Sorry to split like that Jski. But dam those matches were so laggy. When you can only SDI out of Pika's Dsmash half the time, there's a problem :X
Sorry to split like that Jski. But dam those matches were so laggy. When you can only SDI out of Pika's Dsmash half the time, there's a problem :X
Its on your end i think i was "ok" vs shea you where red to me you have somthing esle runing? You got to realize that lag was destorying my sheik game there no excuse to see a sheik F smash 10+ times in a game each time was me trying to do a F titl. It was bad please see what the problm is and fix it.
Ah. Well, what did you think of my Wario, anyways. ^^;
I just wish I could of pulled off a good DACUS once in a while. Instead Wario felt like doing unnecessary Dash attacks or DSmahes >.
You wario allways been ok i like how you started to use his N spcles more offten just dont spam it ppl will start to see it coming and it only good vs ppl like me who like to allways come and attk and not fall back into def.
Killing seems to be your only big problem on wario.... hmmm only thing i can think that is his best kill is eather time there attk so you can use the super armor of your F smash or try to do more up airs other then that i do not know what to tell you.
Jski said: Its on your end i think i was "ok" vs shea you where red to me you have somthing esle runing? You got to realize that lag was destorying my sheik game there no excuse to see a sheik F smash 10+ times in a game each time was me trying to do a F titl. It was bad please see what the problm is and fix it. |
Yeah. I think it's on my end. I need to get a new modem, It seems to be running even slower than usual lately. It doesn't help that I have steam and like6 FF tabs on right now ^^;
But also understand that lag affects me as well. I hate having to see Wario doing a double bite every time I pressed B. You should have been using that whip more, though. :P I just felt stupid trying to get through that thing
Ture but the ppl who have attks that out do and out rng others will allways have the advages in laggly games. Well i guess rng attks wins all but well you cant ko with nettles lol. Also all you got to do is land one hit i got to land 3 to = 1 hit with shiek but i like the speed so its worht it.
I find that if i have any thing but a web pages open my games are shot to hell. Most of the time i cant even tuch my favor one to play zss becuse of that bad lag. But its realy odd your nomly green to time you sure its just the modem?
I'm somewhat sure it could be the modem. But my modem has always been crap and my connection has been going bad just recently. It seems I forgot to close out of Portal before going online so that could be the problem, but I've been having more lag than usual even before our matches...
It's puzzling. I'll probably have to play around with the settings in my modem/router to see if I can fix my connection up again.
Koing is a problem I do notice a lot. Generally, I'm over reliant on early KOs using 3/4 charge Wario Waft. I agree that I could be using my Fsmash better. I usually just use it carelessly when I'm trying to get a KO. And I'll just get annoyed and go crazy with the c-stick if I don't hit after a few times. Like you saw on our Delifino match.
Great game twilit! Damn I hate Snake, he's just so hard to kill with anyone. With Peach it takes forever. Your Yoshi is so much better than mine it's not even funny :P Loved the Diddy spike in the last match!
Signature goes here!
haha, I got to admit, though. It is pretty amusing to see Snake getting smacked off and back on the edge till like 170. ^-^ Your Yoshi is actually really good, though. I say you could use more eggs, they're actually a pretty good projectile, and Edge canceled eggs are annoying as hell to face. When it comes to Bowser though, I'm pretty sure you saw grab is Yoshi's best freind, hehe :P
Dam, that Diddy Kong, him and that nifty dair will be the death of me. And all those nannerz *shudders* >.