsets though... Still have PTSD over them.

Well, it doesn't happen often but I'll have to correct you. It looks like they learned from the X570 chipset and have gone back to ASMedia to develop the new ones:

Here's how AMD’s new chipset architecture works. The base chiplet for X670 and X670E is known as the Promontory 21 (PROM21) chipset, which is built by 3rd party supplier ASMedia. One of these chips comes in a 19x19mm FCBGA package featuring a maximum power rating of 7W.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Captain_Yuri said:

Intel Core i9-13900K Raptor Lake CPU Comes With “Extreme Performance” Mode, Up To 350W Power On High-End Z790 Motherboards

350W... I feel so old now because it remembers me of the times when 130W+ was considered "uncoolable"

I think the first batch of PCIE Gen 5 NVMe drives will only serve one purpose, to lower the price of the current Gen 4 drives.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Captain_Yuri said:

The videos you have listed aren't very good examples of the issue at hand. I'll admit, partially would be my fault since I should have actually listed the videos. Yes Ray Tracing is primarily GPU bound but DF has noticed that many aspects are in fact CPU bound to the point where a 3600 can't hold 60fps.

Of course, the fix is just to turn down a couple RT settings and a 3000 series can go well above 60FPS but with a 5800X3D, that shouldn't be needed. There is no doubt that 3600 can get over 60fps in many modern titles, especially without RT. But the point I am trying to make is when we really start pushing the CPU with next generation settings, that is where it starts to struggle. Now I am not saying it's a bad CPU, this problem is also happening with old Intel CPUs like 10th gen and such. Because the problem with the modern PC industry is the GPUs generational jumps are far exceeding CPUs to the point where a lot of the CPUs are becoming the bottleneck even at higher resolutions and a lot of it has to do with ST and the games don't seem to scale up much more than 8 cores.

Also you are acting like a 5800X3D can't do multitasking when infact, a 8 core 16 threaded CPU can do very well at multitasking. There are certainly tasks that having more cores than that would help in. I bought my 5950x because I need to use virtual machines for work and I like to test configs before deploying them. That is something that having more cores over ST will help with. But even then, you can deploy 5-6 virtual machines before a 5800X3D would start to struggle. For me, it's not so much that 3000 series are obsolete but more so that 5000 series is simply a better pairing and will also be cheap when Ryzen 7000/RTX 4000 comes out.

Anyway I think it's time to move on since my road trip is coming up so I'll agree to disagree.

I guess you didn't watch the video?
Even digital foundry shows they went from 38fps to 58fps by dropping RT ray tracing resolution from very high to high, which again proves my prior point that Ray Tracing is GPU bound, not CPU.
They also state you get an extra 20% more performance by dropping Ray Tracing geometry from very high to high.

These are GPU bound settings, not CPU.

Now when they are comparing Ray Tracing object draw distance, that has a CPU impact due to the extra CPU load in regards to A.I and scripting, the others really don't.
And Digital Foundry also state that CPU's with "Greater core counts and speed" should just dial it up. That would include the 3900/3950X.

But if you turn all the Ray Tracing settings to very high and push the game to 4k, then it doesn't matter if you have a 3600 or 5800X3D, you are going to be GPU bound first and foremost.

It's about achieving "good enough" performance where it is acceptable... And one game being outlier isn't a trend that is industry wide either, especially when I threw a ton of games out into the open in my prior post to prove that point.

Captain_Yuri said:

Also you are acting like a 5800X3D can't do multitasking when infact, a 8 core 16 threaded CPU can do very well at multitasking. There are certainly tasks that having more cores than that would help in. I bought my 5950x because I need to use virtual machines for work and I like to test configs before deploying them. That is something that having more cores over ST will help with. But even then, you can deploy 5-6 virtual machines before a 5800X3D would start to struggle. For me, it's not so much that 3000 series are obsolete but more so that 5000 series is simply a better pairing and will also be cheap when Ryzen 7000/RTX 4000 comes out.

Anyway I think it's time to move on since my road trip is coming up so I'll agree to disagree.

Far from it. But the 3900/3950/5900/5950X leave the 5800X3D in the dirt as far as multitasking is concerned. You can double your performance.

I don't disagree that the 5000 series is a better buy, if your motherboard supports it, I wouldn't even consider the 3000 series if that support exists, but the point is to get a performance improvement for the lowest dollar cost in the short and long term, the 5800X3D isn't always going to be the right answer.

JEMC said:

Well, it doesn't happen often but I'll have to correct you. It looks like they learned from the X570 chipset and have gone back to ASMedia to develop the new ones:

Here's how AMD’s new chipset architecture works. The base chiplet for X670 and X670E is known as the Promontory 21 (PROM21) chipset, which is built by 3rd party supplier ASMedia. One of these chips comes in a 19x19mm FCBGA package featuring a maximum power rating of 7W.

That is why I said "correct me if I am wrong" because I was honestly clueless and didn't have the time to look it up before I made the claim. :P

But thank you for the clarification.

I think ASMedia are the better option the x570 seems to be a solid chipset.

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