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Fortnite to be blacklisted from Apple ecosystem until the exhaustion of all appeals, could be up to 5 years

Always nice to see Timmy Suffer


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

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The 3060 and 3070 super rumors makes no sense, and even kopite says that he doubts some of the specs. The change from GDDR6 to GDDR6X won't do anything for the 3070 Super to warrant any price increase, and the hardware bump of the 3060 Super is way to big to make any sense and kills several of Nvidia's own cards in the way.

But well, time will tell.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

hinch said:

Funnel people into raiding sounds about right for Shadowlands, particularly if you want the the very best. While BFA wasn't the strongest of expansions its one helluva lot more fun and better than this one particularly for endgame outside of raids. Lets not speak of Torghast and Korthia.. awful zones and grindfests with no reward or satisfaction. And balance lol, so bad. People are just seeing that WoW (retail) has very little to offer now they don't have a clue on what they are doing. Whats left is Classic, but thats old content..

And then you have people within disrespecting their customers and calling them wrong. Not surprised there's a divide within the company too, sounds awful.

Yeah, I'm gonna be honest, I actually liked the different regions of BFA more than Shadowlands.

I like the Vulpera's and their land with the Snek ppl, I love Bwonsamdi and his land of the dead style zone, as well as the blood trolls trying to resurrect Ghu'n. I also like how both Alliance & Horde were able to travel to each factions respective island after finishing their own, as with Shadowlands, you pretty much just do chores for each covenant and that got stale really fast for me. 

Probably doesn't help that Shadowlands has one singular topic for it's entire expansion, the subject of death, while also working for dead people with slightly different motives. BFA had you working with multiple factions with their own stories and while the topic was faction war, it was a t least different with each faction you ran into (like the Blood trolls, the snake ppl, the Zan Trolls etc).

I don't mind Torghast all that much, but none of it feels rewarding in the end, which can sour the taste. Krthia is basically Blizz making Timeless Isle 2.0 again, and I didn't like it back in Mists of Pandaria, I still don't like it now. I have died way more times in Korthia, than I've died in the past two expacs alone, and that pissed me off, because I grinded dungeons weekly to get all the gear I could, then Korthia turned around and bitch slapped me with 1-2 mobs melting me in seconds (seriously, that's not fun Blizz, that makes gear grinding pointless and fruitless).

I think Blizz needs to only look at the good parts the public loved about each expac and work on them more, while doing away with the SODDING WAR TABLES....

God I fucking hated how ever since WoD, we've had those stupid anti social war tables, that are designed to just keep you there, not doing anything expect clicking a few icons and then having to wait a whole day for a possible good result. 

The only plus side from this expac so far for me has been timewalking, and that's for old content, not new...

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Captain_Yuri said:

Fortnite to be blacklisted from Apple ecosystem until the exhaustion of all appeals, could be up to 5 years

Always nice to see Timmy Suffer

The fanboys were like "Epic can afford to pay them off, like a drop in the bucket"

Apple "you're not coming back for a possible 5 yrs"

Looks like they owe money and don't get to eat their cake, thems the rules Timmy boy. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
Captain_Yuri said:

Fortnite to be blacklisted from Apple ecosystem until the exhaustion of all appeals, could be up to 5 years

Always nice to see Timmy Suffer

The fanboys were like "Epic can afford to pay them off, like a drop in the bucket"

Apple "you're not coming back for a possible 5 yrs"

Looks like they owe money and don't get to eat their cake, thems the rules Timmy boy. 

Yea pretty much. I do hope they continue to fight it out cause it's one of those situations where I want both of them to lose.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Around the Network
Captain_Yuri said:
Chazore said:

The fanboys were like "Epic can afford to pay them off, like a drop in the bucket"

Apple "you're not coming back for a possible 5 yrs"

Looks like they owe money and don't get to eat their cake, thems the rules Timmy boy. 

Yea pretty much. I do hope they continue to fight it out cause it's one of those situations where I want both of them to lose.

This chud really wants to become one of the megacorps that gets to decide what goes and comes around lol. He reeks of jealousy.

If they were the ones running the show, we would be in a world of shit, because there would be no middle man, no actual competition, just him gatekeeping shit because it's not running on his network, his client, his anti-cheat.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
EricHiggin said:

Could be a similar but different tactic, or similar in goal, as to try and cover this up. Imagine if they go full woke asap. Odds are most of their customers will prefer the way things were before the controversy as compared to after. Obviously it would be best if everything works out as what seemingly may be the right thing for everyone, without getting extreme, but if that's not what the company wants, this way they have a better chance of getting their way. Change things so much, so dramatically, that fans voice their dislike for the new direction, even if the company needs to take a bit of a hit. This gives the company a pass basically, and even if new woke hires make a stink about it, it'll be much easier to deal with because the customer is what matters most right? Who's going to go against the company if they apologize and agree to change things back to the way they were, though that may mean making 'tough decisions'?

Like I always knew Activison was going to ruin Blizz over time, I just ignored it for the most part and tried to enjoy the games I knew Blizz was good with (WoW/Starcraft).

The thing that really gets me pissed, is that within the past 4-7 years, shit has been getting worse not only with the company, but it's products as well (Diablo 3 always online bs, the auction house, the always online for SCII, WC3 reforged turning into a complete shitshow, WoW content droughts and a few bad expansions, Starcraft II effectively being killed off, heroes of the storm being left to rot etc).

I don't think it's possible for them to even return to the way things were before, because those that made the good games possible have basically left, and all we're left with now are staff that are either new to the company and it's IP's, or people that just regard their customers as "enemies" to slag on their own personal twitter accounts (like the few staff that went straight for Asmogold, because he's a known guy that some Blizz devs hate).

They could totally hire idiots and go for the full woke approach, but that will sink the ship far faster, and of course, will serve to totally drive me away from the company and all of it's products.

Tbh, I don't really think Blizz is even going to be doing the same stuff they've been doing the past decade. The leaks from staff members that's been coasting the net, paints a picture that's honestly not that far off from reality.

Just take a look at this:

Second wall of text, you can see mention of Blizz wanting to "transition" over the next 5 years towards mobile/tablet gaming, which means free this or simple that, much like what Activision is doing with MT's and F2P titles. Acti has one of it's biggest money makers (Candy Crush), that makes more cash than most of Blizz's products combined, so it doesn't blow my mind that Acti is likely to have Blizz focus more on shitty casual style products in the future, especially after this insanely massive shitshow, that's already seeing devouts moving over to FFXIV, uninstalling and not playing Blizz games anymore. Half my friends on Discord keep telling me that they won't play Blizz games until that shit is sorted out.

Between the name changing of Mcree, the paintings being "warped" in WoW, and the "let's focus on hiring SJW's" approach just tells me that Blizz is utterly fucked as a company. I don't think there's any going back, for the better.

Didn't realize things were quite that bad already. Going full woke asap probably wouldn't help anymore at this point then. Best the fans probably could hope for would be another split there as well, where Bliz can straighten things out themselves and do their own thing. Reminds me a bit of the Activision Bungie partnership, and look what Bungie ended up doing in the end, which many wanted but nobody thought would ever happen. It did seem to help Destiny overall, but enough damage had already been done by that point. I go back to it every once and a while here and there, but it's still not the same.

For a world and industry so full of creativity, there's a lot of game changing going on instead of game creation. It's one thing when change is clearly needed, but another when change becomes the norm. Sad to see.

EricHiggin said:

Didn't realize things were quite that bad already. Going full woke asap probably wouldn't help anymore at this point then. Best the fans probably could hope for would be another split there as well, where Bliz can straighten things out themselves and do their own thing. Reminds me a bit of the Activision Bungie partnership, and look what Bungie ended up doing in the end, which many wanted but nobody thought would ever happen. It did seem to help Destiny overall, but enough damage had already been done by that point. I go back to it every once and a while here and there, but it's still not the same.

For a world and industry so full of creativity, there's a lot of game changing going on instead of game creation. It's one thing when change is clearly needed, but another when change becomes the norm. Sad to see.

Neither did I. I originally thought "nah, can't be real, it's another typical anon post on a chan board", but then I heard asmogold talking about the post and his interactions with Blizz employees on twitter, as well as generally looking at Blizz's game history and the things we didn't want implemented throughout multiple IP's.

I more or less see most of what was written as being legit, but I'm not sure about upper management losing their shit to FFXIV newcomers.

Still, the going woke part is starting to come to fruition with the most recent headline of them wanting to "diversify" staff. That and the recent painting changes in WoW. 

I honestly just want the old teams back together, but a good chunk of them have left to make their own studios now, so if Blizz decided to somehow split from Activision, they would still have to try finding themselves again and going back to their roots (with brand new staff, even younger ones, I don't think that's entirely possible). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
EricHiggin said:

Didn't realize things were quite that bad already. Going full woke asap probably wouldn't help anymore at this point then. Best the fans probably could hope for would be another split there as well, where Bliz can straighten things out themselves and do their own thing. Reminds me a bit of the Activision Bungie partnership, and look what Bungie ended up doing in the end, which many wanted but nobody thought would ever happen. It did seem to help Destiny overall, but enough damage had already been done by that point. I go back to it every once and a while here and there, but it's still not the same.

For a world and industry so full of creativity, there's a lot of game changing going on instead of game creation. It's one thing when change is clearly needed, but another when change becomes the norm. Sad to see.

Neither did I. I originally thought "nah, can't be real, it's another typical anon post on a chan board", but then I heard asmogold talking about the post and his interactions with Blizz employees on twitter, as well as generally looking at Blizz's game history and the things we didn't want implemented throughout multiple IP's.

I more or less see most of what was written as being legit, but I'm not sure about upper management losing their shit to FFXIV newcomers.

Still, the going woke part is starting to come to fruition with the most recent headline of them wanting to "diversify" staff. That and the recent painting changes in WoW. 

I honestly just want the old teams back together, but a good chunk of them have left to make their own studios now, so if Blizz decided to somehow split from Activision, they would still have to try finding themselves again and going back to their roots (with brand new staff, even younger ones, I don't think that's entirely possible). 

No it would never be the same, but a worthy comeback is certainly possible if seriously executed. After a split of course. They would need to be pretty fussy about who they brought in, yet that could mean a long wait for just the right people and slow growth. Which may be beneficial so the past get's mostly forgotten and left in the past. Then either move the woke crowd to where they'll do less damage within the company or perhaps let them start something totally fresh that's all theirs. Budgeted properly of course for a fresh IP. Try that whole game creation thing full woke a time or two and see if those attempts go full broke. If it works in the end, great, let that branch grow, and if it doesn't, a downsizing may be in order. To speed things up they could attempt to merge some of the new studio's with their old talent. Get Blizz back on track quicker and then help expand the newer studios and their IP. I mean it all could be done in many ways, but whether they really want to or not is the big question. If they're happy or willing to just stay the course than good luck I guess.

Good morning, guys, here's a little surprise for you:


Last Chance to Win an ASUS ROG Strix RTX 3080 Ti LC with Asetek Liquid Cooling Tech

If you want to take part in it, go here:

While the headline says "last chance", there are still 5 days left to enter, and the competition is "eligible for European countries ONLY". (it should include the UK, but I'm not so sure about eastern Europe countries.

In any case, good luck!

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.