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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - X360 Sales: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare to pass Gears of War..

Gears of War 2 is looking like it will be announced VERY shortly, as Gamepro Magazine appears to have info on the game in their next issue.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Are IW owned by Activision, (or do Activision own the rights to the franchise?) because if they franchise loses some reputation with a decent (not awful) sequel this year, it might damage the next IW CoD's sales

COD4 will surely pass Gears of War but not Halo 3. Nothing can top Halo (for 360 cause Wii Sports, Wii Play, etc already have)

CoD 4 will outsell Gears because it was selling to almost double the install base on release. Gears 2 will easily eclipse andything CoD 4 does.

I'm starting to get very pumped for Gears of War 2. It will be a toss up between Gears 2 and Resistance two for shooter of the year. Killzone 2 is reportedly only mediocre gameplay wise, so its out. Based on the first installments, Gears will be better, if not in graphics, then at least in gameplay.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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It should because Gears of War BLOWS. I played for 30 minutes and took the disk out.

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I thought GoW was better than COD4. Well Gears 2 will be along shortly to put COD back in its place.



GoW I think better game than CoD4
I love it more..
I think it deserve more than CoD4

NO X360 game will pass Halo 3
Halo 3 will end this year with more than8.5
may be 9 million
and people will buy it for the next 3 years if Halo 4 is not coming

Gears of War is a better game, but it is inevitable that Call of Duty 4 will pass it. It has no chance of outselling Halo 3, even though it is a better game. No game on the 360 will even come close, unless they make a Halo 4.

They definitely have their strengths and I think both are good, but I've enjoyed Call of Duty 4 more than Gears Of War. Despite both being VERY linear, I liked the ride that COD4 puts out a little more than Gears and COD4 feels more intense. Still, Gears of war has the robust cover system that is simple to use (except for 'A' being context sensitive), but they're both good like I said.

Now I've never played GoW online so I can't comment on which online is better, but CoD4 (PS3 version though) was really good and I really enjoy playing in 'Ground War' games because you can play with up to 18 people and they feel like the most intense to me (when playing a somewhat similar game in modern settings like Battlefield 2).