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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony E3 Prediction Thread:Come check your results!


Sony e3!

Hell yaaaaa 61 31.61%
Bring it 8 4.15%
Sony, Sony 10 5.18%
All my dreams 7 3.63%
I'm getting teary eyed 9 4.66%
Yes, yes,yes 2 1.04%
hype, hype 7 3.63%
Dammit where is vs 13 and the last guardian! 38 19.69%
PS4!!! 38 19.69%
Who am I? Where am I? 12 6.22%

Board me on the hype train! NOW!!! xD

Around the Network

Je suis on board, mon frere.

The last 3 E3s from Sony have been pretty disappointing. I think this will be the best one in a very long time, END IT ON A MEGATON SONY!

count me in!

One ticket on that hype train please !
I want to go here:

Final Fantasy Versus XIII or GTFO. Also, ticket please?

Around the Network

I Predict that Sony will announce Uncharted: Temple of the Damned for Vita.

PSP Lifetime more than PSV+3DS Lifetime.


  • Another Uncharted for Vita is announced
  • Naughty Dog don't show their PS4 game
  • Santa Monica and Ready at Dawn show new IPs
  • 2 models, $449 and $499, both have the same storage space, something else like move/PSeye/PS+/Gaikai is offered with the $499 model.
  • Quantic Dream tease new game, Cage comes on stage and talks about feels
  • Kaz Hirai will reference an internet meme, possibly his gifs or the fake kaz
  • Game of the show is shown at Sony's conference but it isn't a Sony published title
  • All of these predictions will be wrong

I'm on board

Updating op now. Done

Choo, choo!

hmm any upcoming announced vita titles for the op? I have no clue about the vita lol

me too

I want on this hype train!! How much is a ticket?