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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

Good games Shea and Riot. @ Riot; I laughed so hard when when I got you with Side-B over the edge with Ganny and took us both down ^__^

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I got a lot of work to do. I couldn't even beat Xyro with MK.

I'm gonna PM him for some more help. Last time he helped me improve a lot.

ima go online soon, wanna 1v1 riot? or if xyro ever goes online

shea did we make your mario glitch he was flashing just like when you are invincible

someone wanna play?

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hmm sry if you didnt like the bomb spam at the end dib but it was to show you how its less fun to play that way, i didnt think bombs would do that good vs arrows lol

Shea does not joke on that starfox stage.

Those platforms=anoying.


Complaining about platforms when my favorite stage is battlefield.

Huh, I didn't mind the bomb spam, and they probably don't work, it's very hard to get the curve off in the arrow from mid range when online, the timing has to be exact. I saw I could hit the bombs with the arrows but oh well just couldn't aim.

The only issue I had was the double team you guys kept running on me, thats why I kept taunting when I realized twit had 80% I had 40 and you basically ignored him to come strait for me, while I was running for him. (Jumped over him to avoid hitting him to hit me) But I've learned how not to take that kind of stuff personally, the matches weren't fun but I'm just testing out different offensive moves.

For the record hells I only spammed the arrows when I'm being ignored or when your running away from me. ie. your Ganon, remember I don't know how to dash and with my luck I'd just prat fall. (The timing for the dash online after an attack is wierd and throws me off.)

Yesterday was a funny game though, I think it was Twilit I cought with the spike and his body hit shea while his fox was doing the fox fire to come up and they both lost their lives. But no I honestly didn't mind the bomb spam, I just get annoyed at the delay before my attacks come out and how wierd and disjointed young links hit boxes are. (No one around where I am uses young link so playing yours isn't annoying)

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Twit wins tonight. You Wolf is unbelievable.

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