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Forums - Gaming Discussion - “You’re all being played” Bleszinski slams Sony’s lack of used game blockers as a PR tactic

kitler53 said:
Nsanity said:
Hynad said:

Isn't it against the rule to post an article as is without putting your own comments in the OP?

Oh... Yes. It is.

  • Do not post just a link. Links have context - expound upon that context. For example, Mario Piano Videos. Post a link, but also give some background on what the link is to. Try to avoid simply copy and pasting the article to which you are linking.

Plenty of other users on this site do the exact same thing.

i had a conversation with with kresnik on the matter.  if you OP consists of "" you'll get warned.  if you at least put in the effort to move the content over you'll be okay. 

seriously, without you Nsanity we'd have no threads to talk in..   keep it up!

"Try to avoid simply copy and pasting the article to which you are linking."

He never even tries. Like... at all. No comment, no position or comment  of his own to move the discussion forward... Just a bland copy-paste. Which the rule specifically doesn't condone.

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I think mister Bleszinski shouts out what the developers only dare to wisper indoors.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Angelus said:
It's amazing to me that people here are just allowed to post things like "wow, what a dumbfuck" without getting banned, or at least some kind of warning. I'm pretty sure if this was said towards a member on this forum it would warrant action, but because it's not, and basically "behind a guy's back" it's ok?

Whether or not you agree with what Cliff is saying......the amount of disrespectful people here on this site.......just wow. I guess you people show your true colours whenever you get to talk about someone not a part of this site.

And now we have this


Basically people clamoring for new restrictions


You people are killing me with this sh!t..

Hynad said:
kitler53 said:
Nsanity said:
Hynad said:

Isn't it against the rule to post an article as is without putting your own comments in the OP?

Oh... Yes. It is.

  • Do not post just a link. Links have context - expound upon that context. For example, Mario Piano Videos. Post a link, but also give some background on what the link is to. Try to avoid simply copy and pasting the article to which you are linking.

Plenty of other users on this site do the exact same thing.

i had a conversation with with kresnik on the matter.  if you OP consists of "" you'll get warned.  if you at least put in the effort to move the content over you'll be okay. 

seriously, without you Nsanity we'd have no threads to talk in..   keep it up!

"Try to avoid simply copy and pasting the article to which you are linking."

He never even tries. Like... at all. No comment, no position or comment  of his own to move the discussion forward... Just a bland copy-paste. Which the rule specifically doesn't condone.

Why is it a big deal? He is one of the best contributors. The rule is there to prevent propagtion of false stories. I think the mods and the members trust him enough to let it pass. I got it all wrong.

Cliffy B crazy. XD

4 ≈ One

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I think Nintendo is in a much better place than Cliffy B to comment on that. Being a developer, publisher AND console manufacturer. So here, already posted in an other thread, but just for the sake of "shutting him up":

"We have been very clear, we understand that used games are a way for some consumers to monetize their games," Fils-Aime said. "They will buy a game, play it, bring it back to their retailer to get credit for their next purchase. Certainly, that impacts games that are annualized and candidly also impacts games that are maybe undifferentiated much more than [it] impacts Nintendo content. Why is that? Because the replayability of our content is super strong. The consumer wants to keep playing Mario Kart. The consumer want to keep playing New Super Mario Bros. They want to keep playing Pikmin. So we see that the trade-in frequency on Nintendo content is much less than the industry average – much, much less. So for us, we have been able to step back and say that we are not taking any technological means to impact trade-in and we are confident that if we build great content, then the consumer will not want to trade in our games."

Cliff being a douchebag aside, I wonder how many devs think the same way? Or even more importantly how many publishers think the same way...

Nintendo and PC gamer

LOL this guy is out of his mind. Buy an XBOX one or rent a box as I like to call it. Then we will see who's being played.

I think a lot of you are being unfair to Cliff.

Hes well known to be a hardworking guy in the industry, he LOVES gaming in general, and is damn good at his job. He is highly opinionated so I understand how that could rub some people the wrong way but don't attack his career because whether you like him or not the man is an incredible developer.

But like I said earlier he's looking at the used games situation completely the wrong way and at this point clearly is flavoring MS though there's nothing wrong with preferring one company over the other.

I agree with him on this. It is a free PR tactic,thanks to microsoft. When Sony backtracks are the video game industry crashes upon itself,your all going to eat crow.