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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

TruckOSaurus said:
iclim4 said:
I camp? I was on the offensive most of the time.
You kept throwing daggers at me. Moving back and charging them.
Marth doesn't have projectiles, I have to keep moving forward.

Wow! You managed to camp with Marth! You're the greatest Brawl player ever. Can you do it with Ike too?

It wasn't easy, but I did it!  Apparently...

You have to use your character's good moves.
Marth's Tilts cover a big area and makes it near impossible to do anything?
All the more reason I should use them if you ask me.

Zelda has wicked strong Smashes that's hard as hell to dodge, should you stop using them?

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iclim4 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
iclim4 said:
I camp? I was on the offensive most of the time.
You kept throwing daggers at me. Moving back and charging them.
Marth doesn't have projectiles, I have to keep moving forward.

Wow! You managed to camp with Marth! You're the greatest Brawl player ever. Can you do it with Ike too?

It wasn't easy, but I did it!  Apparently...

You have to use your character's good moves.
Marth's Tilts cover a big area and makes it near impossible to do anything?
All the more reason I should use them if you ask me.

Zelda has wicked Smashes that's hard as hell to dodge, should you stop using them?

You stay out of there rng marth got longer rng then zelda lol. Shiek should do well vs marth i do not get what going on. Shieks attks come out faster then marth so i do not get why your attks are even coming out it could be lag i do not know you are nomly red to me.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

Good Game. I love the map editor, It's just too limited.

Haha true, same applies for Shiek though. My sword is longer than your arms.
I just have to try to stay at the right distance where I can reach you but you can't reach me.
(This is where you usually Dodge to the side and I hit you with an Fsmash, I'm guessing you become impatient because you can't reach me?)
Also, your dodge to Dsmash always messes me up, even when I do my low lag tilts.
You're usually yellow to me though.
My best connections are with possum and Skeezer, which are both green.

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MaxwellGT2000 said:
taomaster06 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
taomaster06 said:
haha tonight was fun. been a while max since i played you i see u been training with ness/lucas. :)

and B4L you are banned from using DK of Falcon my face actually hurts from being punched so many damn times lmao

LOL Not really I play Brawl like once a month, it'll increase over the summer since all my friends come over and play but I took a good long break cause of the lack of time and backlog of many MANY games.

It would be nice to 1 vs 1 Ness and Lucas again.

lol yea we have do another 1 v 1 it was very fun last time.

You killed me last time, but I've changed up tactics since then, I had gotten too used to playing Fazz last time we seriously played and you beat me cause of it :P 

The climatic battle of the Patrick Earthbound masters must happen!

HAHAHA is that what we're called? i guess that'll work its kinda catchy. much better that the "asian sensations"

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

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Well i am done for now so i will be free for the next 1 hr any one up for a game?

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

taomaster06 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
taomaster06 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
taomaster06 said:
haha tonight was fun. been a while max since i played you i see u been training with ness/lucas. :)

and B4L you are banned from using DK of Falcon my face actually hurts from being punched so many damn times lmao

LOL Not really I play Brawl like once a month, it'll increase over the summer since all my friends come over and play but I took a good long break cause of the lack of time and backlog of many MANY games.

It would be nice to 1 vs 1 Ness and Lucas again.

lol yea we have do another 1 v 1 it was very fun last time.

You killed me last time, but I've changed up tactics since then, I had gotten too used to playing Fazz last time we seriously played and you beat me cause of it :P 

The climatic battle of the Patrick Earthbound masters must happen!

HAHAHA is that what we're called? i guess that'll work its kinda catchy. much better that the "asian sensations"

Easy wins for Tao.

taomaster06 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
taomaster06 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
taomaster06 said:
haha tonight was fun. been a while max since i played you i see u been training with ness/lucas. :)

and B4L you are banned from using DK of Falcon my face actually hurts from being punched so many damn times lmao

LOL Not really I play Brawl like once a month, it'll increase over the summer since all my friends come over and play but I took a good long break cause of the lack of time and backlog of many MANY games.

It would be nice to 1 vs 1 Ness and Lucas again.

lol yea we have do another 1 v 1 it was very fun last time.

You killed me last time, but I've changed up tactics since then, I had gotten too used to playing Fazz last time we seriously played and you beat me cause of it :P 

The climatic battle of the Patrick Earthbound masters must happen!

HAHAHA is that what we're called? i guess that'll work its kinda catchy. much better that the "asian sensations"

I'd say so, we pretty much are the two biggest Ness and Lucas users, we're around the same skill level, and everytime it's usually pretty epic.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

taomaster06 said:

HAHAHA is that what we're called? i guess that'll work its kinda catchy. much better that the "asian sensations"

Jealousy is a sin my friend.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

Good games Jski, Shea, Twil and truck.
A bit laggy but still enjoyable. ^_^

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