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Forums - Sony Discussion - Naughty Dog will keep its engine tech for PS4 development

I'm sorry but you wreak of fanboy criticizing ND right now for a problem that doesn't exist. People criticize COD because of its graphics, not engine. That engine is the reason for THEIR graphics problems.

Valve has used the Source engine longer than COD has used theirs, but Valve's isn't a POS. We will criticize ND when their engine is insufficient, but it isn't!

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bananaking21 said:
sales2099 said:

lol defensive? They said it themselves that a new engine requires time and especially money. This way makes more sense, it is a business after all and it is a smart one.

But Uncharted series looks fantastic because the engine was tailored towards PS3. Now, Naughty Dog PS4 games will look next gen/surpurb, but now we have that little feeling that says that they could have looked just a bit better if the engine was PS4 tailored.

In the end, it means little and the graphics gap will be small. They made the right choice.

this post has nothing to do with your first claim. and you went on and said it again. im still waiting for you to explain how you know this and provide us with actuall data

im just talking based on the info we have. Sounds like common sense to me. Demanding citations and its always funny when this response is given. Either talk to me or disregard my post.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
bananaking21 said:

sales2099 said:

lol defensive? They said it themselves that a new engine requires time and especially money. This way makes more sense, it is a business after all and it is a smart one.

But Uncharted series looks fantastic because the engine was tailored towards PS3. Now, Naughty Dog PS4 games will look next gen/surpurb, but now we have that little feeling that says that they could have looked just a bit better if the engine was PS4 tailored.

In the end, it means little and the graphics gap will be small. They made the right choice.

this post has nothing to do with your first claim. and you went on and said it again. im still waiting for you to explain how you know this and provide us with actuall data

im just talking based on the info we have. Sounds like common sense to me. Demanding citations and its always funny when this response is given. Either talk to me or disregard my post.

but the info and data that are provided say otherwise. the parts of the engine that work and run well will stay. and the others that dont work will be rewritten. instead of remaking the entire engine. 

sales2099 said:
bananaking21 said:
sales2099 said:

lol defensive? They said it themselves that a new engine requires time and especially money. This way makes more sense, it is a business after all and it is a smart one.

But Uncharted series looks fantastic because the engine was tailored towards PS3. Now, Naughty Dog PS4 games will look next gen/surpurb, but now we have that little feeling that says that they could have looked just a bit better if the engine was PS4 tailored.

In the end, it means little and the graphics gap will be small. They made the right choice.

this post has nothing to do with your first claim. and you went on and said it again. im still waiting for you to explain how you know this and provide us with actuall data

im just talking based on the info we have. Sounds like common sense to me. Demanding citations and its always funny when this response is given. Either talk to me or disregard my post.

Yeah, so funny when people want sources on a statement from a vocal fan of a different company....

bananaking21 said:
sales2099 said:

im just talking based on the info we have. Sounds like common sense to me. Demanding citations and its always funny when this response is given. Either talk to me or disregard my post.

but the info and data that are provided say otherwise. the parts of the engine that work and run well will stay. and the others that dont work will be rewritten. instead of remaking the entire engine. 

It is common sense that a engine built from scratch to cater to a specific console will look better.This way is more economic, and should save NG a lot of time and man-power.

That was my core claim and there is really no need to be defensive on that statement.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Around the Network
KHlover said:
sales2099 said:

im just talking based on the info we have. Sounds like common sense to me. Demanding citations and its always funny when this response is given. Either talk to me or disregard my post.

Yeah, so funny when people want sources on a statement from a vocal fan of a different company....

Nothing to do with that. Its about just talking about news and whenever someone points out something, a plausible observation, fans turn into pretend lawyers and demand witnesses, citations, and pre-approved court evidence in order for it to be admissible as official evidence.

Were just discussing a topic, with multiple interpretations, so thats why I find those responses amusing.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
bananaking21 said:
sales2099 said:

im just talking based on the info we have. Sounds like common sense to me. Demanding citations and its always funny when this response is given. Either talk to me or disregard my post.

but the info and data that are provided say otherwise. the parts of the engine that work and run well will stay. and the others that dont work will be rewritten. instead of remaking the entire engine. 

It is common sense that a engine built from scratch to cater to a specific console will look better.This way is more economic, and should save NG a lot of time and man-power.

That was my core claim and there is really no need to be defensive on that statement.

so unreal engine 4 will look worse on PS4/X1 then most engines that are built for other next gen games? because unreal 4 wasnt built from scratch for the PS4 or X1. 

the core of your claim has no reason behind it to back it up. 

bananaking21 said:
sales2099 said:

It is common sense that a engine built from scratch to cater to a specific console will look better.This way is more economic, and should save NG a lot of time and man-power.

That was my core claim and there is really no need to be defensive on that statement.

so unreal engine 4 will look worse on PS4/X1 then most engines that are built for other next gen games? because unreal 4 wasnt built from scratch for the PS4 or X1. 

the core of your claim has no reason behind it to back it up. 

"look worse"

Define worse. Because the gap will to me anyway, be so small we wouldn't notice. Had Unreal 4 be catered, it would look better, but the term "better" is again, a very small difference that the average gamer won't notice anyway. That's me anyway, just let it go. I actually agree with ND on their decision, no need to run to their defense.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
bananaking21 said:
sales2099 said:

It is common sense that a engine built from scratch to cater to a specific console will look better.This way is more economic, and should save NG a lot of time and man-power.

That was my core claim and there is really no need to be defensive on that statement.

so unreal engine 4 will look worse on PS4/X1 then most engines that are built for other next gen games? because unreal 4 wasnt built from scratch for the PS4 or X1.

the core of your claim has no reason behind it to back it up.

"look worse"

Define worse. Because the gap will to me anyway, be so small we wouldn't notice. Had Unreal 4 be catered, it would look better, but the term "better" is again, a very small difference that the average gamer won't notice anyway. That's me anyway, just let it go. I actually agree with ND on their decision, no need to run to their defense.


Oh guys, what is this arguing for? The "news" isn't worth starting to argue, is it? There is no engine out there that has no line of code of old engines before. Leave it at that.

I am going to wait and see ND's first PS4 game and then see how the engine works on a next gen system. I am clearly insane.