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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

Wow, Long thread

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Riot Of The Blood said:
I'm not too sure I like that idea, WoW.

First off, I prefer the Zero series Zero. I would want him in instead, because his character design is much cooler looking. I don't think Zero should be slower than X, niether. Zero's gameplay has always been much faster than X's. He swings his sword with lighting speed. If they kep Zero true to his game, I could see him playing like a faster Marth.

If you played the X games (with X3), you'd remember that X was the one with all the air-dash goodness.  Zero didn't have that.  In Zero's games, he has the same mobility.

And Zero looks kind of dorky in the Zero series IMO; an option to switch it would be good.  (Note:  Looks like you mentioned that below.)


Riot Of The Blood said:

I think X's down b should allow him to switch to his armor or either an alternate power (Fire, Ice, ect).

That's the other possible idea.  Using one of the buttons to switch armor/guns.  Giving X 3 or 4 different special moves would be really interesting.  What moves would you want to see him have?


Riot Of The Blood said:

Zero's alternate colors could switch him from the X version and Zero version, like how Wario is.

That would rock on so many levels... ^_^

The powers X usually gets from bosses aren't really that great. If I had to choose 4 different powers for X, I would just give him four different armors. some would make him faster, some would make him heavier with more knock back. I think that would be more interesting than just switching his projectiles with each of his forms. X would be really cool like this, IMO.

X can air dash and has a lot of different things Zero lacked, but Zero's gameplay was always faster. X tends to take less damage because of his armor and he has better option from long range. But it takes forever to blow stuff up with him. Zero could tear through stages and blow bosses away so fast it's just insane. The pace was much faster with Zero. X took much more skill to play, IMO.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Riot Of The Blood said:
The powers X usually gets from bosses aren't really that great. If I had to choose 4 different powers for X, I would just give him four different armors. some would make him faster, some would make him heavier with more knock back. I think that would be more interesting than just switching his projectiles with each of his forms. X would be really cool like this, IMO.

X can air dash and has a lot of different things Zero lacked, but Zero's gameplay was always faster. X tends to take less damage because of his armor and he has better option from long range. But it takes forever to blow stuff up with him. Zero could tear through stages and blow bosses away so fast it's just insane. The pace was much faster with Zero. X took much more skill to play, IMO.

I think he could have some pretty cool weapons.

X-Buster:  Small shots and various levels of charge.

Storm Tornado:  Fires a horizontal wind attack that pushes people and travels across the stage.  Longer range than Squirtle/Mario's water attacks but not quite as much pushback.  Great for edgeguarding.

Strike Chain:  Fires a horizonal chain (length is about ZSS' or just a tad longer).  This could be X's grab move.

Crystal Hunter: Fires a small blob that encases the opponent in a crystal for a brief period of time.  Think Yoshi's tongue/egg only with range.

Magnet Mine:  Fires a mine that can be guided up and down as it flies.  If it hits the stage it acts like Snake's Down smash mine.  Could maybe have 2 or 3 out at a time.

Frost Shield:  X creates a spikey shield of ice that hurts anyone it touches.  Gets broken after one hit though.

Rising Fire:  X does a firey uppercut that encases a good part of his body.  This could be X's Up B.

Guard Shell:  Puts an energy shield in front of X which can reflect attacks and projectiles (like Falco's reflector only short range).

X has some pretty fun options for various weapons IMO.

Storm Tornado would be badass. That was one of my favorite powers from that game. Let him charge it and get kills of the top too like Pikachu. haha

Megaman X, to me, had the best boss powers. It's one of the few games I didn't go 100% X-buster.

I would actually play your version X. Seems like a lot of fun.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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What do you think his Side+B would be?

It depends...

If X is switching froms, I think he should always have his X-buster and the side b should be the main attack of whatever form he switches to.

For standard X, I think it should probably be his dash. He could use it in the air also for horizontal recovery. I'm assuming his other forms would have different recovery options.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Hm... I don't really like projectile Side+B's. Samus' missiles are an annoyance to me as moving while firing is sometimes inconvenient. I prefer projectiles to be only on B.

Dash moves are okay as long as they're not like Wolf's where you can die stupidly by using them accidentally.

Words Of Wisdom said:

How are Sophitia and Seung Mina? ^_^



I've never had any intrest in either of those characters, so I couldn't tell ya. =/

I usually play Yun-Seong, Raphael, and Ivy. I use Amy this time around though instead of Raphael. Amy is pretty fast at attacking, links attacks together well, and has quite a lot of multi strike hits and inherent combos. She has a 10 hit combo that requires a grand total of 3 button presses >.> Ivy I like because her whip forms range is just insane and the amount of unblockables she has is just rediculous. Yun-Seong, just because he's obscenely fast overall.

I was going to use Ashlotte... but her being an exact clone of Astaroth just royally pissed me off. I took her to training and though she was cool at first, then I started noticing things I'd seen before, then I did her critical finish and it hit me. She's just a smaller Astaroth.

Oh, and I finally tested the difference between a Create a Character Amy and Amy herself. The Create a Characters do have more range when they're larger then the original and less when smaller. Size matters? lol

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