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Forums - Sony Discussion - Greatest Hits for PS3 coming soon?

They should add NGS & Heavenly Sword both to this list. Both games have sold pretty well (as good as Warhawk)...and both have been out for awhile.

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Greatest hits? is that another companies version of the discount games. IN Aust- we call it Platinum Games. Will be cool if they do. soon :D

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

They are called Platinum Games in the UK too. They sell for 1/2 price and are in Silver Cases.


isn't it a bit early? Does the 360 even have that yet? I know Nintendo doesn't yet

Ive been predicting that Sony annouces the Greatest Hits at GDC. Games being on the market for 9 months is a requirement for NA. Being that Japan is getting some soon, NA can't be far behind.

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GooseGaws said:
coolestguyever said:
thats cool. lookin forward to a greatest hits. should be:

- Resistance
- Motorstorm
- Call of Duty 4
- Uncharted
- Assassin's Creed
- PES 2008
- FIFA 08

All the million sellers world-wide should be greatest hits.

Sports games inevitably drop in price as the next iteration's release approaches.  They aren't really suitable for a "Greatest Hits"-type line.

I would have to agree with you.

Revamped list:

- Resistance (obvious pick)

- Uncharted (One of the best games)

- Motorstorm (even though its bundled, its almost at 3 million)

- Assassin's Creed/CoD4 (I'm not sure if multi-plat games can be greatest hits, but they should be)

Meh ... I'll just get a few off eBay NOW for that price ...

This would be he final nail in the coffin for me and persuade me to sell my 360 for a PS3, been considering it for a few weeks now but PS3 games in Uk are generally around £10.00 more expensive than 360 equivelant's.


I think they should hold off a bit longer before doing this. At a minimum it should be at the 2-year anniversary. Some point after would be acceptable, IMO.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Folklore how did I miss your abysmal sales? Damn you Master Chief I knew I was missing something while I was wrapped up in death matching my fellow Spartans. Frankly its a tragedy this game had such a poor sales history. Let me put it this way Blue Dragon has actually sold three times better. This title alone highlights the fact that the title greatest hits is sheer marketing scat.

I really empathize with the developers need to turn this blight into a shining beacon, that or find some way to turn a profit off of this disaster. That said it does insult ones intelligence and someone has to point out this game has sold only 150,000 units globally. That being the only reason it is on this list they couldn't sell it to consumers at full price. They will probably not find a sale at this new price either.

I would be interested to read the theories as to why this game was a complete failure, but I think the question is why drag this horrible disaster back out into the light. How many of us actually noticed this, and more importantly how common is the knowledge. Were I to have had a game fail this horribly I would pretend it didn't exist not shine a bright light on it. You can always reduce the MSRP in secret months from now, and hope to make back the losses quietly.

I want to be perfectly clear I don't think Folklore was a bad game. While it got a few negative reviews the majority of the reviews were positive. The title did receive a 75 on Metacritic. Just pointing out calling this game a hit either sets the standards idiotically low, or those who thought up the name lack what is called a conscience. The game might deserve to be a hit, but it wasn't. Sony deserves to be mocked for this. They really deserve it.