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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

Riot Of The Blood said:
The only stages I pick are:

Metaknight stage, battlefield, FD, yoshi, pokemon, Marth's stage, animal crossing. I don't mind other stages as long they're not bullshit stages. It seriously shouldn't matter what stage we fight on as long as it's valid.

Stages matter to me as I don't want to keep playing on the same ones over and over.  That's not fun for me.

Literally it got to the point where every single match was one of those 3 stages. 


Around the Network

Stages that I pick:
Yoshi's island
Final destination
Pokemon stadium 1

I sometimes pick the Kid Icarus one.

the ones i pick are:
final destination
that animal crossing one
and that one with the ship(i cant remember its name)

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

IvoYarido said:
Samus and Game & Watch have really slow and easy to punish rolls. I'd avoid using them at all costs. People can use a smash, you roll, and they'll still have time to dash attack you before your roll ends. Your only invulnerable for about half of it, so keep that in mind.

Your Samus is pretty good, your Game & Watch is iffy. I hit you with so many projectiles on R.O.B. and I didn't see a single Down-B =/. Turtle Rocks, use the B-air not the F-air to approach as the F-air has a lot of landing lag and its an offstage KO shot, best to be preserved. Forward-B is High Risk, Mediocre Reward 90% of the time. Sometimes it won't even cause hit stun, so I'd only use it once in a blue moon. The 9 may be awesome, but you'll only land it maybe... once in a hundred matches. Watch the predictableness of Up-B to D-air, it might seem unpunishable but by a well placed spot dodge its very easy to punish. His Dash Attacks sucks for anything other then canceling Meta Knights tornado, use it sparingly.

Samus, dash attack less as its easy to shield and punish. N-air combos well. Don't spike people into the ground if they're airborn and your near the ground with them. That's just asking to be hit right back. Save KO shots, lay off of F-smash and D-Tilt as they'll KO around 125% depending on the character and stage position if preserved.

yeah i need to stop doing so many rolls,anyways thanks for the tips


tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Riot Of The Blood said:
yes I'm azula.


 wait your azula?no ownder when you played marth and meta knight you were very good

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Around the Network

I tend to prefer stages with platforms.

That way I can try and copy stuff I seen Ken's Marth do in melee. You don't want me to catch you on top of a platform.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

i pick random and have it set to all the neutral stages. occasionally i'll through in halberd(sp?) and very rarely jungle japes.

Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

Riot Of The Blood said:
I tend to prefer stages with platforms.

That way I can try and copy stuff I seen Ken's Marth do in melee. You don't want me to catch you on top of a platform.

I do not like platforms because ppl have a tendsly to hid under them all the time and camping in there own way.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

Shea's falco pisses me off so much. I hate when I have to fight her Falco. It's the most annoying Falco I have ever seen. It drives me crazy.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Words Of Wisdom said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
The only stages I pick are:

Metaknight stage, battlefield, FD, yoshi, pokemon, Marth's stage, animal crossing. I don't mind other stages as long they're not bullshit stages. It seriously shouldn't matter what stage we fight on as long as it's valid.

Stages matter to me as I don't want to keep playing on the same ones over and over. That's not fun for me.

Literally it got to the point where every single match was one of those 3 stages.



Playing online with friends is about sacrifice. I seriously play some people that will only ever pick FD, but it bother me none. It annoys me when people shut percentages off, but I deal with it. I never want to play on a banned stage, but if its with 3 other people I'll put up with it. When playing with 3 other people, you have to try to accomidate them as well. Taking turns is the name of the game.

Last night I had 5 stages (or was it 6?) I picked and actually enjoy playing on End Contested, that just made me feel like I wasn't going to be allowed to have the slightest bit of fun for that night, which is why I left. I would have dealt with Spear Pillar or even 75M if they showed up because I know other people might enjoy them, but to not let me have fun on a stage of my chosing? Everyones idea of fun is different, which is why online you have to make sacrifices when playing with others. I personally, don't like it when percentages are off, and I have fun on neutral stages or tame counterpicks. I can be content on other counterpicks, but every banned stage just gives me a headache and I'd rather stab myself in the leg with a dagger then play on some of them.

To put it in perspective, how would you have felt if I end contested Spear Pillar, Temple, and every other stage you actually enjoy playing on just because I'm tired of ever playing on them? I wouldn't ever do that (except in duels for giants) but still you probably wouldn't find it pleasing.

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