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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Head Tracking Wii in Fatal Frame 4?

it occurred to me that head tracking VR could work very well in a game like fatal frame 4.

i would very much like this to happen, but given the game is due out in 2008, there's probably not enough time to fully implement this.  however, nintendo did step up and decide they'll publish and assist making the game, if they had the idea in mind a year ago, it could happen in fatal frame 4.

 if not, fatal frame 5 hopefully uses some kind of headtracking, as i think it would add a lot to the gameplay.

what do you guys think?   

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whats head tracking VR

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

This is head tracking


would be nuts for a game like this, but i don't think it'll come into play this early in the wii-gen... or even until next gen

Head tracking is something that has been used already in PC games with TrackIR; with flight simulators, racing and shooters.

I don't see why it can't be done on the Wii? But for that you would need an extra controller.

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I just read an article about a developer coming up with a way to do this with the PS3s camera, the PS Eye, and a set a specially made glasses you wear. Hes planning on releasing it publicly to other developers, so they can implement them into a game.

Got to admit, if they were able to start using this in video games, that would be HUGE. Imagine a shooter where you can just move your head to look and shoot around a corner really quick, then move your head back to take cover again.

It would be fun to play this way for a while, but not for long. In the fast paced games you will get tired and dizzy quite fast. Your hands have much dexterity than your head and also it's much more easier and comfortable to move a finder instead of your head.


FaithRaven said:
It would be fun to play this way for a while, but not for long. In the fast paced games you will get tired and dizzy quite fast. Your hands have much dexterity than your head and also it's much more easier and comfortable to move a finder instead of your head.

Its not as if you would need to move your head rapidly...well unless they came out with a headbanging simulator or something. So I don't think you need to worry about the dexterity of your head too much..and in the event that you do need to move your head quickly I want to point out that its attached to this nifty centerpiece called your torso which has these things called legs that allow you to move the whole package rather swiftly provided they (ie your legs) work.

PS - /cringe @ the phrase "more easier"

To Each Man, Responsibility

I don't understand why you couldn't just put the Wiimote on your head.

It's the same imputing... just reversed.

FaithRaven said:
It would be fun to play this way for a while, but not for long. In the fast paced games you will get tired and dizzy quite fast. Your hands have much dexterity than your head and also it's much more easier and comfortable to move a finder instead of your head.

That's because you've been used to place the way you're playing now. I remember very well the day I've played my first full 3D game (Mario 64)... I got sick and threw up everything I'd eaten.

And by the way we won't need another wiimote. Nintendo will only have to provide a device with bluetooth capable IR camera (with enough room for batteries).