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The powers X usually gets from bosses aren't really that great. If I had to choose 4 different powers for X, I would just give him four different armors. some would make him faster, some would make him heavier with more knock back. I think that would be more interesting than just switching his projectiles with each of his forms. X would be really cool like this, IMO.

X can air dash and has a lot of different things Zero lacked, but Zero's gameplay was always faster. X tends to take less damage because of his armor and he has better option from long range. But it takes forever to blow stuff up with him. Zero could tear through stages and blow bosses away so fast it's just insane. The pace was much faster with Zero. X took much more skill to play, IMO.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!