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hinch said:

Funnel people into raiding sounds about right for Shadowlands, particularly if you want the the very best. While BFA wasn't the strongest of expansions its one helluva lot more fun and better than this one particularly for endgame outside of raids. Lets not speak of Torghast and Korthia.. awful zones and grindfests with no reward or satisfaction. And balance lol, so bad. People are just seeing that WoW (retail) has very little to offer now they don't have a clue on what they are doing. Whats left is Classic, but thats old content..

And then you have people within disrespecting their customers and calling them wrong. Not surprised there's a divide within the company too, sounds awful.

Yeah, I'm gonna be honest, I actually liked the different regions of BFA more than Shadowlands.

I like the Vulpera's and their land with the Snek ppl, I love Bwonsamdi and his land of the dead style zone, as well as the blood trolls trying to resurrect Ghu'n. I also like how both Alliance & Horde were able to travel to each factions respective island after finishing their own, as with Shadowlands, you pretty much just do chores for each covenant and that got stale really fast for me. 

Probably doesn't help that Shadowlands has one singular topic for it's entire expansion, the subject of death, while also working for dead people with slightly different motives. BFA had you working with multiple factions with their own stories and while the topic was faction war, it was a t least different with each faction you ran into (like the Blood trolls, the snake ppl, the Zan Trolls etc).

I don't mind Torghast all that much, but none of it feels rewarding in the end, which can sour the taste. Krthia is basically Blizz making Timeless Isle 2.0 again, and I didn't like it back in Mists of Pandaria, I still don't like it now. I have died way more times in Korthia, than I've died in the past two expacs alone, and that pissed me off, because I grinded dungeons weekly to get all the gear I could, then Korthia turned around and bitch slapped me with 1-2 mobs melting me in seconds (seriously, that's not fun Blizz, that makes gear grinding pointless and fruitless).

I think Blizz needs to only look at the good parts the public loved about each expac and work on them more, while doing away with the SODDING WAR TABLES....

God I fucking hated how ever since WoD, we've had those stupid anti social war tables, that are designed to just keep you there, not doing anything expect clicking a few icons and then having to wait a whole day for a possible good result. 

The only plus side from this expac so far for me has been timewalking, and that's for old content, not new...

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"