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I'm somewhat sure it could be the modem. But my modem has always been crap and my connection has been going bad just recently. It seems I forgot to close out of Portal before going online so that could be the problem, but I've been having more lag than usual even before our matches...

It's puzzling. I'll probably have to play around with the settings in my modem/router to see if I can fix my connection up again.

Koing is a problem I do notice a lot. Generally, I'm over reliant on early KOs using 3/4 charge Wario Waft. I agree that I could be using my Fsmash better. I usually just use it carelessly when I'm trying to get a KO. And I'll just get annoyed and go crazy with the c-stick if I don't hit after a few times. Like you saw on our Delifino match.