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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do people think the PS3 sucks

Rath said:
It doesn't suck but its hardly problem free, to be honest a large amount of the problem actually came from Sonys bumbling PR. Telling consumers they will buy the console even if it doesn't have games, telling them rumble is 'last gen' then adding it and saying that BC is an important part of their strategy then dropping it like a rock are just some of the major screw ups their PR team has made in the last year or so.

However if you want me to list some problems with the console;
Unnecessary use of HD media adding to the launch price
Said launch price being far too high
Actual physical size being extremely large
Apparently extremely hard to develop for leading to huge dev budgets
Far too many changes causing large amounts of confusion (20GB, 40GB, 60GB, 80GB)
None of them make the console suck by any means though.

 QFT, you hit it right on the money, a big factor is PS3 doesn't have the image it did last gen, it doesn't suck hardware wise, however developing for it has been sucky, a lot more money has to be poured into making a game which is harder for smaller developers, and is even making larger comapanies take much longer to make multiplatform games, many sources have said the PS3 caused the delay for GTA4, and when you look at al the 2007 titles that got pushed back to 2008 the reports might have been right.  Plus there really hasn't been any game that has been a system seller for PS3, something so good you had to buy the system, MGS4 probably already sold a decent percent systems cause many people bought it around launch just for MGS, but that means that many less systems will be sold after the game is out, Killzone 1 wasn't that good so Killzone 2 only got PS3 owners excited, and Little Big Planet as good as it may be might not appeal to people enough to buy the PS3 for it.  Right now PS3 is going to need a few more great games before it's looked upon in a positive light.

Microsoft has also done a lot of good things this gen, with image, launching early, price, etc.  So people make up their minds, and stick to one side a lot of the time, so yeah there's going to be a lot of Sony hate, live with it Nintendo fans did last gen, and now many people are jumping to 360 and Wii and doing the same thing PS2 and Xbox fans did to GC fans.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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ssj12 said:
Naraku_Diabolos said:
Rath said:
It doesn't suck but its hardly problem free, to be honest a large amount of the problem actually came from Sonys bumbling PR. Telling consumers they will buy the console even if it doesn't have games, telling them rumble is 'last gen' then adding it and saying that BC is an important part of their strategy then dropping it like a rock are just some of the major screw ups their PR team has made in the last year or so.

However if you want me to list some problems with the console;
Unnecessary use of HD media adding to the launch price
Said launch price being far too high
Actual physical size being extremely large
Apparently extremely hard to develop for leading to huge dev budgets
Far too many changes causing large amounts of confusion (20GB, 40GB, 60GB, 80GB)
None of them make the console suck by any means though.

lol I quoted that onto my Microsoft OneNote app so I can post it again for reference, and I have you as the quoter. I also saved the link to this thread as reference as to end all PS3 fanboy hate threads.

To answer the OP, I don't think it sucks. I just hate how Sony marketed the system and how they try to lower the price by lying and backstabbing customers on the commercial, BY NOT SAYING WHY THE SYSTEM COSTS $399. They NEED to mention WHY the 40GB model is being sold at that price and what features, or lack there of.

 its on the box....

 Speaking from a sellers perspective, no one looks on the box, most customers would have thought all PS3 systems have the same features if we didn't tell them the differences.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

I don't think the PS3 sucks, but I have a problem with it for several reasons:
1. Expensive
2. Very few great games
3. Removal of BC for the SKU that I might actually consider buying (we just got a new HDTV and need a Blu-ray player)

I don't think the PS3 sucks, but I have a problem with it for several reasons:
1. Expensive
2. Very few great games
3. Removal of BC for the SKU that I might actually consider buying (we just got a new HDTV and need a Blu-ray player)

I don't think the PS3 sucks, just that the Wii is more fun to play.

Also.. this is a gaming sales & analysis website and people could just be saying that Sony has made continuously horrible marketing decisions, while Microsoft's have been so-so and Nintendo's have been brilliant --- or any variation of that.


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Why I don't like the PS3:

For me is about cost-effective, it cost more for me... (from $300 to $600), it cost more to devs...

If I want to play LBP I have to pay for da power of da cell, for a blu-ray player, for a lot of features that I'm not going to use, maybe is a heck of a deal for some people, but for me, nah...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Naraku_Diabolos said:
Rath said:
It doesn't suck but its hardly problem free, to be honest a large amount of the problem actually came from Sonys bumbling PR. Telling consumers they will buy the console even if it doesn't have games, telling them rumble is 'last gen' then adding it and saying that BC is an important part of their strategy then dropping it like a rock are just some of the major screw ups their PR team has made in the last year or so.

However if you want me to list some problems with the console;
Unnecessary use of HD media adding to the launch price
Said launch price being far too high
Actual physical size being extremely large
Apparently extremely hard to develop for leading to huge dev budgets
Far too many changes causing large amounts of confusion (20GB, 40GB, 60GB, 80GB)
None of them make the console suck by any means though.

lol I quoted that onto my Microsoft OneNote app so I can post it again for reference, and I have you as the quoter. I also saved the link to this thread as reference as to end all PS3 fanboy hate threads.

To answer the OP, I don't think it sucks. I just hate how Sony marketed the system and how they try to lower the price by lying and backstabbing customers on the commercial, BY NOT SAYING WHY THE SYSTEM COSTS $399. They NEED to mention WHY the 40GB model is being sold at that price and what features, or lack there of.

 I really don't like you, and you don't seem to understand that commercials aren't telling you why something costs what it does, its representing the console.

Again, do Wii commercials tell you that the Console is $250 because it uses old technology, does it tell you that it only costs $150 to make a Wii, and they are charging you a full $100 extra? No. Your argument FAILS. Honestly, do you really think ANY company would say what their product doesn't have? Use common sense.

Even if you were to argue that it is only $399 because they dropped BC, it's still well worth it. AND it still has more features then both other consoles. 

I don't think the PS3 sucks; quite the contrary, I think it's quite a powerful and versatile machine. The problem is, I already have a machine that's more powerful and versatile than it is, and that is getting pretty much everything the PS3's getting that's worth getting to me personally. It's called my PC. I really don't see any reason to invest an additional $400 to $500 in a console that ultimately has nothing to offer over what I already have. Maybe if I had no PC and didn't want to spend the money to get one, I'd see a PS3 as a great choice. But that's not the case, so...

Maybe some day in the future, the PS3 will have enough items I'm interested on it exclusively, at which point I may well consider getting one. But for now, it's just a PC alternative to me. And an alternative I'm in no need of.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

its too expensive, and has NO exclusive games that i want except for Metal Gear Solid 4. which is why i chose to buy a 360, it was cheaper and it has a great support and more exclusives