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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Last Of Us first Multiplayer Gameplay

nnodley said:
Necromunda said:
El_Machete said:
i played this bad boy on a 4K tv today :)

Its just on another level, truly amazing.

this tv BTW :D

You played a 720p game on a 4k TV, congrats :P

In all seriousness, I play my PS3 games on a 105" screen with a 1080p projector, the fact that the games are 720p REALLY show at that size. Can't wait for the PS4, the 1080p crispness is going to be immense. 

I play on 70 inch and 720p still looks pretty damn good at that size.  I was sure the jaggies would come out then but I was surprised to actally not see any.  105" is monstrous though so I can see how 720p might not be as good then.

720p is pretty brutal at 105", It's pretty much jag city on most games with some being better than others. However I just took some 1080p screenshots from Infamous: Second Son and Killzone: Shadow Fall and displayed them on my projector... My god are they beautiful, it's going to be unreal playing the PS4 at that size with all that detail. 

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just decent looking though I like that the weapons do less damage to enemies. Hate when like one or two shots kills.

looks like more uncharted which is a good thing

This is a single player experience first and above all else. MP can suck donkey balls for all I care as long as SP meets expectations.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Gameplay doesn't look good.

Bullet sponge hit detection is fine, but this looks unbalanced. Several shots from a rifle wont take you down, but a few swings from a 2X4 will, that doesn't make sense. Melee looks like its straight from Uncharted and that's not a good thing.

On a plus side, the verticality of Uncharted is still there but the movement have more weight, a bit like Gears as apposed to the ropy and slippery movements of Uncharted.

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I can't see multiplayer part of this game lasting too long.

Player2 said:
Wright said:
I can't...I can't believe. The video is from Hobby Consolas.

Hobby Consolas! THAT MAGAZINE SUCKS. IT MAKES ME FEEL BAD FOR BEING A SPANISH GAMER. How the hell did they get something like this?!

Do we have anything that doesn't suck and don't make us feel bad for being spanish?

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Wright said:
I can't...I can't believe. The video is from Hobby Consolas.

Hobby Consolas! THAT MAGAZINE SUCKS. IT MAKES ME FEEL BAD FOR BEING A SPANISH GAMER. How the hell did they get something like this?!

NOOOOOOOOO, i am portuguese and i used to buy it back in the ps1 era , i still have my guides for ff 7 and ff 8 from hobby consoles final fantasy speacial edition !!!







I'm going to beg a mate to let me borrow his spare PS3 and play this game... I know he already has it pre-ordered!

For the single player by the looks of it though, I should wait till a HD version comes out.

I saw some gear similarities, like some parts of movement, and when they were firing the magnum.

Looks very generic compared to the very original and innovative campaign.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


the video has been removed......