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Forums - General Discussion - How does George W. Bush sleep at night?

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world, so wake up mr. Freeman, wakeup and smell the ashes.

24 hours later, war=over, seriously.

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Simple. He sleeps well at night because he believes that he was chosen by God to become President, therefore he can do no wrong.

I love knowing that the world hates Bush for things that Washington is in control over, such as legislation. All Bush has is veto, not the creation/passing of whatever policies that affect the US.

But you know, theres got to be one person to put all the blame on to make all of us feel better.

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One of the secret service guys gives him the neck-pinch thing that knocks him out cold.

This is how he can sleep at night ...

I knew that a long time ago ...

Bush is really a tool. When he took an entire week to get help to the folks in New Orleans after Katrina, and yet had aid to the tsunami victims a day after the incident, I so wanted him out.

He had taken the economy into a recession, has put us in a war based on lies and calls himself a Christian. Jesus wouldn't have done any of that. Yeah, homie's a devil ...

Here's a Bush Countdown Clock ... I got that junk bookmarked ... 

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The War in Iraq was foolish and unjustified but it was the will of the American public to go to war and it is now their responsibility to make it have an adequate resolution. There really is only one way that this can end without turning Iraq into the terrorist threat it was sold to be, or without bankrupting the American government ...

The US military has to get an increased presence (beyond what the surge has already provided) and the insurgents have to be pushed out of the country; when that is done the United States has to encourage the United Nations to send peace keeping troops to take over the bulk of the rebuilding workload. This will take 24 months before the US can be in a position where they can decrease their presence in Iraq, and thus reduce their defence budget.

Well PDF. People bash Because he's the worst president the Country has ever had; A megalomaniac who led his country into an illegal, immoral and unnecessary quagmire that's killed hundreds of thousands and made the world and America a far less safe place while plunging his country into a monstrous debt and a recession. He wouldn't have a leg to stand on at a war crimes tribunal let alone an impeachment trial and I think that's exactly the sort of thing that justifies "bashing"

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

You know, anytime i read an article or blog blaming bush for anything under the sun, i sometimes wish that in some alternate dimension that he hadn't won't the 2000 and 2004 elections just so we can see how things would end up... let's see...

In 2000 Al Gore wins the election after forcing a recount for the 3,215,985th time and some how coming up with more and more votes each time to give him enough votes to win Flordia

2001... 9/11 happens... what do you do? who to blame?  You're PRESIDENT Al Gore... you've just spent more then 9 consecutive years in the white house and basically sat on your hands along with the rest of the Clinton administration and did nothing to stop the threat even AFTER the US was attacked the first time 8 years earlier under your watch.  Top that off with the dot com bubble burst and an economic recession to start your term off, and all of a sudden things arent lookin too good are they?  You have no one else to put the blame on for all that and you have to deal with it.

 Aren't you Bush-Bashers glad you had ol' Dubya in office to take the fall, instead of having to face that reality of a President Al Gore?  Now you can freely blame and curse Bush for everything under the sun while all the previous members of the Clinton administration get a free pass.

And let's look to 2004 as well....

Let's say Lurch himself John Skerry (BWUAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!.... sorry)  actually wins that election... then what happens?  Oh yeah, a little something called Hurricane Katrina barrels through the Gulf Coast and wipes out New Orleans, not to mention half of Luisianna n parts of Mississipi are hit hard too... oh crap, now John Kerry has to deal with that mess and the loss of a big portion of his voting block... they're not gonna be too happy about that.  But hey it's all good, cuz back in the real world Bush is in office, so once AGAIN you can put all the blame on him, even though both the mayor of N.O. and the governor of Louisiana are both Democrats and did jack squat to help their own people, but shhhhh, dont talk about that, gotta stick to the script and blame Bush ya' know?

 So now we come to 2008, and it looks like either Barack Obama or Hitlery Clinton are gonna be the Democratic nominees.  As much as I'd hate to see either one of them win, in a twisted sort of way i hope one of them does just to see what would happen... like what if Iraq turns out to be a success, would they take the credit for it even after they and the rest of the Democrats tried to discredit and deride it as an illegal war?  Or what if there's another attack, how would they respond and who (if anyone)  would they blame?  What about all their social programs they keep promising everyone... what would people's reactions be when they find out the budget for giving everyone "affordable" heal care and other such social programs would make the current budget amount of 3 trillion look like chump change in comparison (BTW the federalbudget is controlled by the Senate and the House which are both controlled by the Democrats for those of you who dont pay attention or are too dumb to realize that Bush doesnt control everything the gov't does.)

So there's a lil sumthin sumthin for you Bush hater's to chew on while you scour the interwebs lookin for other stuff to blame on him (MY CAR DIDN'T START THIS MORNING!!!!   F*CKIN BUSH!!!!111111 ) 

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Legend11 said:
Bush also presided over the first budget to hit $2 trillion, in 2002. It took the government nearly 200 years to reach the first $1 trillion budget, which occurred in 1987 during the Reagan administration. 

I really don't care to comment on the rest of the article but I have to LOL at that statement. It's like saying that it took Egypt 3,000 years to hit a $1 billion budget yet they doubled that in a mere ten years.


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Both HappySquirrel and PDF are right on the money... it's nice to know there are some sane people on this website who know their stuff and don't simply espouse far left talking points like Katrina was all Bush's fault and the war in Iraq was just for oil... RIIIGHHTTT.... thats why before the war i was paying about $1.25-1.50 for a gallon of gas in my area and now im paying over $3.... it couldnt have anything to do with supply and demand on a global scale and most of the world's oil supply being controlled by OPEC... oh no, HAS to be Bush's fault... i mean thats what everyone says so it MUST be true right?  guys?  anybody?   Bueler???

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.