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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - GameCube controller

Hello there

A while ago I wanted to get a Classic Controler so I can play SSBB and VC games. But after seeing so manye people playing SSBB with a GC Controller I'm having thoughs about getting one instead of the classic controller.

But the question is, how good is the GC Controller for the VC games ?

Another question would be, is the rumble worth getting a classic GC controller or should I go for a wireless GC controller with no rumble ?

As a side note, I don't have any GC games and I don't plan to get any.


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If you are going to get a gc controller go for rumble. As for the classic controller, I find is better for vc games by a long shot. Buy whatever you feel most comfortable with.



Depends. (About rumble)

I'm quite comfortable with my wireless controller, would be pretty nice to have rumble again for gcn, but tmy wireless third part controller is much easier to handle, and is easier for controller setup.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

Srry, double post.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

Get the Gamecube controller with rumble. It is very good for most VC games, though it is VERY awkard trying to play SNES games. From what I've heard, using a Gamecube controller on SSBB is by far the best way to play.

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Classic Controller is better for SNES games. I don't own a CC. I have Super Mario World and Zelda: LttP on the VC. Zelda isn't bad with the GameCube controller, but SMW is a bit akward because Y is to run.

Get the Gamecube controller.

1. You can play Gamecube games better. Super Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime are absolutely worth getting.

2. It works better than the Classic Controller on every VC game i have played, especially Super Mario 64.

3. It will work better than the other three control options for SSBB


Get the wireless controller if you can find it.

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Buy the Gamecube controller. It's cheap, and if you don't buy one now, you may not be able to later. Some SNES games (Donkey Kong Country) are impossible to play, though.

On a side note, if you have a Wii, you really need to invest in some Gamecube titles. There are some classics that are dirt cheap!

1. Does wii have full backwards compat (is it software or hardware?)
2. do original GC controllers work with wii, cause my friend told me they dont

Ok ok. I'll sure get a GC controller over the CC.

The question that is left now is:

Wireless without rumble
Wired with rumble