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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Mario Kart 8 Thread - Open To Random Online Races!


Your MK8 Rating

10 542 46.85%
9 350 30.25%
8 109 9.42%
7 27 2.33%
6 10 0.86%
5 9 0.78%
4 1 0.09%
3 22 1.90%
There shouldn't be any l... 64 5.53%
I will be playing alone, at what hour PST will the tournament be?

Should be at 10 am.

Around the Network
TruckOSaurus said:

Rol's tourneys are more focused for European users (hence the 20:00 CEST time). There's a tournament hosted every Saturday too.

There's also ConeyG's Tourney which I think he told me he would now host in my thread starting this Sunday. I'm also in talks with someone else about another Tourney, we are figuring out times.

I'll try to get in one of these tourneys some time.

This is definitely my fav MK ever... and for the first time I feel like I am good. The gamepad is a great controller for MK In my opinion... and I have played motorbikes too for the first time ever....

So to cut a long love story short... I would be up for a tournament


Hehehe this reminds me of the good old Wii times, although I only played a few VGCz online tournaments back then.
I'll join whenever I buy MK8... (for shame)

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Around the Network
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Who is the biggest MK player?

no leaderboards? you guys need a leader board to see who is the best xD

But we already know who's the best! xP

RolStoppable said:
Einsam_Delphin said:


Anywho's, now that yal've wisened up, count me in! I can also host if necessary!

Post your NNID, so that people can friend you.

NNID: Einsam_Delphin , same as my name! It's actually been on my license in my signature, but now with the new background and font color, I guess it can be pretty hard to see. Hopefully they'll change that soon!

RolStoppable said:

Does "a tournament" include the tournament that will be played today?

@Einsam: I see. Any VGC user with common sense has deactivated signatures though.

But you just proved you lack common sense, as you still tried to use tournament mode even after it failed three times and after it was explained why friends rooms are better!

I will be there. At the moment I can't tell if I'll have a partner though, so I'll come back later with an update.

RolStoppable said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

But you just proved you lack common sense, as you still tried to use tournament mode even after it failed three times and after it was explained why friends rooms are better!

I do not fully trust the likes of NintendoPie and Conegamer. Besides, common sense is to weigh all available options and pick the best one after trying them out, hence the test run on Tuesday. I have no butchered Mario Kart 8 tournament on my record, but I worry that today's two rooms might see so little attendance that in the end one room would have sufficed.

That wouldn't be a big a deal, since we can all just join your group if we see that there's 12 players total or less. Also, if someone else can be the second host, then they'd probably be best since I have a lot of friends who may try joining in! xD